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Everything posted by victorialynn2

  1. Pretty sure that’s a 56. The other maybe a 40’s Ford? You will get an answer here from the pros. Thanks for sharing!
  2. There’s a Ford show tonight. I saw that on facebook. I saw a nice V8 pickup and lots of others. I’m exhausted from moving and have to finish up tomorrow so won’t make the show tomorrow either. Plus I need to get that clunking noise checked. ?
  3. @Bill Stoneberg Thanks for sharing a story about you and your dad. That’s a great idea if you don’t have a photo. You can still share a story!
  4. Looks very similar to the one of dad’s I sold.
  5. That is true. And sometimes they become friends IRL also. I feel I personally have made many virtual friends and a couple real life friends here as well. There is always a tinge of sadness when I read of fellow members who have passed, even though I haven’t known any.
  6. I have ZERO mechanical skills! ? John, I need to get it looked at. What’s the name and number again? Can you PM me with it? I’m crazy busy. Work’s nuts AND I’m moving from the temporary apartment to the condo this week. And a golf tournament Friday. I don’t even think I will make the Medford Cruise Car show Saturday. ?
  7. You guys have the best stories. Thanks for sharing them! Happy Father’s Day to you all
  8. Yes. Only stalled a couple times. ? There’s a clunking from the front driver’s side on slow sharp corners sometimes. Hoping the brakes are not falling off! ?
  9. The President of our company was down today from Boise. The three of us Managers and he went to dinner at the country club. I drove him in the 57. One of my sales reps wanted a photo op also.
  10. Thank you for sharing Eric. Very neat pics. Sorry for your loss. I miss my father also due to his memory loss. I have to move this weekend and am unable to make the 4 hour trip to see him. I hope you find some peace in your happy memories with your father, as I do.
  11. So sorry for the loss of your friend Steve.
  12. Please post your favorite photo(s) of your father with his car(s). This is one of my father with the Skyliner. This is a picture of a photo, so it’s not real clear. Eventually, when I get unpacked from moving (again this week), I will try to post some others. I have some of him even as a teen in Inkster, (and probably Dearborn Heights also), Michigan, in the 50’s, with his first flatheads. Happy Father’s Day to you all. Wish I could spend it with my dad.
  13. Yes but that link is blocked. What was it?
  14. And she made it and is now tucked away in her Southern Oregon home! Thanks Jack & John!
  15. Not with my car! I’d be hunting you down for sure. ?? Y’all know when I set my mind to something, nothing stops me!
  16. I know that you know what your doing. Nice day for a drive. Enjoy the trip.
  17. Do you have it double strapped, like the Chevy? ? I don’t trust those old chain tie downs. I’ve had some of his loose chains snap. No telling how old they are... Anyway, have a safe trip and thank you so much for doing this!
  18. And since we are sharing stories about our Texas dogs... this happened the other day, out of the blue. Patsy barely even makes a sound, but I worked an especially long day and she wanted to play. She started making noises and I kept telling her “I love you”. To my surprised, she talked back! Ok, I hear you saying this isn’t about a car, but I had to post it anyway. I hope you don’t mind. ? as you can see from Bear and Patsy, Texas rescue dogs are pretty special! Plus they both helped me ship cars from Texas to Oregon.
  19. Ahhh NO! Nice try @Xander Wildeisen ???
  20. Thanks to @JACK M and @keiser31 for orchestrating this move while I focus on work. I am very grateful for your help! Just keep it under 55 when you offload it! ?
  21. The truth behind this story embellished by Jack’s UPS guy is this... Bear is a hurricane dog that I rescued for a companion to Patsy Cline, my other Texas rescue. I got her the year before. It didn’t work out as Patsy is too much for sweet Bear. Jack offered to adopt Bear after I told him what a great dog he is, and he came to Texas to help me and met him. Since I think quite highly of Jack, and Bear as well, I brought Bear home to Oregon for him. I knew it was destiny for them both. Jack had been without a dog for too long, at least in my opinion. Let’s just say it has a very happy ending for all. Bear and Jack definitely belong together. I love this pup and would have gone to the ends of the earth to find him the right home. Turns out, his home was meant to be with Jack all along. Now, I just need to stop dragging Texas dogs home with me, otherwise another one of you guys will wind up with a sweet Texas pup!
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