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Everything posted by victorialynn2

  1. I experienced this going to Austin airport. It routed me to a commercial area behind the airport and almost made my daughter late for a flight.
  2. I’d love to see if if you come down. I’m not an old guy or a young girl, so I will have to be a spectator. ? Be safe!
  3. Speaking of crazy towing... this is the equipment that picked up the 55 Chevy a couple weeks ago. That 1 ton was loaded behind the Chevy. There was hardly any room between the cars and that’s not even a dually hauling it. Not surprising that the truck truck broke down and had transmission issues. I was very close to calling this haul off, but someone more experienced was with me and seemed okay with it. Honestly I don’t know enough to second guess, but it made me uncomfortable. The Chevy arrived unscathed. The trucker mangled the two right ramps when he reloaded the 1 ton and the tires barely squeezed between his wheel wells. It was a brand new truck.
  4. Yes, I had many sleepless nights wondering how I would tackle it. I was fortunate the someone upstairs brought the right people, at the right time to help. I often have felt as though a guardian angle has been watching over me during this adventure. Thanks everyone, and no worries. I’m not leaving you all, just might be less active due to work commitments. No worries @Xander Wildeisen, you are not getting rid of me that easy! P.S. I believe that book is currently stored in a Pod somewhere. I may not find it until later this summer.
  5. Ha! Well it’s $2500 I never thought I’d receive and it’s legit. ? My father has had a hearing issue since he was in his 20’s. Sadly, he can not hear well enough to listen to music anymore. It’s rough because it was a big part of his life. Thanks for thinking of him though, Bernie.
  6. I’m not sure if I ever told you guys, but Patsy loves riding with the top down in the ‘57. I sit on her leash, since there are no seat belts to buckle her into. I was afraid at first she might try to jump out if she saw a dog or something. She just sits right by me, happy as a clam!
  7. I will do better next time. It is harder from the back seat though!
  8. I had a great time at dinner with @keiser31 and his significant other. What super great people. Thank you for the warm welcome to Southern Oregon! I did indeed see several cars. Sadly, my trigger finger isn’t as fast as Keiser’s! This is the only pic I got! ?
  9. I met him around 2008 or 2009. I think you are correct that it was harder back then to even track people in a foreign company.
  10. Yes, I will call you around 2 to check in as to what time works best to meet. I look forward to meeting you and your wife! No worries guys, I intend to keeps tabs on y’all. I just won’t be on practically everyday like I have been. I still have the 57. She is in storage for now, but will be out this summer. Hopefully @JACK M will assist to move her down here later this spring or summer. I am keeping the 63 Corvair Spyder Vert and the 48 Willys Jeepster for now as well. I will definitely need some advice again in the future! As @trimacar said, there have been good times and sad times, but it’s been an entertaining experience, thanks in large part to all of you who helped me through with encouragement and information. You will never know what everyone’s friendship and support meant to me when I was stranded in the middle of rural Texas, over my head with responsibilities. This position is exactly what I was doing, aside from the management and with a different title company, before I started helping my father. Aside from moving to a new area, it’s an easy and welcome transition. I do love helping my clients and my industry. Thank you everyone!
  11. Very interesting to see this all spelled out. I’ve heard you talk about bits and pieces, but this puts it in perspective.
  12. It’s official guys, I am now retired from the “Old Car Princess” business. I haven’t liquidated all of my father’s cars and things, but I’m going back to work. I won’t be around as much to pester y’all with questions, but I will keep in touch!
  13. No worries, I just wasn’t sure if I was missing something. Y’all know I don’t mind side conversations. Your example is exactly what my attorney does. I met him as he was a guest speaking in my blogging support group that I started for Realtors. They were having issues with other Realtors stealing photos and content. He put a stop to it for our Realtors. Learned a a lot about copyrights and intellectual property rights. I ran this car thing by him and he was nice enough to follow up with it.
  14. I am lost as to where you and Nick are going with this conversation?
  15. That would be very helpful for others. I remember winters in NH, and still have family there. The NE has had a cold spring!
  16. You can save photos to “boards” also. Great for say a recipe that you want to save. Sadly lots of advertisers and spammers are using it, so when the links are expired, the photos are not taken down.
  17. Have you posted any update on how the garage is coming along?
  18. The idea of Pinterest is to click on photos and they link to websites. There’s a lot of spam there also.
  19. His hardware is also linked if he’s getting text notifications from her cell. Lots of us link laptops and cells so we can go back and forth during the day and have them both updated.
  20. Nick, you have your laptop synced with her phone. There are settings for Facebook and other apps, as well as phones and laptops that you can set. This isn’t the place to go into it and I’m retired from computer support anyway.
  21. I will say this is not an area to take chances. The most curves and grades of any route I took from Tx to Portland, Or. I never had issues with my rig and trailer. It wasn’t just luck. It was tested at times.
  22. You would know! Sounds good. Talk to the wife and let me know. I work regular hours most of the time.
  23. Honestly don’t know how he tracked it down.
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