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Everything posted by victorialynn2

  1. While going through the pics, I found this also... he tried to give me this for graduation. I was embarrassed to drive it because I thought it looked funny. ?‍♀️ I haven’t found a picture of it yet, but I’m sure there is one in these boxes.
  2. Right before I got there he sold a couple of very nice Hudson pickups. I found receipts and pictures. I’m sure I will come across them again.
  3. He’s had many Hudsons over the years so it is likely.
  4. Yes it could be a wagon version of that. Never heard of it.
  5. Does anyone know what car this is? This was taken in Germany I believe.
  6. And a couple with him and I when I was very young, and one with Rex, in Germany where I was born in April of 1965. Christmas was always a big deal to him. My father was stationed in Germany while in the Air Force. The pick up and camper we drove from Oregon to NH where he was stationed state-side. Me, my mother, a sister and three brothers (my mother had them before she married my father). I must have been about 4 and I remember some of it.
  7. Today is my father’s 83rd Birthday. I figured I should finally at least try and go through some of his pics I’ve dragged across country and post a few in his honor. I will add some additional ones later if you’d like, but it’s still quite hard for me to go through these.
  8. Wow, this makes me very sad. I’ve been here a few times and always enjoyed it. They have a large, beautiful collection and rotate additional cars in. They knew their stuff also. Here is a pic of my dad on my first visit. @JACK M, this is where I wanted to take you on the way to Austin airport. I will I’ll try to get in one more visit before they close. ???
  9. Did they come with starters on the floor?
  10. Against my will (reluctant old car princess), this is my experience and the advice I’d give.
  11. I take my last comment back... no boyfriend. They get me off track. Lol.
  12. @Matt Harwood, as a sales professional, I applaud you. Very informative and helpful without being pushy. So... many of you know I grew up with mint C1’s and C2’s and hate the C3’s (Barbie Cars). C4’s are interesting as an extra, extra car. I need something more practical or a boyfriend with a tow vehicle who can do Tx with me a few more times. ?‍♀️ Lol
  13. Right?!? this would make a great extra car. (With the 57 extra, extra).
  14. They are kind of hard to find and incredibly reasonable in price right now. Matt’s a guy I’d buy a car from. If you can, buy it. I think I will pick one of these up for fun down the road and go more practical right now. It sure is tempting though. I probably would have plunked down the cash for it if it was in front of me. My friend picked up two nice ones. The 98 was about this price and he has a 2002 (I think?) That he paid more for. 8k seems like a deal for it. His are in very nice condition too. This is a car who’s market value shocks me being as reasonable as it is. That is why I think they will increase in the future. But what do I know? ?‍♀️
  15. BTW, it’s a motorized Retractable hard top. A mini version of my 57 RHT.
  16. We went shopping a couple times and traveled with it. Groceries and suitcases are not compatible. A really great 2nd car though!
  17. Back off buddy, it’s mine! (Just kidding) ??? These are wonderful to drive and a bargain right now IMHO. I think they will appreciate in the future.
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