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Everything posted by bhambulldog

  1. I've been driving mine with the power steering belt removed (due to leaks on both pump and power cylinder) There is a ​noticeable increase in acceleration... That's one reason I haven't got around to fixing the leaks, I like the way it drives better without ​power steering
  2. Edsel gets a bad rap. It wasn't a bad car. And the styling was no worse than other cars of the same years. Edsel was an idea to go head to head with the five GM marques. Edsel was simply introduced at the wrong time. Car sales across the board were down each year from Edsel's introduction. If Edsel had been introduced in 1950, when cars sales were increasing every year until 1957 .. Edsel might have a different story Thanks for posting that. Most interesting. And entertaining !!
  3. Thanks for that clear concise history !!:cool:
  4. When my Dad drove the Roadmaster more often than not, I was in the passenger seat. I had the mirror adjusted so I could see what was behind, for sure !
  5. I use "The Cincinnati Company" for the Roadmaster for $25,000 agreed value. They insure my daily drivers (complete coverage), along with; my house and even identity theft. $117 month
  6. Click "old tank"s user name and go to his homepage. He has beaucoup photos of his Century (The "A" pillar on my Roadmaster is different. It wouldn't help you to see the placement on mine)
  7. It can be used if, the driver sits in the middle and uses the left hand to steer and left foot on the accelerator and brake. It's how I back mine into my 10' wide garage. Other than that , the right mirror is for symmetry/
  8. Including the '55 Roadmaster, I have owned one Buick.
  9. That's no reason to be embarrassed. They should advertise a price, it's their piece. They should know what it's worth. or., what they'll take for it.
  10. Modern Non ethanol gasoline is superior to some of the older fuels Ethanol added to gasoline makes a less efficient fuel. Running my car on a lean mixture can lead to overheating of the heads. Causing a valve train seizure For my car the fuel is an important component of the cooling system
  11. I'm viewing and writing on "Tapatalk" application, now. I use "Tapatalk" for AACA, V8Buick.com, TeamBuick, and Dodge Durango forums. If I recall, the cost was a onetime fee of $3. It works well. Some of the posted photos give me trouble But, I can see most photos with no problem
  12. For Transmission and Power steering, use; Dexron III or IV or any of the subsequent Dexron ATF For the rear axle, use ;
  13. All the Studebakers were ahead of their time The Hawk for example I like the Studebakers
  14. Nice Work !!! I went several years with silver painted bumpers before having them rechromed. replating is a big budget item for sure...
  15. That's the standard yellow paint marker of the used car factories
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