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Everything posted by stealthbob

  1. Mine just arrived less than an hour ago....great stuff guys!
  2. Someone's paying attention.... I was just being ironical :rolleyes:
  3. I will be doing the same thing come spring and have been reading around.... I found this and was told by a couple of engine guys that it is a good way to go about it: Breaking in your new or rebuilt engine
  4. Well regardless of its outcome that was a neat story. The work it must have taken to replicate all the panels and work them into fiberglass is an awesome feat. He must have been quite good with his hands and surely a unique individual.... Thanks for letting us know....eventually So what are your plans...you seem to indicate that you are willing to part ways with this one.
  5. Lacrosse has.....here in Canada: The whole link here
  6. Why do we all have to assume the worse in people or pick apart what they do....? Who cares....if it's too contrived for you just switch to American Idol, Survivor or one other of the 100's of Reality TV shows. Its TV...assume from the start that there is some staging involved, its not a factual documentary on their day to day life. Name me one show that doesn't have any staging in it and yes I include the news shows as well.
  7. You just don't want to lose visitation rights to Lady landau....we know , we know.
  8. I thought this thread was about...... <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JYtE_eUeMw4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. Let me guess...you have to go through the one and only hole in the great wall located over by Toronto....you know the center of the universe?
  10. I'll remember that the next time that happens....good to know. It does beg the question, why would you see me (or Freud way say want to see me) under the rampage of two mid 50's Buick's in an alley somewhere:eek::confused: So to clarify to the OP, any new "upgrade" in rear braking systems would have to include a mod for the shocks...but know that your Buick will no longer be recognized as a 55 Buick by people as you drive over them in some alley.
  11. ........this was my first thought. Also, just to clear up my memory... The 55 switched to tube shocks right? If not the back plate will need the holes for the lever shocks.
  12. By far my favorite non 54 is a 53....your Super convertible really says it all, what a standout!
  13. Great stuff man...thanks for taking the time to take a vid!
  14. Maybe there is a film/coating left over from the manufacture process...? A good clean with a good Wax/Oil remover might be the trick.
  15. I'm sure we would accept an adjusted price for the picture, you could pay $157 instead of $154 .... Unfortunately not much carries over to the 57 from 54 and his non 54 stuff I bet was acquired by buying something that was packaged with something for 54. ...am I close Lamar?
  16. Seems like you have tried alot.... Anything that was Cyanoacrylate based? The only reason I say that is I have never been let down by this adhesive....I also use it commonly in O-Ring maker kits.
  17. This is a very important statement.... I found a loss of drive towards my project for a while, always dinking around and fiddling with all different things......getting nothing substantial done. My shop was a mess....tools everywhere, bench loaded and unusable and most importantly THE DUST! I sanded the car down and it layered everything! It wasn't until I cleared my bench, the floor and the dust from sanding that I was able to start getting some real work done again. I even scrubbed the floor as it does have a nice epoxy coating. I doubt I will have that showroom garage like your Pop's but I try now to keep it neat to keep it enjoyable.
  18. If I ever need an operation I would like to have it done in your shop.... Good gawd man. Very nice work, I am enjoying your very rapid progress through your project.
  19. For me it is Roadmaster....the master of the road. It really does speak of grandeur and mastery, not only competent but truly superlative as an Automobile experience. When I tell people (non vintage car folks) that I have a Buick Roadmaster it conveys everything without requirement of a true understanding of what I just referred to. Roadmaster....to me it is not only a brand name but an adjective to motoring distinction.
  20. Better send these in ahead first....
  21. ....ok Willie, you wanna be the first tester?
  22. "If the women don't find you handsome , at least they should find you handy" <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7J2c6EPgbWI" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
  23. Well I can report success! Thanks for all the support, in the end all it took was patience and the correct tool.... I think the cleaning and air blasting helped alot to free it and make it as loose as possible. All it took then was to try and have my son hold the light steady and me pick the damm thing out. I found that backing off and then forward worked best...it would bind from time to time. ....I'm not going to admit how long I was at it but I'll say this I have a bunch of "empties" on the bench that say it was quite a while I used a pick from a Dental Pick Set my Dad bought me a while back when I was complaining about some other job that I didn't have the right tool for...here is a pic of the pick and the bolt...notice only one turn left of thread. Again thanks....I think now I will leave the rest until tomorrow when I have a "Fresh Mind" uuurrrrp
  24. Lamar...your such a kid around those original 54's. I can see Rita getting a chuckle looking at you from the house.... Great vid man...I just wish you would show some passion and excitement for a change when you are around your Buick's Nice straight body and do my eyes deceive me...completely straight bumper guards?
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