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Everything posted by stealthbob

  1. I second this comment!!! Nice to see someone with....ummm....errr....ahhhh experience get this car, I would hate an amateur start it and botch it all up and then leave it in ruins or even worse Rat Rod it :eek:. I will for sure keep an eye to this project.
  2. Love it.... I learn so much lurking these these forums....
  3. This dude is HARD core man....he even leaks all over the place just like a Dynaflow :eek:
  4. Notice anything in this add? Maybe he can be convinced of a swap?
  5. You do certainly like the unique aspect to Buicks
  6. Please for the love of GOD let us all in on how this "Work Around" is accomplished! :eek: ...the "Easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission" thing has never panned out to be true for me.
  7. I did that a while back...made a write up. I totally agree, attaching that shaft was pure luck as it is done completely blind. You will love this Quote from that write up as I know your feelings about the subject: hehehe ......here is the link for the story and pics
  8. Ok...looks like mystery is solved! Thanks for the help.....
  9. Well thats why I asked...I know very little of the 60's Buick's. Looks like you have made a good case for these not being from a 1965 Buick Special Convertible....what could they be from? I will pass along your comments, thank you.
  10. I would like to help someone who has helped me... He is trying to find original seats for a 1965 Buick Special Convertible and he found these...are they correct?
  11. My first car was bought CASH.... $2,500 It was the insurance of $3000 I had to finance :eek: I don't know how a young person is able to do it on their own these days with the cost of insurance?
  12. NP... It amazes me how active it is, for being such a focused subject. I am enjoying a nice heated Garage based on recommendations and info from that site.
  13. Believe it or not there is a forum dedicated directly to garages....they even have a whole section just for garage heating: The Garage Journal Board - Powered by vBulletin A very helpful place and frankly a nice place to hang out to talk about tools and all things garage.
  14. Dave all jokes aside...you must be a hell of a guy to party with! I'm guessing this pic was taken right between when you said "Is that a dare?" and "Where am I and where did I get these clothes?" ...too funny man!
  15. Miata comes to mind as a new collectible... The group as a whole tend to be fanatical about them, almost as much as the Reatta guys. Main difference is the shear numbers produced but that never stopped the Tri Chevies from staying on as a top collectible. The Magnum.. I do see it as a collectible. Almost want to buy and store one. Of course the Hemi version is a must.
  16. This can be done?? My greatest fear is the Cam break in...I would love to get her started before the final installation. Maybe I should start a new thread...
  17. I think Double M is on track...so should we. Sorry for the off topic stuff, let us all move along. ....the thread topic is really good. How about this car....I had it and boy I sure loved it. Yea it was just a plasticized 1984 Charger with a tiny 2.2L but it sure got me the looks from the ladies. Collectible....yea I think so. Great....I think I may have offended the "Shelby" crowd now.
  18. While I hate for this new member experience a complete Hijack of an interesting thread "How collectible new computer cars will be" I feel compelled to say just one more thing about "Classic". This whole Hijack started just because he perpetrated a blasphemous act of using the word "classic", to describe something other than what the word really means.....TO YOU! I have sympathy for your point, I actually agree and personally only use the term when describing the "Exclusive" cars of that era however, time to attempt a paradigm shift and understand that you sound like you are Preaching not Teaching. The complete Dogmatic approach to this subject is distasteful, arrogant and outright smacks of elitism. As if we need to elevate our "station" by saying what you want us to say just to get next to you and have a conversation. Sorry Double M for being part of the Hijack...all I can say is this; just steer clear of the term, it obviously means more to those who hold it so dear than it does to us mere automotive peasants.
  19. Like I said earlier we have a thread just on the engine bay at 54B...basically the engines were test run before installation. If good they were sprayed right there and off they went. So anything that was provided from the test station was not green.
  20. .....oh JOY!!!! I just love that contrast with the black fan...
  21. Well as the typical proud poppa who always has his kids pics at the ready.... ....yes I'm that guy I think you mean this one right? ...but just in case here is the slide show of the set of pics. :eek: Kayla and Shelby I told you guys I was that guy right
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