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Everything posted by stealthbob

  1. Yea...was this the one colour that is acceptable? Love the look of a fresh engine....next pic is all dressed then right? Any chance of a Youtube startup? We also have a thread on the '54, in regards to correct engine bay. Colour is always an issue as I'm convinced there were shade differences from the different factories. It does seem however that only one shade from one supplier is now correct?
  2. Yep, me too. Please forgive me...I posted this one many moons ago, just keeps getting better: My Buick, My Girls:
  3. Thanks Willie...my bet is that I heard it from you before. ...see, I am paying attention.
  4. Someone may speak better to this but don't you need to match up the lifters and rods...I recall something either being out length or even dissimilar metal densities? There was definitely something though, about sourcing the two separately....
  5. I fear we will see more deceased equine violence being perpetuated here...
  6. A very eloquent post and all that was taken in was the use of the word Classic.... Point made, however the OP is truly about what is currently collectible and is germane to AACA mission statement. I have to say I doubt I would ever try to restore my first car...a 1984 Chrysler lazer. So I would agree very much with your thoughts Double M. Damm you did pick a tough one though...that car is chock full of electronic pitfalls.
  7. It was the art that inspired me...beautiful stuff! Lots more of it here: Plan59 > 1950s Car Art > Index 1 I have spent hours clicking through this site over the last year. This one is updated regularly, it just a collection of old Photos. The best part is they are huge in resolution so they can be printed.: Shorpy Historic Photo Archive | Vintage Fine Art Prints
  8. From what I have heard from MrEarl..this is not gonna be a chop top lead sled rat rod anything... Just a little power train modernization...all Buick of course, all as it would have been done in the Sixties-Seventies Me thinks he wants his '54 to leave evidence of his presence other than Dynaflow drops
  9. Well I hope this banter took nothing away from the car...just good to know exactly what it is. I agree, this car screams original...good luck! Its Beautiful and would be a great buy
  10. Beautiful! Nice to see "Pete" finally found home at Buick Gardens...look forward to what you will do, once you get a chance to do, what you have wanted all these years. Last '54 to buy...umm yea well see about that
  11. My best advice to you would be to take no advice from me
  12. Yikes... I misplace my wallet often, was it really lifted? Coming from someone who never locks anything and never thinks twice about this stuff it always shocks me to hear that this can happen.
  13. It looks like a 54 322 to me... The valve covers are 54 and so is the fuel pump. The crank pulley, does it have a harmonic balancer or a spoke look to it?
  14. Just look for the one choice that is in Italics
  15. Thanks guys...I had a ball making it, I love the tune. MrEarl sent it my way when we were making the "Music for Buick lovers" CD You know Les, I did notice that it was missing the '53 and I thought of you. If I had an image in this add style I would certainly have used it. ....just be glad it wasn't all 1954's
  16. I made a vid compiling images of old Buick adds with a neat old Buick tune...it was posted earlier but was burried in a long thread. Thanks to all you Buick people who inspire me to complete my project. <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/N5kEpsXtYKo" frameborder="0" height="510" width="640"></iframe>
  17. He did have a Buick Book BTW... From a Buick 8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  18. Maybe I should just leave well enough alone then? The wells are rock solid...
  19. Good luck with your trip MrEarl...hope you have a hell of a time. I just wish you would be able to bring that nawthern 72R to me.
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