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Everything posted by stealthbob

  1. Its a car....some people I know drive $50-70k cars every day to work. The point being is that It won't be a "Perfect 400" forever so drive'er like you stole'er and enjoy. Deal with what happens as is comes....here if a rock hits you insurance covers the repairs anyways just like if I hit a deer. Would I be upset...hell yes but on balance it would upset me more to have walk past my Buick and drive off in my Truck out of fear of something possibly happening to it. Look I know there are some "Investment" cars...I'm just saying that's not for me and to stay germane to the OP sometimes when you "Over restore" a car it suddenly reaches the "Investment" car level and I will not let that happen.
  2. Like I said there are exceptions... You are also traveling with all the family on these long hauls so obviously there is going to be some necessity for modern transport. That being said you do drive your cars to the local shows, if 450 mi can be considered local. Your situation does not fall into the Trailer Queen approach IMHO Maybe once I get mine all done up and loaded with a large investment I'll have a different viewpoint....I doubt it though.
  3. These are fun times I bet...looking great!
  4. Great info lads..thank you! You see so many variations on how this is done, I like to be safe and careful but also don't want to have too much crap in the way when I'm working on the interior side. I plan on using this gantry of mine to do the initial lift..it was taken out of service at a plant due to the fact that it is metal for the same reasons why we don't use metal ladders. Anyways, I offered to "store" it at my place....here it is taking the newly rebuilt engine off my truck: I'm going to start with a guess that the CG is right at the door jam from front to back and about 8-10 inches vertically off the car floor. I will also assume that the bottom rocker area (the ridge weld is the best lifting points?), using 2 points on each side. This is just the lift, I will then mount to a rotisserie and roll it out.
  5. LMAO! Too funny, of all threads to SPAM! Can you say validation?
  6. Looks like we attracted some REAL SPAM! WoW were are good.....
  7. Well I hope that the Landau was not being judged the day the picture was taken as it would seem it was having a bad sweep-spear alignment day. Oh wait I think I am in the wrong thread.....
  8. ..for a 1954 Buick Roadmaster. Its stripped down, nothing left on it. Best guess for weight? 500-800lbs? I'm looking into many different ways that I will lift/store the body and want to know I am using proper estimates for body weight. Also for a 2dr hardtop should I be welding in braces for the doors..other areas? What would be the angles and weld points I should use. Just to note this will be on a rotisserie at some point.
  9. While I do enjoy reading your thorough posts....you basically summed up in a nutshell, with this one line, how I perceive how one should deal with Judging at any level.
  10. All the finer points that I would make have been made but in the end it all comes down to more of a symbolic issue for me: A car reaches over restored status once it departs from being eligible as a driver. Right now where I sit I could not imagine having a fully restored Buick behind me in a box while I drive some Tow-Rig ahead of it. Restore it for the road...to me that's all that matters but I'm new and naive so take it for what its worth I guess. That being said however there are some exceptions....like I would give a pass to the 54 Landau as it travels from show to show.
  11. This is why I ask first..... Great info. This is my only structural area that I need to worry about, there is some bottom rear quarter stuff to do and some other minor holes in the sheet metal. Time to start cutting in...
  12. I'm reluctant to use the original two most rear spots for two reasons... First is obvious, strength but the second is that I want full access to make the repairs to this area. I guess I have to use the next mount location in further...? Also how many inches would the center of gravity be from the floor up?
  13. Well the"Might as wells" have me all the way now to lifting the body.... The thing is how do I mount onto the back when it looks like the pics attached Would it be ok to extend the mount arms to reach up and in to the next frame mounting point?
  14. I like your Rotisserie...I plan on building my own so I don't think I'll have the jacks. I need to mount mine (54 76R) soon, any tips and advice?
  15. Really???? Hmmm.....who would have thought that a thread about weather reports would appeal to a bunch of older guys :D:D
  16. Actually that was a pic of what they thought the home PC would look like in 2004! :eek: I just don't get the steering wheel....:confused: This one is real and real shocking for the price! ...hell I just bought a 2 TB drive for 80 bucks the other day!
  17. Well better the puter have the virus than you MrEarl... Too bad Buick doesn't build computers....they tried once but it was just too big That's Marley Earl standing there....Harley's geeky kid brother:
  18. Nice one Willie....made a mental note on that one.
  19. Check Post #57! http://forums.aaca.org/f115/1954-buick-landau-outcome-279035-3.html Let me upload the pic here as well:
  20. What a beauty!!! Nice work Bob, I am very thankful that the Lanadau found you as it's custodian. First the thermos set was reunited and now a proper set of shoes! Most importantly you are so generous with your time to bring it out for show, right where it belongs. Where's that Buick Man award nomination sheet, I have a name to submit
  21. The second picture is how it is on my '54... I can't imagine the first picture position being of good ergonomic sense....how many times do you think you would be flashing your lights at on coming traffic when you had to change the station quick!
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