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Everything posted by stealthbob

  1. I thought you had to have an Ontario issued plate? No Exceptions? I have the Black California plates that are original to the car, would love to use those.
  2. It can also be changed in your control panel.....
  3. Sorry to say oldsfreak...you are 9 years too late. Great price for sure!
  4. When better old farts are made............. ...naw never mind, there is such a thing as dragging on a bit too far.
  5. Here is the other page you referenced..its from a 54 book but should be the same. I don't see any felt gasket other than the gasket indicated by MrEarls picture.... "I" Packing, Crankshaft oil shedder....0.213
  6. Really??? ...I beg to differ I can't tell you how many times I get this response when I tell my buds that I'm into Buick's: "Aren't those cars driven by old farts with hats?"
  7. So then should shiny tires be considered as an "Over Restoration" and not some points deduction? I really want to be correct in every way...its just when I see that something as trivial as the shine on some tries causing an issue I think to myself why bother to try and please someones opinion on what is acceptable? I have never gone through the process, quite the opposite...I am extremely new to all this. I am now in the throws of a full and complete restoration and want to be correct in every way. I can say though that I will have a very nice paint job, bright chrome and yes my tires just may be a shining as well....judging standards not withstanding.
  8. Its this kind of extreme standard that makes me not ever want to have my project judged.... Shinny tires? Yeash This falls into the "Over Restored" debate...with show chrome and 15 coat paint jobs. Points deducted for super bright flawless chrome and a nice paint finnish....now add shiny tires?
  9. For me its open garage door with no bugs season....this one lasts about 2-4 weeks. Soon comes the mosquitoes the size of birds.... I have a "Man Cave" thing going on with TV/PC and Buick....nice to have the door open after a winter of being closed in. Great day today....15C and Sunny
  10. Cars...old ones have been mentioned many times in this thread! Prices discussed ect. Just for the record Sunny and 15 degrees Celsius here, no snow in the forecast.
  11. Not to belabor the issue...but I don't think it was the OP that was the problem, nor any sans Buick talk. IMHO, Its most more like the responses and then the responses to that ect ect, it was getting "Noisy" As far as my opinion on approaching these situations is to close the thread (only staff can post after that) and NOT to delete it. This way a response/comment can be posted by the Closing Mod as to why it was Closed for all to see. This gives us two things...insight as to what was posted and why it was closed while holding accountability to the closer. This whole "gone like a fart in the wind" approach I think is what gets people bent in the first place.
  12. Well now I know how to keep an off topic alive... To be honest I posted in the Weather thread and I keep getting notices when a reply is made so I have kept up on it. I missed what may have taken the previous thread down but suffice to say there was a polarized debate procreating which was bringing out emotional responses...they can lead to volatility and drama so I guess that is what happened. Me thinks the sans Buick talk had little to do with the pull. All in all I don't mind when posts/threads get pulled....I have moderated boards myself and it is difficult for this very reason. This has got to be the "Lowest Noise" board out there and considering how many people here regularly post that is something to be said. The car hobby has many a contentious issue but that noise is held to a soft humm here and that is due to the staff that holds the delete button. Hell has there ever been a ban here? We will be good...we promise Oh one last thing...Buick
  13. Is that another one of those "Ran when parked" adds?
  14. Paint and Body is such a specialized part of our hobby... I have found this place to be a tremendous resource, very knowledgeable people....most of which are professionals. Body and Paint • How to Paint Your Own Car, Auto Body Discussion Forum & Videos • AutoBody101.com Read through, your answer is there. You will find that they consistently agree that bare metal needs epoxy sealer prior to any primer. Some more great info: All Auto Body and Paint Articles | How to Paint Your Own Car, Auto Body Discussion Forum and Videos
  15. This was from 10 minutes of run time after an oil change from a sludged engine...:eek:
  16. I was able to get these from Jan... Here is a little Yellow.... courtesy of 54Fins beautiful Skylark:
  17. Not me....instead of partaking of the double tub, I like to practice throwing my football through a tire swing. SPAMERIFIC!
  18. There is a 331 post thread about local weather reports FGS! Not that I mind it just saying is all.....
  19. Red/Black goes together all day long.....
  20. Yea I threw that last one in just to show the colour.... There is a vid at 54B that the Administrator El Diablo made that has some really nice Red examples...I will ask for the pics. In the meantime check it out: RUSTED FROM THE RAIN
  21. At one part they are selling the benefits of a Buick over a Packard on price per pound! For those keeping score...Roadmaster only 70 cents per pound!
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