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Everything posted by stealthbob

  1. Man what a definitive year that was for Buick! There is no mistaking a 58! Very nice...love the Black on the Chrome.
  2. As mentioned the history and the reasons for the differences are all explained very well by Pete Phillips in the Bugle...not to mention being the cover car! I'm sure a copy or two would come with the car...or at least a back issue could be ordered.
  3. Geeze an air conditioned garage??? 72 degrees...sweet! Nice to know I'm not the only one who has to repeatedly remind the natives and constantly scream "Close the Door!!!" ...oh yea nice wall art.
  4. Your looking good in that pic...I swear, you look younger every time I see a pic of you. ..oh yea that "one of" show car is looking great too:p
  5. OMG!!!! Can you imagine what would be left on that body once it saw a blaster? Secretly I was glad it was that bad...now I don't feel like I'm missing out. That screams tall grass field car...say about 15 years or so...
  6. Thanks to you Dave...your questioning of the inconsistencies of what you believed to be correct, generated some very good info and discussion. I learned many things but not all car related....
  7. Nice! I have to say yours is a neat story.... You bought a nice running Buick but it was all wrong, you saw the potential and took it back to the way it should be....talk about another one saved! You did it with all with class and it shows!
  8. That's alot of Bird seed, lucky birds in your area! Sounds like a ground issue then... Thanks for the update...hope it sells quick.
  9. Its too bad you have to let this one go...61 year old survivors are real hard to come by. I just re-read the article in the Bugle about it, what a time capsule! BTW...did you ever get that gas gauge figured out?
  10. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ji-cT58rgNc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. This thread is strange to me....Its too bad that the car was the only tie and you are cutting out and completely leaving the community behind. For me its the community and then a car, hell I'm a '54 guy but always linger in all car areas. Bahhh, no matter, C'est la vie....hope you find what it is your looking for. Sounds like you were a good car guy and hope you find your place in the hobby. Que Sera, Sera......
  12. Nahhh..you can park it next to one of the 54-54's and all will be ok. Its you I want to meet anyway....you will know where to find me.
  13. Yea why risk alienating a group of car guys for the cost of a can of paint Its all good...Bessie called out the vote and won a can of paint! Go Buick!
  14. Wow 23 other Buick's and Lamar's 5 already! ...nice, so I'm assuming of those other 23 there are about 2 54's. That makes only 47 left to register! 54-54 Buick's at the 500...believe it
  15. Sounds like a good idea... Also it is nice to see that Eastwoods is not being thrown under the buss on all this. It is supposed to be all in good fun and all about the hobby and the cars. In true Buick fashion Jim, you are making it all exactly just that...FUN! Go Team Buick!
  16. All good points Derek... I also only hit the main page once, why read it every time? I also tested the security by wiping the cookies and found that it was wide open. One has to be careful when hosting "Contests" like this, to my knowledge there was no rules governing the voting process. Some contests allow a full free for all...vote as often as you like but it is stated so at the outset. Some are very strict and are restrictive to one vote only and employ security measures to ensure that one vote per person rule. This was a very loosely setup contest, there is no real monetary prize so security was not employed. That being said it sounds like they are trying to limit the free for all type voting and keep it just about the unique page views. Bahhh, its muck all on a big ship...Bessie would have won regardless. Also Derek is correct about the mailing of Rattle cans across the boarder...been there tried that! I was trying to buy the one and only true and perfect colour of engine paint from the one and only supplier who has been deemed to be the one and only holder of this mythical one and only correct engine paint.
  17. Yep...just hop in O'l Bessie and take the high road on this one. It is true that they can track all the stats of the votes, not the least of which is votes per IP address. I suspect that they don't really want to get deep into counting "unique" votes so they offered you a compromise....Buick Nation responded, you would have won regardless. Nice car...that's what it's all about.
  18. That is about as Red as it gets! Looks soooo wet. Where do you find the time...I would love to learn the way of your goofoffery. Teach me o'l wise one.
  19. ...you got time for that then... Be safe...hope to see you home soon.
  20. Very well put Mike... To me the forums are a major part for me. I don't have a Buick on the road but I feel one in the same as everyone else here which in turn would translate to a better experience at a National. I'm going to Charlotte without a car...well without my Old car but I bet I will feel right at home with the gang nonetheless.
  21. Big ups for that spread! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks! Some of the shots looking down the row of like Buick's were really neat! I tell you, the Landau and 54 Skylark were tops in my book but that 53 Skylark will linger in my thoughts as I go to bed tonight. Felt almost as if I was there!
  22. Derek...just got my June yesterday.
  23. Well nice you know to carry your own parts....glad to see your home safe! I would like to see what inventory you carry on these trips...?
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