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Seattle - who's going?

Guest my3buicks

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Guest my3buicks

I know it's still a ways off but who is planning on going to Seattle in 2007?

My son and I are taking a vacation and touring across America in the 72 Centurion Convertible with the 2007 Nationals in Seattle as our destination. The last time I drove to Seattle was a straight thru 35 hour trip not stopping for anything but gas(we took care of all needs at gas stops) - I so wanted to stop SO many places but had to fly right by them. This trip will be a top down (I hope) - 8 tracks playing - road trip of a lifetime. grin.gif

Oh, and I will be going to Rochester Minnesota also - sounds like another trip for the Centurion as it is 10 times more comfortable to travel in long distance than the 67 - I think 13 hours in the 67 would do my back in for a month. (OK, I admit - I am getting old)

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Keith, I'll be there! grin.gif But I likewise hope to make it to Rochester, Minnesota for 2006.

I've already heard from a number of folks living east of the Mississippi River who look forward to a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Seattle in their vintage Buicks. I can't imagine a better way to see places like Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, and Custer Battlefield than in an old Buick. Seattle weather is practically perfect during the summer months, and you will hear much more from us about the attractions of the Pacific Northwest following next year's Minnesota National Meet.

Keith, glad to hear that you'll be here. We'll plan a great gathering of the mighty Centurions.

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Hey Keith, One trip at a time. We have made our room reservations for Minnesota today. And will begin saving for this trip. But inbetween I would at least like to get my 56 painted. So that's first on our agenda.

Seattle is also on the planning board for us. I didn't hear the dates for the meet though. And not to bad mouth Seattle, but I was personally hoping for California. You see the dates for the S California meet would have coincided perfectly with my work anniversary date. I was planning to retire officially on the day before the meet started, although I would have been unofficially retired two weeks earlier and on my way. The Seattle meet I think comes too early for that plan.

John D

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Hey Keith,

I met your son and his pals with the nice 57 in Batavia, but I guess we kept missing each other at the Days Inn. My dad is already planning the next couple of Nationals for us and trying to figure out a way to get us up to Seattle without driving. I think after all of the rain we drove through his nerves were even more frazzled than mine. I just want to relax for a couple of months without doing anything, I feel like a boxer who just trained for six months for a fight and won. Excited, but really tired. I need to clean my car later today and just chill. Again, sorry we didn't meet.


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Guest invicta592

I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings.. but I'm planning on going, especially as I have a nice new shiny BCA number!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Guest my3buicks

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> but jeez whiz, MN is calling first, only been in MN a couple of times and that was only in the airport on the way back to Flint! </div></div>

Going there also, but a trip like Seattle will take a while to plan and get ready for.(well, the way I do things anyhow wink.gif)

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Guest my3buicks

I know, even at todays prices I would be looking at $800 - $1000 in gas depending on how much extra running I would do on side trips

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I'm sure my GS could use some refining but here's what our experience was.

On the way to Batavia, we took Rt 20, a two lane and kept the speeds between 50-55 MPH. This turned into a 9 hour trip including a stop for a picnic basket lunch. The first fill up calculated to 17.03 MPG. Meanwhile the 95 Riv calculated at 22+ MPG.

I didn't keep the milage on the second tank, which lasted me through to Sunday AM but on the way home, we traveled the Thruway. I followed my son who was driving the Riv and we were cruising at 65 - 70 MPH. This became a 4 1/2 hr trip with no major stops. On the way home the GS booked 14.49 MPG, while the Riv did 27.5 MPG.

So now I'm telling the wife if we go to Minnesota better plan on a slow trip over 4 days time. She is already re-thinking the whole thing. tongue.gif

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Guest imported_Thriller

We'll have to see...I'd like to, especially as we have family on the Oregon coast...it would be a chance to get to visit them again. Gotta see where I can get with the Wildcat first.

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The info that I have about the 2007 National meet, is that it is NOT a done deal yet! There were two things the Seattle group has to do to firm up their bid for the meet. #1 They have to get the host hotel to reduce the rent (currently @ $129.00 per night)and #2 Get rid of the charge for parking (The host hotel wants to also charge $12.00 per day to park your cars). shocked.gif The Seattle group has 45 Days to get this done or they don't get the bid! tongue.gif The Orange County Chapter bid was $99.00 per night at the host hotel and NO charge to park your car. cool.gif Kind of makes you wonder WHY the B.O.D. voted the way they did. confused.gif

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Guest my3buicks

Bruce, maybe it was the " <span style="font-weight: bold">overall</span> " package that got them the bid and not just a couple items, don't know. No room for tit for tat or sour grapes here. The bids where made, that's how it works. It's time to support the winning bid.(same as the Olympics) Being that it was announced at the banquet I would think they feel fairly secure that all will come together. The board takes this decision seriously and as a group I am sure they are very capable of making the best decision. Every year there is always a small unhappy group that would rather have it at one of the other bid venues or even somewhere that wasn't even bid on. One of our directors told me at Batavia that he has never been to a bad car show, it's all in what you make of it. I for one look forward to Nationals each year reqardless to who get's it. I would have driven out to California had it gone to the Orange County Chapter bid and looked forward to it just as much. Just looking forward to a great roadtrip myself.

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Guest my3buicks

You are correct in that I have to attend Nationals. Although driving across the country is not a requirement. I have chosen to make this a driving vacation, and am excited about it. Hope to see you there!!

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Keith, don't misunderstand me, there is no sour grapes on my part, I just wanted to let the DFer's know what the current status of the 2007 meet is and what the difference was between the two bids when it came to the cost to the members. I don't remember if you were at San Diego BOD meeting or not, but in the Seattle presentation they said "they tried very hard to get the Host Hotel to offer a lower room rate, but the answer they got was NO, because they have such a short tourist season due to the rain they get." At the BOD meeting in Batavia the Orange County Chapter was also asked "if the Seattle group can't meet the conditional OK will we still be willing to host the 2007 National?" smirk.gif My personal feeling is the BOD has backed themselves into a corner by not even telling the Seattle group what an acceptable room rate will be. tongue.gif

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I have been to them all since 1971, and there has never been a bad national. Some have been better than others, but it is still a chance to see new Buicks ,and meet old friends. "Be the good Lord willin', and the creek don't rise" I will be there in 2007.

I have my room reserved and my 40 registered for Rochester next year.

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Odd twist this thread has taken. shocked.gif Would the real 2007 National meet location please stand up.

I do think it is unfriendly to charge a car club $12.00 extra a day for a meet/show. mad.gif

John d

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Guest imported_65gs76limited

Hey Keith, no sour grapes here,i just feel that there's a big differance between supporting the winning bid and getting hosed.At the rate their going their will price themselves out of a national or have a poor showing.I just refuse to pay to park my car in a already overpriced hotel. Just my thoughts and i'am sure everyone has there own on this subject. Tom

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Re post by 65GS76limited. Today I was surfing the financial site of Yahoo and Forbes Magazine was listing the "10 MOST OVERPRICED PLACES FOR 2005". Guess who came in #1? Seattle, WA shocked.gif followed by NY City; Portland,OR; Chicago;

San Jose,CA; Bergen County,NJ; San Francisco; Middlesex,NJ; Denver,CO and Los Angeles. I thought this was kind of interesting. smirk.gif

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Guest imported_65gs76limited

Bruce,I talked with a lady at the host hotel in Rochester about an extra parking charge for your car. I was told that they also charge 10.70 a day extra a day for parking but, DUE TO THE OVERWHELMING RESPONCE BY BCA MEMBER'S reserving rooms. THE EXTRA FEE HAS BEEN WAIVED.I don't know about anyone else but i would think if one can do it so can Seattle.As i said before, if this parking fee is charged along with the already over priced room fee. The group of us from Northeast Ohio will not be going. Tom.

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Guest Skyking

I never heard such a thing as charging to park a car at a hotel! What's it coming to, where's the end.........?!!! mad.gifmad.gif Pretty soon they'll charge extra to shower.......

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Guest imported_65gs76limited

Skyking, coin operated showers and toilets. Start saving your change now. From what i've read in this thread, our BOD don't have our best interest in mind when they allow a higher priced hotel hold the national. Tom.

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For what it is worth, many large city hotels add an extra charge for parking, as best I recollect of my "road warrior" days. It is somewhat akin to the higher priced, larger hotels not offering free cont. breakfast or frige and microwaves in rooms, and charge anywhere from $8.00 - $1200 for a breakfast you can get down the steet for $5.00. You make your own choice. At times, the hotels do give one the impression they are doing the customer a favor by being there. On the other hand, if most all BCA attendees want to be in the host hotel, and we need a big one to accomodate a large banquet, there has to be a price for that. I think the problem the BOD faces is when there are limited offers to hold a National Meet, they have to pick out the best hosting bid considering the location balance across the country. But I too feel that there should be some consideration for parking as this is a "car club" convention, not a sales convention.

Maybe someone can correct me on this, but in looking at the map of Rochester next year. The show field is three blocks from the host hotel. I welcome clarification of this by the host chapter, as I only know what the Rochester brochure seems to indicate on their map.


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Some months ago I talked to the people in charge at next years National and they did indicate to me that the show field is at a different location than the Host Hotel. Exactly how far it is I don't know, but I got the impression that it was not too far away. cool.gif

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Guest imported_65gs76limited

John,That was my understanding also. Everything connected by a skyway.Sounds like a neat place.Tom

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65... I am so looking forward to going there. I have traveled from NY to flint several times but this will be the longest drive I've ever taken. I have my wife ordering up a trip tic from AAA so we can begin planning where we want to stop on the way and how much $$ we'll need.

I just hope they don't have the triple digit weather that they have been having this last few weeks. My 56 does not have A/C. mad.gif..yet...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I for one am happy with EITHER location, mainly because of their west-coast locale smile.gif I'll have a goal now to get my 56 done and *drive* it to one or the other locations. I just returned from Hot August Nights in Reno, NV-- and to my dismay, I was only able to find a mere handful of Buicks. I searched everywhere, The Hilton, Peppermill, Atlantis-- all hosting their own mini-shows in their parking lots, the parade grounds, the massive swap meet-- only to find (1) 1953, (1) 1954, (1) 1955, (2) 1956's and a smattering of 60's skylarks. There are hundreds of hot rods at this event, mainly Chevy and Ford. I was thinking to myself whilst browsing all the YAC's (yet another Chevy) that I really need to go to a Buick National meet. So I'm happy one is heading out this way, and that I can cram the family into the car and head to it.

My 7yo daughter, upon spying a beautifully bone-stock '56 Buick from a distance, squeeled at the top of her lungs "Daddy, there's a Buick, right there!" as she trotted towards it, passing by some mega-bucks hot rods with their owners sitting or standing by them. Those guys were silently watching my daughter zip by on her way to inspect every inch of the massive front chrome work on the '56. I think one of them even chuckled as we went by "... kid really likes Buicks" or something to that effect. I grinned to myself... "Yes she does!" smile.gif



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Guest invicta592

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Maybe Invicta592 would like a couple of hangarounds on his trip, in the form of a couple of crazy danes </div></div>

Sure thing.. lets get it booked and arrange a temporary vehicle-less European chapter grin.gif

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Since this topic continues to see some action, it's appropriate to provide a brief update.

The North Cascade Chapter's negotiating position with the proposed host hotel for the 2007 meet was strengthened by the BCA's award of the meet to Seattle. The hotel's daily parking fees have been eliminated for the meet, and the hotel has offered a fairly substantial reduction in the daily room rate. The final negotiations have not been completed, but the requested follow-up items are currently being firmed up and communicated to the BCA Board of Directors for approval.

For those of you planning far in advance, the dates we've discussed are July 25 - 29, 2007.

Obviously, we're a couple of years away from the 2007 meet, and the hotel details will be communicated here and in the Bugle at the appropriate time.

For now, the focus is, of course, the 2006 National Meet in Rochester, Minnesota, and I hope that as many of us as possible will support the Gopher State Chapter and Fireball Chapter and plan to attend next year. I'm looking forward to it!

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Thanx Brian for the update.

I will just have to be patient, there is some 700+ days to go, that means I have to put $4 a day in the piggybank until then smile.gif

But you are of course right, Rochester in 2006 need all the exposure it can get, Rock on Minnesota !

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Guest imported_BCAOffice

Thanks for posting the updated info, Brian. After the North Cascade's fabulous hosting of the Board of Directors meeting in February, 2004, there was/is little doubt that the same group will put together a great National Meet! The removal of the parking fee was not really a worry. The hotel wants the business and we were quite confident they would reduce the room rates and eliminate the parking fee. The fact that your group was ready and willing to move to a different location was enough to call the original hotel's bluff. Having experienced first hand the North Cascade's hospitality and exuberance, we are sure that anyone who does not go to this National Meet will certainly regret it! Please let us know if you need any assistance from us.

Let's get the BCA up to Rochester, Minnesota next year and then on to Seattle in 2007. Buicks are meant to be driven!!!!!!

Mike & Nancy Book

BCA National Office Administrators

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