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Television and Hershey

Steve Moskowitz

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Wow! Can't wait to see the results of our TV coverage with the Antiques Roadshow people. They shot hours of film for an all NEW show tentatively called Antiques Roadshow FYI. The new show is designed to go into more detail about collectables.

There will be 3 separate segments: What is a Classic car? (no we did not ask PH to be a part), the flea market and orphan cars of the 50's. Our members did a great job during their interviews and the AR people were real happy with the results.

The shows will air on PBS after January and we will post information on the site as soon as we get it! Pretty exciting for AACA! Oh, they are coming back next year!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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The quality of the stuff I was selling, or trying to sell cought the eye of Barry Meguiar. I'll be on a February edition of "Car Crazy". After four years of college ang a degree in communications our oldest daughter made her return to Hershey, but missed dad's big show businness break. crazy.gif

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Steve, This is the stuff I brought to Hershey, 1948 MG-TC in the background and a 1915 T chassis mocked up as a speedster,looks real racy doesn't it? Barry thought it was an early California Low Rider and the interview took off from there. Super nice guy, what you see on TV is what you see in person. He was looking for people with a passion for the cars (and hobby)not something that needed polish. grin.gif

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Bob, It amazes me that you could get all that stuff loaded in a Ford van and a flatbed trailer, homemade trailer at that. Your wife told me about you losing a trailer wheel one year. You sure have a lot of road problems. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


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I had to join in here .... My spaces of tools and jacks were found by the media too. Hemmings Motor News interveiwed me for the front section of "NEWS" for an up coming issue on Thursday morning. Next day I had a 1/2 hour interview with Barry Meguiar, I was also told it would be part of "Hershey 04" on "CAR CRAZY", to air in February 05. On Saturday morning Antique Roadshow spent 20 min. in the booth with camera for their shows FYI segments. Since the Meet I have been still signing autographs for free, BUT LOOK OUT AFTER FEBRUARY!!!! I am going to look at ALL the TV deals that come in after these shows air,then make my best deal wink.gifwink.gif I also here that next year someone with a really "big moustache" will be at Hershey 05 with a camera crew!!

More fun on Friday was the second annual Wills Ste Claire Owners Meeting at 9 am.on another sunny day. (see attached photo). We had a great turnout and everyone attending received a Wills hat. Hershey is only 354 days away, I CAN'T WAIT!! Karl

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Great that we get some exposure on TV, didn't realize that they were next door! Guess I was off shopping.

Early Thursday (? time blurs at Hershey) they paged somebody from the Weather Channel to move their car. No, it was not Kelsa, might have been Marshal. Anybody see anything on the Weather Channel, my dish wasn't working but I left the TV home.

Jim Dix

Old car guy and weather nut.

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Doug, Maybe if you start now you can have a set of whiskers like Ron and that "other guy" from "MY CLASSIC CAR" Dennis M... , or, If we ALL start now, I think Ron and Dennis would still have longer curls by Hershey 05. Would that be a photo!!!! Karl

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Wow, Steve, here I was limping around on a cut foot and you didn't even let the guy see if I could put my foot in my mouth!! At least it shows the National President doesn't get any special attention.......and all my old high school friends would have fell off their chairs if they'd seen me on TV anyway. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> But, you're right, I always did say I was for the "little guy". Sure am glad Buick didn't have to become an orphan (yet) either, just so I could get on TV. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> GREAT WORK STEVE. These TV programs will give us a decent shot at getting the needed publicity for our hobby, to help it grow and live on into the future. Until now street rods and motorcycles have been getting all the coverage. Maybe now we can tell our story too!

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