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New member unable to contact others - what the h?


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Isn't the whole purpose to be able to view topics, add to discussion and/or if you have a question about a post by a member to reach out to said member?


As a newbie, the hiccup is that of those I want to reach out to regarding a Studebaker item, I can not for the immediate response that I haven't participated enough? Really?



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1 hour ago, Hwkmn1 said:


Yes, that's really the case, for the sake of security.

We catch scammers coming on here regularly.

Some try to appear legitimate for a while, to build up

enough postings so they can then do their dirty work.


But welcome to the forum.  The AACA is providing it

free for you, and for numerous car clubs, even though

you might not be a member of AACA.  As Alsancle noted

above, just reply on the forum threads for now.  And if

you quote someone, you'll get his attention so he'll be

more likely to see your query and answer it.

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1 hour ago, Hwkmn1 said:

Isn't the whole purpose to be able to view topics, add to discussion and/or if you have a question about a post by a member to reach out to said member?


As a newbie, the hiccup is that of those I want to reach out to regarding a Studebaker item, I can not for the immediate response that I haven't participated enough? Really?



Actually, the purpose is to be able to communicate by replying to a discussion publicly. That allows others to see all of the discussion.


Sending a Private Message is a privilege that you will earn fast enough through making sufficient public posts or replies. Without that protection, newbie scammers could send private messages and cause significant problems for legitimate forum users.

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  • 2 weeks later...
49 minutes ago, Jack Bennett said:

Pardon my ignorance, but I am having some difficulty following this thread. I understand that not everything I post to the forum will be understood, and most certainly not liked, by everyone to mean the same thing. I also understand that some things I post on the forum will be understood by everyone as meaning the same thing, but the moderators have the final say about it being appropriate for discussion on the forum. In the former case, it may be posted, and in the latter it may not be. However, whether or no it will be posted hinges, IMO, on the content of the post and the appropriateness of the verbiage I use use to prepare it.

In the instance of this post it appears that the OP has been a AACA member since 2020, and, again, IMO that removes all doubt in regards to his “newby” status.

I also note that the OP has used the buy/sell forum to do business regarding his Studebaker. Since the OP has been a member longer than I have, and I have sent and received PM’s while searching for parts for my own cars, I am lost for a understanding what is being said here.

I also note that no moderator (Peter) has responded to the OP’s post and I can’t help but wonder why.


The issue is not length of membership on the forum, but number of posts. A new form member is unable to send private messages until they have a specific number of posts. That is a security precaution to prevent new people from registering and then immediately sending a large number of private messages to members in an attempt to scam them out of money. That was an issue before that setting was instituted. As of today, you have 791 posts on the form. The original poster of this, as of today, has only 11 posts on the forum.  When he posted his complaint he had fewer than 10 posts on the forum. By requiring a number of posts before private messaging is possible, most potential scammers will become obvious as a problem before they get access to private messaging and can be removed from the forum before they are able to scam anyone. 

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1 hour ago, Jack Bennett said:

Pardon my ignorance, but I am having some difficulty following this thread. I understand that not everything I post to the forum will be understood, and most certainly not liked, by everyone to mean the same thing. I also understand that some things I post on the forum will be understood by everyone as meaning the same thing, but the moderators have the final say about it being appropriate for discussion on the forum. In the former case, it may be posted, and in the latter it may not be. However, whether or no it will be posted hinges, IMO, on the content of the post and the appropriateness of the verbiage I use use to prepare it.

In the instance of this post it appears that the OP has been a AACA member since 2020, and, again, IMO that removes all doubt in regards to his “newby” status.

I also note that the OP has used the buy/sell forum to do business regarding his Studebaker. Since the OP has been a member longer than I have, and I have sent and received PM’s while searching for parts for my own cars, I am lost for a understanding what is being said here.

I also note that no moderator (Peter) has responded to the OP’s post and I can’t help but wonder why.



Pete didn't have to.  I answered him almost immediately when he asked the question.  He was not at the minimum post cost to send PMs.   I don't remember the threshold but it is not a lot.



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24 minutes ago, Jack Bennett said:

Thence, I ask, where in the rules of using the private message ability is it found that the ability is acquired only after a certain number of posts, or a stated period of time as a member?

Again, I neither disagree with this or am complaining about it being used. But, maybe, if it is just word of mouth, rather than stated policy, perhaps it is time to include it as such.


I don't know if the forum rules need to be updated to specifically explain changes made in the forum settings but it is not a secret. A new member has to post 10 posts before they have the ability to send private message,  as previously announced by the Forum Webmaster:



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