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1928 Pontiac 2 door sedan


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I bought this car about 8 years ago from a CL and had it shipped to my apartment. I ended up buying a house and the car went into storage. I finally pulled it out this week. The guy that delivered it to me said the previous owner drove it up on the truck for him. I couldn't get it to start and dropped the carb off to a carb guy to get rebuilt, long story short he said it was broken and he lost it. It was a blue carb(should be a Marvel?) Updraft. Motor is free and can easily be turned by pushing on the fan. Id like to try and get the thing running and hear the motor before we start tackling the rest. Doesn't have to be original parts at first, we just want to get it running and driving down the street. We can track down original parts after its running and as we find them. I don't know much about 6v systems. CPR does have a 1926-32 Pontiac/Oakland Shop/Repair Manual that I will be buying this week.

Where else can I find information on these motors. I noticed some wires are cut in the engine bay. (off of the generator, a wire coming out the firewall and a wire or two tucked under the fender). I come from a Pontiac family(gto's, trans am's, sunbirds). we currently have a 71 firebird and the 28. My pops recently retired and this is going to be our project to keep him sane. I did see Zdillengers 4 door he's working on as I've been searching around the site.

I bought a new distributer cap and coil from rockauto that is on its way. That being said I'm looking for a carburetor, spark plug wires, possibly a generator and battery? Is there anything else that we should be testing before trying to start it.



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A couple of thoughts for you:

  • Find a new carb guy, one that doesn't "lose parts". That's not OK. It wouldn't surprise me if he sold it.
  • I hunted for a while for the "right" carb for my '28 but it wasn't to be. Call @carbking and he will set you up with the best possible replacement. I have one of his on my car and it works perfectly. 
  • You shouldn't be able to turn the motor over by just turning the fan. Either the belt is WAAAAY too tight (i.e. you will break a water pump shaft and they aren't commercially available).... or you have a major compression problem, like there are no pistons or valves inside the block kind of problem.
  • Protect that radiator at all costs. New examples are not commercially available and would have to be custom made. Most likely it will cost more than you paid for the car.
  • Your car should have an AC type 1 mechanical fuel pump, which is currently blocked off on your car. Examples of the type 1 are not commercially available. Looks like you have a rigged-up fuel tank inside the car. Hopefully you don't need a new rear tank because, as you guessed.... those aren't commercially available.
  • The cut wire from the generator connects from the cutout back to the dashboard. The CPR manual will have a wiring diagram that explains how this goes together. You'll probably want a new wiring harness for this car. Unlike most things for this car, they are available but very spendy. 
  • I buy my spark plug wires from Brillman. They come in a kit and you custom make them to whatever length you need. 
  • Battery is easy, any farm supply store will have 6V Group 1 batteries. If it's in the budget, I'd go with an Optima. I'm slowly transitioning all my cars over to them, but a regular old lead-acid will be fine. FYI, this car should be negative ground if it hasn't been monkeyed with.
  • I know this is down the road, but those spokes look sketchy. Set aside some budget for rebuilt wheels.

Feel free to PM me if I can be helpful to you.

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That's a "third brush" generator, so whatever you do don't try to run it with the generator wiring disconnected. They burn up if you do that. It would be best to fix the wiring enough that the generator has a battery to charge. If you don't, then short the wire coming out of the generator to the generator case. That should prevent it trying to charge. This advice is *only* for third brush generators.


Welcome to the forum!



Edited by Bloo (see edit history)
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My advice, follow Zach’s advice! And by the way, what is up with 28 pontiac parts getting lost. My good friend sent out his oil pump and something else to get rebuilt and supposedly the boxed arrived torn open with the oil pump gone. What was the name of the guy you sent your carb to, curious if it’s the same guy who my buddy sent his Stu to.

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Some pointers:


1) The photo has to be hosted online somewhere, it can't be just on your device. There are 2 approaches. You can upload the photo to the forum, or you can upload it somewhere else, and then drop a link to it in your post.


2) Don't ever expect a picture you took to be right side up. Lots of software has ways for you to view a picture right side up whether it is or not.. for convenience. This gets really annoying when you upload the picture and find out what it's true orientation is, in other words it shows upside down or sideways in the forum after being uploaded, because upside down or sideways is how it truly is. If there's any doubt, open the picture in some software that can EDIT (not just view) a photo and save the new photo after you modify (rotate) it. Do this before you upload to an online host or the forum. Anything that can edit a photo will do. Microsoft Paint can do this. I use something called "Pinta". It's no big deal if a picture is upside down or sideways in the forum, but this is a way to prevent it if you care.


3) One method of posting a picture in the forum: Upload a photo to some online host like imgur.com . Start by uploading the photo to imgur (or another similar service), then copy the link (right click and "copy link location" or "copy image location" or something like that) and then right click and paste to into your post. The picture will appear.


3A) On this particular forum, you can also just right click on the photo (on imgur or whatever similar service you uploaded it to) and simply "copy" the photo and then right click and "paste" into your post. It works here but I'm not sure why. Don't expect it to work in other forums, use "3)" above instead.


4) Another method: Upload a photo to the forum directly. At the bottom of the window you are typing in there is an area that says "drag files here to attach or choose files". Click on "choose files", then browse to the picture you want to upload, and click on it. It should upload into your post. 


4A) Alternatively, when uploading to the forum directly, you could just find the picture on your device and drag it to the area that says "drag files here to attach or choose files. That works too.




Edited by Bloo (see edit history)
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@Hans1, I was just looking over the photo attachments that did not work, and for instance the first one, which we all see as a broken link to "IMG_5774.jpg" actually points here:




The others all point to a similar location. These photos appear to be in your Hotmail or Outlook, and that is why none of us can see them. We would all have to be logged into your Hotmail or Outlook! Of course that is not practical. If you can see them, it is probably because you are logged in.


For the pictures to work they need to be posted somewhere that is visible by the entire web. Either method in my post above will work. No rush or anything like that, I'm posting now because I noticed why the pictures are not visible. All the best.


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Maybe I am misunderstanding something? But I have never used a photo hosting site in order to post photos. Any photo I share on this or other antique automobile forums are added as "attachments" to my post. That whether it is an era photo I have acquired somewhere or modern photos of cars I have seen or owned.

As a "used to was a" communications systems contractor and sometimes engineer with my fingerprints all over the foundation of the internet (mine and about a million other people's?), I never trusted independent hosting sites. Unfortunately, several such sites have thoroughly validated my distrust in them by after making grandiose claims and promises a few years later pulled the plug on thousands (maybe millions?) of hosted photos that they "promised" would stay virtually forever. I did have personal accounts with two such hosting sites, which I used only for the convenience of sharing photos so long as the site was being agreeable, and for the "collecting" of shared photos by their other members. At the first hint that they were going to renege on their promises, I downloaded copies of everything I had there and quit using their sites entirely.


My work in IT was mostly hardware. When it comes to software and keyboard stuff? I get very uncomfortable very quickly. However, I have generally found it simple to post any photo on my computer to the websites I frequent. 


This discussion really needs to be in the "Forum Support and Administration"/"Forum Questions and Answers" section.




However, my short "I hate programming" answer.

Near or below the "typing box" for writing your post (exact location varies forum to forum). should be an "attach" and/or "choose files" to click on. That should open a window into your hard-drive, and give you options to find photos stored on your hard-drive. A "click" or some systems require a "double click" and the individual photo should down/up load to your post. Websites vary whether you can preview or not and how, but I like to preview if I can. Then click on "submit" and hope!


Some websites allow you to place uploaded photos where you want them in the text. AACA used to, and maybe they still do? But I haven't figured it out since an upgrade earlier this year (So much for me being some kind of expert?).


Hope some of that can help? Maybe?

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