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HPOF or Original class ?

Michael Morton

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You should enter it in the HPOF class if it is an original unrestored car. If it receives HPOF Certification, at a subsequent meet, it can compete for the "AACA Original" designation in the HPOF Class. 

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If you compete in the HPOF class, you would not be able to go the the Grand National to try and get the "AACA Original" designation.  Only cars that go through the AACA Judged classes can compete at the Grand National Meets.


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1 hour ago, Oldsmobile 83 said:


If you compete in the HPOF class, you would not be able to go the the Grand National to try and get the "AACA Original" designation.  Only cars that go through the AACA Judged classes can compete at the Grand National Meets.



How does that work exactly.  It is totally unclear to me.  Would I go through HPOF and  AACA Original then enter a Grand National Meet?  Do Grand National Meets judge original cars that have received the HPOF and AACA original?  Are only fully restored cars judged at a Grand National?  

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10 minutes ago, avgwarhawk said:

So  Grand National meets host just fully restored cars correct? 

Not exactly. It is possible to have an original car that was entered and judged in the 400 point class judging, although that is unusual. The Grand National Meet is for vehicles that have received a Senior Award. HPOF and DPC competition does not result in receiving a Senior Award, so there is no HPOF or DPC evaluation at a Grand National Meet. 


From the Judging Guidelines:

"I. AACA GRAND NATIONALS (AGN) A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Entrants in any AACA Grand Nationals (AGN) are limited to those vehicles that have acquired Senior Award Winner status before the registration deadline for the current year AGN."

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4 hours ago, MCHinson said:

Not exactly. It is possible to have an original car that was entered and judged in the 400 point class judging, although that is unusual. The Grand National Meet is for vehicles that have received a Senior Award. HPOF and DPC competition does not result in receiving a Senior Award, so there is no HPOF or DPC evaluation at a Grand National Meet. 


From the Judging Guidelines:

"I. AACA GRAND NATIONALS (AGN) A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Entrants in any AACA Grand Nationals (AGN) are limited to those vehicles that have acquired Senior Award Winner status before the registration deadline for the current year AGN."

What type of car(condition) can work it's way up to seniors award?  What class does one enter a car to work towards a senior award?  I guess ultimately this is my question. By and large the AGN is primarily restored to original and have a seniors award?

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25 minutes ago, avgwarhawk said:

What type of car(condition) can work it's way up to seniors award?  What class does one enter a car to work towards a senior award?  I guess ultimately this is my question. By and large the AGN is primarily restored to original and have a seniors award?

To obtain a Senior a car would need to be very close to the condition it was as delivered to the customer when new. It could be a near perfect original but most are restored cars. The class to compete for a First Junior and then to compete for a Senior after the First Junior would be whichever one is appropropriate for the particular year, make, and model of the car as found in the AACA class listing: https://aaca.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2021_Vehicle_Classification.pdf Yes, cars at the AGN are those that have received a Senior Award and are usually restored to original condition.

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4 hours ago, avgwarhawk said:

Reading over the classes etc the judged cars are for restored vehicles.  Am I correct in saying the judging for junior and senior awards are basically restored vehicles to factory specs?  If so, I can understand that as a lot of time, effort and finances go into restoration. 

While not exclusively restored cars, yes, typically the cars that are entered in Class Judging are restored cars. Most unrestored cars will have numerous deductions for condition of parts which makes it difficult for most unrestored cars to compete in Class Judging. 

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10 minutes ago, MCHinson said:

While not exclusively restored cars, yes, typically the cars that are entered in Class Judging are restored cars. Most unrestored cars will have numerous deductions for condition of parts which makes it difficult for most unrestored cars to compete in Class Judging. 

Got it. So where would a HPOF and AACA Original cars go after these two awards?  

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58 minutes ago, avgwarhawk said:

I was wondering about that. What in your opinion keeps unrestored original cars from being entered in any numbers? 

It’s frowned upon by AACA and judges.  One such car I’m familiar with, judges gave owner a hard time about having an unrestored car in the judging classes, assuming owner was a newbie to the hobby and AACA….he wasn’t by any means…he knew the rules…

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1 minute ago, trimacar said:

It’s frowned upon by AACA and judges.  One such car I’m familiar with, judges gave owner a hard time about having an unrestored car in the judging classes, assuming owner was a newbie to the hobby and AACA….he wasn’t by any means…he knew the rules…

So in reality this class/judging is strictly for restored vehicles. I did not read anywhere that this class judging is for restored vehicles. The confusion I have is why not name this class as restored to original?  Maybe it is written somewhere in the rules.  And in my opinion this should be a class unto it's own. It appears it is.  So, at just a national event restored cars are entered into year of manufacture, etc and are judged possibly winning a junior award?  


All, thanks for answering my questions. The classes are not clear to me and how the system works.

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3 minutes ago, avgwarhawk said:

Got it. So where would a HPOF and AACA Original cars go after these two awards?  

The car can continue to be entered in additional national meets and receive a repeat HPOF chip or Repeat AACA Original Chip for the car's HPOF board for repeat HPOF, or repeat AACA Original, whichever is appropriate. 


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7 minutes ago, avgwarhawk said:

 I did not read anywhere that this class judging is for restored vehicles. The confusion I have is why not name this class as restored to original?  Maybe it is written somewhere in the rules. 

Page 1-1 of the Judging Guidelines explains the General Policy:


"III. GENERAL POLICY The objective of AACA judging is to evaluate an antique vehicle, which has been restored to the same state as the dealer could have prepared the vehicle for delivery to the customer. This includes any feature, option or accessory shown in the original factory catalog, parts book, sales literature, or company directives for the model year of the vehicle. AACA accepts motorized vehicles 25 years old or older, which were built in factories and specifically designed and manufactured for transportation use on public roadways and highways. The end result of the accurate and honest evaluation of a vehicle by a judging team will be the proper determination of the deserved award for the owner's efforts."

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12 minutes ago, MCHinson said:

The car can continue to be entered in additional national meets and receive a repeat HPOF chip or Repeat AACA Original Chip for the car's HPOF board for repeat HPOF, or repeat AACA Original, whichever is appropriate. 


From my understanding the vehicle can be entered into driver class but must relinquish the HPOF chip? 

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9 minutes ago, MCHinson said:

Page 1-1 of the Judging Guidelines explains the General Policy:


"III. GENERAL POLICY The objective of AACA judging is to evaluate an antique vehicle, which has been restored to the same state as the dealer could have prepared the vehicle for delivery to the customer. This includes any feature, option or accessory shown in the original factory catalog, parts book, sales literature, or company directives for the model year of the vehicle. AACA accepts motorized vehicles 25 years old or older, which were built in factories and specifically designed and manufactured for transportation use on public roadways and highways. The end result of the accurate and honest evaluation of a vehicle by a judging team will be the proper determination of the deserved award for the owner's efforts."


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3 minutes ago, avgwarhawk said:

From my understanding the vehicle can be entered into driver class but must relinquish the HPOF chip? 

You can't continually switch between DPC, HPOF, or class judging. To make a change you would relinquish any previous awards. Pick which track you want and stick with it. If you have questions, go to judging school and you will learn more about the judging system. I would also suggest you can find an experienced judge near you and have him or her look over your car and give you some guidance on the most appropriate track for your particular car.  

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1 hour ago, MCHinson said:

You can't continually switch between DPC, HPOF, or class judging. To make a change you would relinquish any previous awards. Pick which track you want and stick with it. If you have questions, go to judging school and you will learn more about the judging system. I would also suggest you can find an experienced judge near you and have him or her look over your car and give you some guidance on the most appropriate track for your particular car.  

Thanks for the clarification. My car(60 Electra) has it's 1st HPOF.  That's the  track for this vehicle.  My 54 Special is in a position to enter as restored for judging. But, not until the interior is redone to the correct pattern and fabric. 

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  • 2 years later...

I have taken a "mostly all original car" or shall we say unrestored car all the way through the Awards process to a Senior Grand National Award and plan to try again with a new to me car this year. I have never received a complaint from a Judge that it is not restored. If it is good enough for the Award it is going for it will receive it. If the car is good enough that is all that matters. I look forward to trying it again. I now have a fully restored car and a mostly original unrestored car with Senior Grand National Awards. The mostly original car has always exceeded my expectations and it has sometimes been more satisfying than getting the restored car to the same Award level. If the new one does not make it to that same level I am good with that. You can always change class,  then go for HPOF if not happy with the level it ends up at.


Section 1D of past and the current Judges Guidelines say :  

  1. Original vehicles not entered in the Historical Preservation of Original Features (HPOF) class or the Driver Participation Class (DPC) will be point judged in the same manner as restored vehicles. 




Edited by philip roitman (see edit history)
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On 2/12/2022 at 9:55 PM, avgwarhawk said:

From my understanding the vehicle can be entered into driver class but must relinquish the HPOF chip? 

When a vehicle is certified as HPOF and the owner wished to move the car to the DPC class, it must remain the the HPOF class for 10 years unless modifications have been made to the vehicle where it no longer qualifies for the HPOF award.  If this is the case, I would recommend showing it in a National and receive no award, then apply to the VP of Judging to move the car to DPC.  You must return your HPOF grill badge to National, but it can be returned to you, stamped "Canceled" for a small fee.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Can someone please provide a link to the AACA judging rules? 


I am especially interested in the HPOF and unrestored original classes.  


The link on one of the responses does not work.  



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