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Aston Martin $21,000,000

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This article is in the "Money" column, I see.

It's therefore seen by people interested in investments.


When newsmen sensationalize their stories, always

finding the most extreme and unusual example of things,

it doesn't help our hobby, I would say.  It makes the

average person, outside the hobby looking in, think that

cars are great investments, and that they are very expensive.

So many times, when I tell by-standers how inexpensive

most antique cars are, they respond, "I had no idea!"


Let the press instead write the story of the $10,000 station wagon

owned by a young family, so that readers can see

how much affordable fun the hobby really offers!

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10 hours ago, John_S_in_Penna said:

This article is in the "Money" column, I see.

It's therefore seen by people interested in investments.


When newsmen sensationalize their stories, always

finding the most extreme and unusual example of things,

it doesn't help our hobby, I would say.  It makes the

average person, outside the hobby looking in, think that

cars are great investments, and that they are very expensive.

So many times, when I tell by-standers how inexpensive

most antique cars are, they respond, "I had no idea!"


Let the press instead write the story of the $10,000 station wagon

owned by a young family, so that readers can see

how much affordable fun the hobby really offers!

As mentioned though.  Nothing sensational about that. 

Today's news is full of sensation.  They even make it up,  the news and the super colossal words to make it seem more extreme than ever before.   Like in the Northeast a snowstorm of the worst degree was pretty much a nor'easter. usually got a couple every year.  This year that same type of storm is now a "bomb cyclone caused by or followed by a polar vortex". Sounds much more sensational now doesn't it.    Same storm.  Even caused many deaths, including the guy that had a heart attack while sitting in his chair in the house,  thinking about all the snow he was going to have to shovel.  That's now a casualty of the storm.  

I heard on the radio today that every 13th case going into doctor's offices now is flue related.  Either they have a fever or a cough or something flue like.  Seems much more sensational than saying every 26th case had the flue and the others actually had a cold.  They still don't tell us what any of the pediatric deaths they keep touting were actually caused by.  They just say the flue.  Were there pre existing conditions?  I'm getting sick of all the reporting with lack of crucial information.  Seems to be a lot of them, regardless of which side the aisle you look at it from.  

Same with the article I posted about the new flying car.  First ever road legal flying car is now coming out.  Unfortunately the lazy reporter,  forgot to do the tiniest bit of research or they got the date screwed up as that would have been about 1949 with the  Airphibian.  Though other manufacture's dabbled with it as well,  I thin the Airphibian was the first actually produced and marketed that was road legal and did fly. 

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