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Terry Wiegand

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I bought my '64 Riviera when I was 30 years old and when it turns 100 I'm going to be pretty happy just to witness it. AND I fully intend to do that.


In fact, the odds of me being there are a whole lot better now than they were when I bought it!


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hmm, wonder if JT was right as usual, this is so too much drama for a supposedly fun group, get it together, or leave is that the only answer?


Roberta makes an excellent point.  Don't let politics ruin your enjoyment.


I've found that the best approach for me, on a different organization's

board, is to make my case with persuasive words, even contending

strongly if I feel I'm right.  But every other club member or board member

has his own personal right to decide for himself.


People may agree, and thus my point is won;

they may decide my idea isn't one they would choose, and my idea goes nowhere.

Sometimes the seed of an idea I've planted takes form in a few years.


Everyone is an individual, with different backgrounds, tastes, and ideas.

But in democracy, the majority rules.

This isn't anything illegal or immoral;  it's merely a choice.

Accept the democratic vote and move on to bigger and better things--uniting to enjoy the cars!

Bring it up congenially the following year, and see what people think then.

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Did anyone else read the recent post on the revised Standard Operating Procedures?  #29 is of note.


Thank you BOD for acting on this.


Here's a paste.


I couldn't get the two awards/pics to paste in the correct size.  Perhaps someone else can.





Subject: Centennial Award Program

Authorization: Approved by the Board of Directors, March 2016.

Procedure: The Centennial Award Program (here-in after, the Program) has been compiled from suggestions and work of various individuals. It consists of two parts, a certificate suitable for framing, and a medallion to be shown with the vehicle. There are different events that trigger issuance of each item, as follows:

The Program Certificate (Part 1) was developed by members Bernie Daily of Brockport, NY and Cindy Livingston of Austin, Texas. It is a full color certificate, 11 x 17 inches in size. It would be printed and sent to each member who has a Buick that meets the requirement of attaining its 100th year anniversary of production. These vehicles will not have to attend a show to receive this Certificate. The Certificate will be mailed with a letter from the current BCA President. Besides common greetings, the letter will explain that the next National Meet the vehicle is brought to, and shown at, will result in eligibility for a Program Medallion. Certificates would be mailed at the convenience of the Office, however not later than March 31st of each calendar year.

The Program Medallion (Part 2) was developed by Larry Schramm of Rochester Hills, Michigan. The medallion is 3 inches in diameter and is based on the 1912-23 Buick emblems. The medallion is intended to be mounted on the vehicle, although mounting devices will be the responsibility of each individual member. This medallion will be presented to the Buick owner when an eligible Buick is brought to any BCA National Meet. It is intended that this medallion be presented one time only, and Updated April 4, 2016 28

the award should remain with the vehicle if it is subsequently sold. The award would be presented by the current BCA president, on the day of the main show at a National Meet, and on the show field, or in any other manner at the discretion of the President. A list of vehicles receiving this honor will be read at the awards banquet for that Meet.

What defines an eligible vehicle: For both parts of the Program, the eligible vehicle must belong to a member, in good standing, of the BCA. In addition:

For Part 1; the vehicle must attain 100 years of age, at any point in that calendar year.

For Part 2; the vehicle must be 100 years of age or older, as of its year of manufacture, and be presented at a National Meet in compliance with the rules of the meet, and the vehicle must appear to be substantially composed of, or maintained in, it’s original manufactured form.

Initial Club investment: A count of eligible vehicles from our member database shows 300 cars eligible for Part 1, through the year 2025. Part 2 is impossible to estimate as national meets are not static. However it stands to reason that supply needs for Part2 will be less than Part1.

Total initial estimated Program costs are:

* 500 Certificates - $300

*200 Medallions - $1,500

*Certificate mailing - $200

Total: $2,000.

Ongoing Costs to the BCA: To facilitate purchase of supplies and continuance of the program beyond 2025, the date for the initial investment outlined above, it is proposed that the BCA initiate a separate account specifically for purposes of funding this program, and that the BCA makes an annual deposit of $400.00 per year to said account. This deposit is to be made by the last day, of the first month of the Club’s fiscal year, unless doing so is determined to be detrimental to the club, and that reason is approved by Motion of the Board of Directors. The initial deposit is to be made in the first fiscal year following the approval of this Motion.

Catch-up Provision: all vehicles which have met the eligibility requirements prior to the date of this motion, would receive Part 1 certificates and Part 2 medallions.


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While I'm 14 years away from being eligible, it's nice to see this get done.


I do have one suggestion, make the certificate 11" x 14". I've spent a fair amount of time around picture framing and will attest that this size will give the recipient a lot more off-the-shelf options. "11 x 17" is not as commonly available, particularly if matting is wanted.

Edited by Buick64C (see edit history)
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The size of the certificate has already been decided. It is 11" x 17" and it is already at the print shop. Though the smaller 11" x 14" size is a more common size and it's easy to find cheap frames for that size at Target, Walmart, etc., the 11"x17" is not an odd size. Affordable pre-made 11"x17" frames can be easily found at many stores or ordered on the internet. What determined the size of the certificate is not how cheaply it could be framed, but that the larger 11"x17" certificate looks more impressive, befitting a 100-year-old Buick. For any of you BCA members who own one of these great old cars and receive a certificate in the mail, if you choose to frame it, I'll bet money that the frame is BY FAR the cheapest part of your ownership! :)

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