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PreWar Division Newsletter - Discontinued

Mark Shaw

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I previously notified the BCA PreWar Division (PWD) Regional Directors that I have decided that it is time for me to discontinue the PWD newsletter. I had already reduced it to a quarterly publication due to lack of content. And although I repeatedly requested members to submit articles, I received precious few articles submitted for publication. Someone offered to take over the newsletter, but his intent was to take the newsletter in another direction with filler articles, want ads, etc. I felt his plans were not in keeping with the stated purpose of the PWD, so I declined his offer.

I believe this Buick PreWar Forum is a good substitute for the PWD Newsletter for Internet users like our PWD members. I have already gleaned much of the PWD Newsletter content from the AACA forum. So, there simply is no need for me to produce another newsletter mostly about my own activities when our members already have sources for more varied information and articles on prewar Buicks.

I will continue to be an active participant on this forum and will continue to post articles, photos, and websites I find that may be of interest to prewar Buick owners. I encourage other BCA PreWar Division members to do the same.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

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Thank you Mark, for your work in this area. I just wish I were in a position to do the work at least half of what you produced over these years. I hope you can retain the mailing list you had so we can already them of some activities, notably the After Tours. It seems we are caught in the time warp situation of being too damn old or young and too busy trying to make a living.


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Thank you for your efforts and your on-going activity to-date. While regrettable that more of us could have, but did not provide articles, hopefully our FORUM will continue as a platform for info-sharing.


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Mark :

Thank you for all your support and guidance to us new guys. I now know a little about trying to do a newsletter. I know I had promised articles for Pete Phillips in the Bugle. Dean Tryon, in the 1915-1918 group, Joe Suarez for the 1936-38. Being the director of the Mason Dixon chapter I have had to generate material for our newsletter since it seems no one else in the chapter contributes and I also feel tapped out. I am sure our members do not appreciate my ramblings about my 1920s and 1930s cars ( most of which I had already posted on the Forum) when they would rather read about Regals, Reattas and Rivieras.

Bless you for making this Hobby enjoyable:

Larry DiBarry

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