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Saw this sweet little 1941 Plymouth business coupe on my walk today...


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John, I really need to know where you walk! Everywhere you go the old cars seem to follow.

Only thing I see when I walk are empty cornfields and an occasional road kill squirrel or rabbit........

Mostly all of the vehicles I see and post here are within a mile and a half of my house....usually. I guess I am just lucky to stumble upon them sometimes. I saw this one, took the photos, resumed my walk and it was gone when I went to see if it was still there so I could talk to the owner.

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That's sweet with the original patina...

Baby moons and whitewalls are such a classic look also. Very cool thanks for posting it

Actually, those are the correct "PLYMOUTH" hubcaps on there. They are hard to see in the photos I took.


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