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We are surely headed back home John. This is a magnificent drive but theres no place like home.

we drove 5 .5 hrs today through the Great Basin on rt 80. After the other mtn passes we drove todays route was mundane, but still beautiful. Arrived at Salt Lake City around 5:30 and had dinner with my sister and brother in law. Great Italian restaurant. Tomorow is another 6 hr ride to set up the next leg of this adventure. Looking forward to the next few days

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Bill Underwood, Ayer to the Underwood Typewriter Company, owns property in my area. He use to come into the Diner on 22 and 23 in Hillsdale often. Glad to see you guys are out of the fog and headed back. Good that you can take the scenic route. Now you see for yourselves what I needed to do to navigate with a trailer and old car in tow. There are still some mountains coming out of Salt Lake that you will need to clime. And then miles and miles of prairie land. What do you think of the Wind Farms... Thousands of those electric producing towers out there. Dandy Dave!

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Can't even imagine taking a trailer on some of these roads. But there are plenty of folks who do so. And even pass us. The nice thing is the way the hills have passing lanes and turnouts, even for the downhill side. One is supposed to use a turnout if there are more than 5 cars behind you. Very sensible.

Here's a few more pictures to get caught up to today:













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Was wondering if you were going to head up the mountain to Virginia City. It is one of my wife and I's ultimate favorite old towns in the US. When we were there in 2012 the championship matches were going on for six shooter fast draw competition. We never even knew those existed. (pic)

Been on many of the same routes you mentioned so can relate to what your eyes are seeing. Awesome country!

Glad all is going well.


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Fantastic pictures...keep 'em coming! Man, this has got to be an "at least once in a lifetime" adventure for you. And, I bet its got to be one of the biggest check marks on your bucket list.

Brings back a flood of memories for me...During the early to mid fifties, dad drove our family from San Diego, CA to Weymouth, MA before there was any route 70, 80, or 90 highways (he was being transferred from the US Navy Pacific fleet to the Atlantic fleet). Then, throughout the late fifties we would travel by car from MA to CO. Springs to visit his parents every two years.

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Just pulled into Driggs Idaho. The last 40 miles was another gorgeous drive. Farms, end to end! Real farms, not like where I live. These must be thousands of acres big and stretch as far as the eye can see. There really is only one way to see this great big beautiful country, and that is from the passengers seat while someone else is driving. But the view from behind the wheel is a very close second best! Pictures later. Gotta get some grub. But befor that I would just like to say a big Thanks to the Lord for such a wonderful land and for the good news I have read about both Roberta and Paul.. Folks, drive your cars... far.. There's not much like it.

Tomorrow will be a very long drive through the Grand Tetons and up to Old Faithful in Yellowstone park. There is one more stop I won't announce cause we may have to by-pass that to accomplish our mileage goals. We'll see. I'll post some more pics after dinner.

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Say JD, They call them big farms a Ranch out there. Problem is that there is not enough natural water/rainfall for crops like back here so it takes a lot more land to support less cattle. Where it is green, The water is pumped or irrigated. Being and old Farmboy myself it was the first thing I asked some cowpokes out that way. "Say," I said, " What do the cattle live on back here? All I see is desert, rocks and a clump of grass here and there." Them cowboys grinned a big grin and said, " Your right Mister, they eat them clumps you see here and there." They don't see many folks from back east that know anything about cattle and horses and were fun to talk with for a while. Dandy Dave!

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I did mean to get a picture of a Ranch entrance or two. Magnificent places. Also quite costly according to the local paper I picked up. We need to hit the road early this AM so I'll try to post some pics from yesterday a bit later. We are headed for the Teton Mtn Pass this am, 8K in elevation and a 10% grade. Naturally, this is the first day on this leg of the trip that we are expecting rain. Just filled up with non ethanol 91 octane. Have my fingers crossed that the cooler temps and the non ethanol gas will help on this and the other 9,000 elevation hill we expect to cross later this PM. We'll see...

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Today was 16 hour trip. With rain through noon we did not get a good view of the Grand Tetons. But we saw Old Faithful blow off, a Bison, a grizzly bear, and wild horses, along with some close encounters with deer. Btw, if you ever get the chance to ride rt 14 through Yellowstone Park, Shoshone Nat Forest and Wild Bill forest, take the opportunity! You will not forget that trip. We also rode the mountain pass for Big Horn mtn starting at dusk and finishing at 9:30 pm. Ride that one during the day!

Wyoming has our vote for the most beautiful state by far!!!

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You may be right about that Dave. I'm sure winters here are tougher than anything we experience on the East Coast. But I bet even the winter cannot take away from the raw beauty of the mountains we passed along this route. I can see I am way behind on pictures. Here are a few more but we are running late this am so I'll try to get caught up in a few days. Todays agenda includes Deadwood SD, Mt Rushmore and then a trip to Pierre SD for the overnight. And although it is sunny and bright right now, they expect heavy rains with local flooding all across our intended route. So we need to get a move on. Meanwhile:












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Just docked the " Queen" in Pierre Sd. We drove through Deadwood which was alive with bikes and people. Went up the hill to Lead and found a great place for lunch which wasn't mobbed. At least not till we placed our order. Then to Mt. Rushmore. What a sight

Then to Wall Drugs for dinner. Another treasure.

Tomorrow is a simple run into MN for the Heartland Regional. Whew!

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Guest Rob McDonald

JOHNDEE, you lost me when you passed into South Dakota. I've shared your western travels, during several trips in my dearly departed MGB. You're now into to new territory, which I am excited to see from your vantage point.

You make me want to sell all my cars and head to Portland to find a really nice full-size '71 Buick. You may have noticed that old cars in Oregon and Washington do not seem to rust away like they do almost everywhere else in North America. Sure, everyone knows that California cars are premium and one pays accordingly. The bargains to be had in the Pacific Northwest are our little secret. Shh, don't tell...

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Wall Drug...My Brother had a bumper sticker for years that read, "Where the hell is Wall Drug?" LOL... :o. Picked it up on his Western adventure from about 25 years ago. Dandy Dave!

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You're right Rob! This Buick is in really good shape. And it's like driving two lazy-boy recliners down the highway. I don't know how I'll drive the regal again after this trip.

Meanwhile pulled into Minneapolis a few hours ago. Already several VERY nice Buicks in the parking lot. Really gonna miss Paul at this meet. Coincidentally, one of the Electra's headlights burned out, and one of Ed's T3's took a rock and broke the lense... Mine is cheap. His not so much... Off to the junkyard tour tomorrow with my list of items. Then I think it will be a trip to a UPS Store to ship some of this stuff home.

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Have fun at the junk yard, watch out for bees and snakes. If your camera's memory card has any room left how's about taking some pictures of some of them fitty fo junkers. Interested in a nice mustache bar.

Man what a trip. My son and I took a trip out west once but it wasn't as well planned out as y'all's apparently is. Thanks for sharing all the great pictures, I'm sure I am not alone in thinking "Man, when is the next national going to be on the west coast, I want to do this"

You're getting closer to home brother, enjoy every second of every mile of what is left.

Here is a song for you. Super Buick Man ordains that it get stuck in your head and that you sing and hum it the rest of the way home.

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You're right Rob! This Buick is in really good shape. And it's like driving two lazy-boy recliners down the highway. I don't know how I'll drive the regal again after this trip.

Meanwhile pulled into Minneapolis a few hours ago. Already several VERY nice Buicks in the parking lot. Really gonna miss Paul at this meet. Coincidentally, one of the Electra's headlights burned out, and one of Ed's T3's took a rock and broke the lense... Mine is cheap. His not so much... Off to the junkyard tour tomorrow with my list of items. Then I think it will be a trip to a UPS Store to ship some of this stuff home.

How long will you be in Minneapolis?

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We are here through Sat nite. Sunday AM we head back East for the last 3-4 days of this trip. Hope to see you here Dan. Then I can thank you in person for that nice steering gear job.

So with a little time to work, here are a few pictures from the Yellow Stone Park day:







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