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Looking for "Car Game" ideas...

Chris Bamford

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Our local club runs a three-day progressive "Oldies Tour" every year. The tour name reflects speeds and daily distances that are comfortable for Model Ts and As and similar. This year we are meeting up with rural car clubs (street rod and later model) on two nights for BBQ and tire-kicking.

It would be a hoot to have some friendly competition with these clubs - antiques vs the rodders — and I'm looking for suggestions from forum members for fun and easy car games we could play in the evenings. Stuff like the blindfold ballon crush (someone in the back seat, preferably female, directing the driver) and so on.

Any suggestions? What car games have folks played in years past that they would enjoy doing again?

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I don't know about the evenings, but there are lots of possibilities during the tour...always a poker run, of course, giving out cards at stops and prizes for best poker hand...if the tour course is set, then have a questionnaire for the passengers to fill out...about things on tour route...my favorite, "Where do midgets cry?" and they see a sign that says "low shoulders".....once I was on a tour that had printed directions, and they gave slightly different directions to every other car, so while you were turning right they were turning left and it was great fun....

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Gimmick rally. There are general instructions, but some of the specific instructions are written so that, if you overlook some subtlety, you'll go the wrong way. Each of these traps is self-correcting, so everyone gets back on course until the next trap. But you've asked a bunch of questions; some will be answered if you went the right way, and others if you went the wrong way.

The smarter person in the car should be the navigator. When a guy says he's smarter than his wife, you say: "Fine. She drives, you navigate."

Fun, but a lot of work to set up. I guarantee there will be arguments, both on course and at the end, when the traps are revealed.

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1. Five Barrels - Driver drives a serpentine course forward and backward - but the catch is that the driver is blindfolded and the passenger tells which way to steer.

2. Parallel rows of tennis balls (maybe 18" apart or less) sitting in upside-down paper cups spaced out for 100 ft. length - driver drives forward (and back?) with left wheels driving between rows - each ball tipped counts against you.

3. Back through a lane of pylons with a plumb-bob taped or tied to rear bumper - stop with plumb-bob over the center of an "X" taped to the ground.

4. Charades - passenger jumps out of car - pulls a slip of paper from a bag (or hat), and without verbal communication, tries to tell the driver to do something with the car (turn on lights, walk around car, open the hood/trunk, etc.)

5. Timing Chain toss - instead of Horseshoes - or instead of Raw-egg-toss.

6. SLOW RACE - slowest car (Without touching brakes) to cross finish line wins! (Granny Gear and timing-retard helps here!)

7. Rocker/Valve Cover Derby for the Kids - announce ahead of time - let kids build a racer on wheels - use a plank or a hill to see how fast their racer is.

7a. For above Derby - additional prizes for design, best paint, etc.

8. Diagnose the reason why car(s) will not start, or running poorly -

a. missing ignition rotor

b. crossed sparkplug wires

c. plugged fuel line

We used to do this a lot here in Louisiana - even back when Trimacar still lived down here - we miss David and his family!

Hope some of these ideas help your event.

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I would not have any of the blind folded games. They seem too dangerous to me. One fun game is take several different car parts and place them into numbered cloth bags and sew shut. Then the players have to figure out what the parts are by 'feel'. Another fun game is to have a corner set up with cones and have the players back around the corner and try to part the passenger side rear tire on a mark. whoever is closest to the mark wins. Sounds like a fun event your planning.

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We do a series of games at Crosley Nationals every year. The most popular for participants and atendees year after year has been one we call "Take me to the dance". From a standing stop a 2 person team drives to a first stop. Stops the car and gets out. There they find say...a selection of mens hats on one side of the car and womens on the other. (the trick is if you have a couple as a team the clothing be reversed, if the team is 2 men...no matter). they then get back in the car and drive to the second stop where they find shirts, then pants and skirts, then shoes at subsequent stops. They then drive to the finishline where they find a circle where they get out and dance. Shortest time to complete and cross the finish line wins....with bonus points for stylish dressing and creative dance!!!

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Don't forget trying to run over a balloon tied to a stake. You must do it with the right front tire.

Also have a race between cars that have a passenger holding a paddle with a cup of water on it . the winner is the one that gets there first without spilling any water

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Announce a "Wet T Shirt Contest" in an hour or so... Then again a half hour later and ask participants to sign up.... Again in 15 minutes... etc. etc.

(This gets some great reactions when first announced....; and the announcer can make fun comments on who is or is not signed up already at his own risk)

Place inner-tubes a various distances from a large bucket or wading pool with water and car club T shirts soaking in it.

Contestants use only one hand to grab a T shirt, roll it up, and throw it into the inner-tubes at longer distances for more points.

Highest point winners win a wet T shirt...

(All very innocent!)

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