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New instrument available!!


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Hey all:

So this turned up in my inbox recently, thought I would share:



666 Wiley Road

Runner, Arizona 09876

Embargoed for release until 1 April 2014

Agnes Veeblefester, Marketing Director

The Automotive Services Group (ASG) at Acme Safe Company is pleased to announce the introduction of a new instrument for use by the automotive maintenance and repair professional community. ASG has received much attention in the past as the primary developer of the "Marie Antoinette" brand automatic car windows with the fastest close time in the industry.

This new product is called the "ViewBox" and, using only a user-supplied vacuum gauge and inductive timing light, helps the harried professional determine which cylinder has sticking valves or other problems when the gauge presentation shows rhythmic needle drops.

The following illustration shows the ViewBox, with the ingenious "ViewPort" on the top and the "LightPort" on the side.


As can be seen in the next 2 illustrations, the user places the vacuum gauge in the bottom portion of the ViewBox and routes the hose out of the exclusive "HosePort" and to engine manifold vacuum.


The box is then closed and, with the engine running, the timing light is sync'd to Cylinder 1 and inserted in the LightPort and pointed at the vacuum gauge. The user then can move the sync pickup to each cylinder in turn and, looking through the ViewPort, see where the vacuum readings are low, thus isolating the bad cylinder(s).

This wonderful new product should be available for order through our wholesaler, Flerm Industries, shortly after receipt of this Press Release. Price is expected to be in the $10k class, which considering how much money could be potentially saved in recovered burdened labor costs makes it the Bargain of the Year!


Just kidding! Happy New Year everybody!!

Cheers, Dave


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Don't risk that inductive timing light on a 6 volt electric system. Bring a 12 volt car along side or use a spare 12 volt battery to power up the newer timing light, unless you get the Ohm's Law Reciprocator. Mine broke so my light port only comes from a decanter.


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When I use a timing light, I just pull the trusty KTM 525 EXC along side the Baby, pull the seat off (1- 8mm bolt) and hook the power leads to the M/C's 12 volt battery, an "time" away.

Now using a vacuum gage to set the idle, that's another whole matter.

I think the book says something about the idle being set at the highest reading at 6-7 MPH.

My grandson cannot run the 6-7 MPH for the 5 miles it takes me to read the gage thru the wind wing. "Course he's only 2 years old, and his mom won't let him ride on the running boards. Wonder why they call them running boards ? If it were up to me, we'd call them sitting boards, 'cause that's what I do on them. Just musing.............

Edited by FLYER15015 (see edit history)
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Remember the scene in the movie "AIRPLANE", when the tower was informed that the plane's crew were on "INSTRUMENTS"?

I believe there was a tenor saxophone, and maybe a trumpet and guitar?

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