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Research Projects


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I am a little perplexed by all of these students asking for help with their high school research projects. I see similar requests on other boards that I haunt, as well. Are these real? Are these kids expecting other people to do their work for them? As young, presumably, tech savvy, kids, haven't any of them ever heard of Google? As an example, I Googled "Round Door Rolls Royce". I got enough hits to keep me busy for hours. It's not that I would mind sharing anything that I have as far as information is concerned but there is tons of info on the web, just waiting to be read. I'm not whining or complaining at all, just curious. I mean, why go online and ask what two plus two is when every computer has a calculator?

My, less than, two cents worth

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One of the students claimed that the posts were spam, yet his was not, tho they are cite the same school. I also don't know what to make of it. I originally felt their instructor suggested they go to the AACA forums for research, but you noticed them on other forums as well.

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It is funny how many new threads are started asking simple and often answered questions. Usually if you look at the bottom of the page under "similar threads" you will find the same question already answered multiple times. Oh well, when I first started using this forum, I had to learn how to navigate and use the various options and tools.

Edited by TexasJohn55 (see edit history)
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That is, somewhat, true. There have been comments posted on this site, like every site, that were wrong. Overall, this is an excellent site, but there are also other sources of information that might be even better. I may think that I know a lot about Model T Fords, but there are other people, with websites, who have forgotten more than I'll ever know. I just think if the kid wants to do research, then do research. In the end, it will all be just a cut and paste job, so why glean all of it from here. As I said, I Googled "Round Door Rolls Royce" and there is a lot of fascinating info on the car

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I did have to do a bit of moderating work today as a result of this. Since a few of them were obviously more interested in their attempts at humor that learning about old cars, I am guessing that an instructor suggested the subject and perhaps suggested this site as a good source. I debated calling the school today to try to speak with the instructor, and will if we have any more inappropriate posts like a few from earlier today.

Some of the students were obviously genuinely interested in learning about antique cars. I think that it is a good thing if we can help a few interested young people learn more about antique cars and the hobby. That sort of investment will potentially pay off down the road.

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I would like to know "the rest of the story" behind this high school assignment. Is it to lean about automotive history, technical writing, why these brands disappeared, ect. I agree its refreshing to see young people inquiring about old cars.


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Anyone can google information and get good as well as highly questionable responses. By doing this, they're also learning how to interact with old car people. If y'all can loosen your geezer caps to where they're not constricting your brains, you might make a lasting good impression on a few of these kids as well as making a new friend and inspiring them to seek out an old car of their own to learn about and love.

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Apparently it was a high school project. Students were assigned to do a presentation on some car that is out of production or no longer being built. They could pick their own car.

The teacher suggested they ask on here to get some first hand knowledge, possibly more personal than what a Google search would turn up.

Most of the students and the teacher seem respectful and appreciate when someone takes the time to answer.

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See the post from their teacher: he required them to come to the AACA for "information" to do a school project. That's why they all showed up here with similarly worded posts, all at once, asking about a number of different cars.

The whole source of information issue is, well, a whole separate issue. An internet message forum post, wikipedia, and a bunch of website links are not credible, scholarly sources (at least per standards in the academic realm) and rarely are primary sources. Now, before everyone jumps on my back, I realize this is a high school assignment and that the students were only doing what they had been told to do but when I was in school (which wasn't THAT long ago, honestly) if I would have turned in an assignment with no references or references only to internet forum posts and wikipedia, I would have received an F on my assignment. I have a degree in history so I tend to notice and care about research methodology and sources more than most, but still...

Running a Google search is not "research." Yes, in this case the students probably could come up with plenty of information to complete this assignment based completely upon the first couple hits on a Google search, but they should know that while it may get the job done this time, it's not really doing any "research." They should be taught better than that, in my opinion, or at least taught the difference between googleing and researching.

Sometimes I really just want to post one of these (surely many of you have seen this?): http://lmgtfy.com/?q=round+door+rolls+royce

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