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Anybody ever get Bi-polar about their Riviera?

Guest Steeleco

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Guest Steeleco

As stated in previous posts I love my 63 Riv. I've had it for about a year, done most everything I plan to do to it and enjoyed it all the way. So here is my problem, some times I think I should get rid of it. You know big carbon foot print and what not. So it's like "I love this car, no I really should get rid of it, No I love this car!" Only kidding around abit but seems kind of Bi-polar.

Please don't kick me off of the forum for rattling on.

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Do like I do with my 65. I ride the bus most days back and forth to work. Takes me over an hour one-way but saves me a butt load of money on gas. Then, on those days I'm feeling bipolar about riding the bus, I pull the Rivi out of it's pen and put my foot in it. I take the same route as my bus on those days so as I fly by the bus I think of all those folks not lucky enough to be driving on of the greatest cars ever made. :-)

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Steele-If you enjoy driving a 63 Riv yet worry about your carbon footprint...you are facing some serious issues other than bi-polarity. You are clinically insane. Get a grip on yourself man. Snap out of it. Maybe you could offset your guilt by recycling more household refuse or try lowering your thermostat at home. There is help for you, but you have to want to be helped. If left untreated, you might unwittingly sell your Riv and buy a Prius. Can you imagine how crappy the Priowners.org forum must be? PRL

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Guest Steeleco

Hey PRL, almost laughed myself silly when I read your post. Then I remembered we do have a Prius. So I'm OK. Let's see, Riviera 13 MPG, Prius 50 MPG, heck that's an average MPG of 31.5 MPG so I'm OK. Hey I gotta go for ride in the Riv and get a cheese burger. Later!


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I wait for earth day every year, then Drive my Riv from morning until dark. I make sure I don't drive anywhere productive just cruise around. People can drive a Prius to save the world, I'll drive my Riv to save my dignity.

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Don't worry about the carbon footprint. I haven't heard it mentioned in the congressional hearings on vaporizing parts of Syria. Now that's what I call carbon footprint. Where are the green protesters on that one?

33 Liters of engines at my house!


Edited by 60FlatTop (see edit history)
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Steele-Looks like the 1,000 HP is arranged from left to right in descending order. Now that I've seen that photo...I feel much better about your condition. You will survive, I'm certain. The dichotomy in your stable explains the bi-polarity comment. Actually, I'd say you are conflicted, but happy. PRL

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I just finished some research! All of the greenhouse gases and harmful carbon generated in building my 1960 Electra AND my 1964 Riviera were incinerated during government sponsored nuclear atmospheric tests in the mid to late '60's and early '70's. Thanks Jack, Lyndon, Dick, Jerry, and others whom helped bring the Prius to fruition. We are safe from those pollutants now.

Didn't know I had that nasty political soap box, did ya.


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Ha ha, I never think of that. The carbon footprint of your old car, with how little you drive it, pales in comparison to all those planes flying overhead everyday. I try to enjoy the old cars I have and the best way to do it is take it out for a ride. I'd rather drive 'em anyday than drive a new appliance.

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One guy I went to high school with had to drive his mom's '57 Mercury Villager station wagon as his car. I think there were a lot of dad's who just plain said "no way" when their daughters told them who they had a date with. His dad on the other hand was apparently clueless.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Steeleco

Well, here I go again. Woke up Saturday Morning and thought "I'm definitely gonna sell my 63 Riv". Then I went for a ride downtown, turned the corner by a neighborhood outdoor pub and a bunch of people (including women) started shouting out complements and being in awe of the car. So now I guess I have to keep it. The first gen Riviera is one great looking automobile.

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