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Yep, it happened again.

Guest wildcat465

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Guest wildcat465

The third fabulous weekend in a row is happening here in Gopherland. A 75 degree, no humidity day was promised from the get go.

You probably know the routine now, go find a Buick to start up.


Donna picked this one for today, Hi Donna!


Hit the local road again, no freeways for today's trip.


Whoa! Quick side trip. Gotta check this out!


Found a box that could keep Mr. Earl loaded for ages.


Enough goofing around, we got an amazing Buick day planned, let's roll!


Stopped by favorite Buick dealer on the way, need to show those salesmen what a Buick engine looks like without all those plastic covers and miles of wires. Open hood=man magnet here too.


Had to stop by an old friends place.


What's over there?


"An 11,500 mile GNX" he says.

"Bad to the Bone" I say.


He says: "This ones almost as fast".


At least it's Buick powered.

Time to move on. Put the top down, now that it has warmed up a bit. (This is August???)

Drive around a lake or two.


53 miles after leaving, I spot this.


Pull in and park.


Here comes more Buicks!!!


Continued on next post due to number of photos.






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Guest wildcat465

So what the heck is going on you say?

Well Kris and Kevin thought inviting the Gopher State Chapter over for a cook out was a good idea.

Many others agreed.


Oh yeah, we got some Buicks (and some brand X's as well) here today.




We had so many daggum cars, we had to Stack 'em!!!





Well, Kris and Kevin did anyhow.

The shade was good, the breeze was cool, the wonderful members of our chapter were, well, wonderful! Another great Buick day I say!

Well, it's getting late, time to head home and dream up the next adventure.












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Guest wildcat465
This is simply disgusting.. I am sitting here cooking in 100 + degree days just waiting for winter so I can get the car out.

Looks like a great time..

Sorry, Bill. It's usually hot and $h!44y here at this time of the year.

The last three weeks have been heavenly with lows in the high 40's low 50's at night and 65 to 80 during the day with no humidity. Been a bit dry though.

I am sure Mother Nature will find a unique and cruel way to make us pay for it sooner or later.

Or maybe it's the payback for my backyard looking like this in May!


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Guest wildcat465

I imagine something could be worked out Matt.

I will be back there in a little more than two weeks, iffn you can wait a bit.

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You give me that nostolgic feeling for my hometown. Growing up my dad bought his cars at SWANBERG and SCHEEFE BUICK. We are planning a trip through Minnesota next month but haven't finalized the datails. Please hang on the nice weather a few more weeks. If you see a red Lucerne with Texas plates, flag me down.

Chuck Bloomberg.

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Good ol' Swanberg and Scheefe. I remember playing in the warehouse as a kid while Dad had the Sportwagon serviced. Heck, I remember playing with the ashtrays when we brought the Sportwagon home in 1965. Both Dad and Grandpa bought cars there.

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Guest wildcat465

Dan, you do not need to own a Buick just yet to join up. And join in the fun.

I think I am getting Dave back in, known him for 25 years. Working on him to rejoin for the last three or so.

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This is simply disgusting.. I am sitting here cooking in 100 + degree days just waiting for winter so I can get the car out.

Looks like a great time..


You have no understanding how that comment disgusts us nawtherner's

Up here we have 5 seasons:

1-nice temped weather where you can enjoy the outdoors. =1 week

2-Blazing hot humid and mosquito filled days and nights =1 month

3-Tollerable weather where its cold and you should not wear shorts but you do anyways cause you are wearing socks with your sandals and winter is comming and you want to push the season 1 month

4-Really cold weather where you dress up but still try to enjoy your patio, BBQ and driving with your windows down but the heat on full=1 month

5-The rest is waiting for options 1-2-3-4 to come back

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Guest Rob McDonald
...lows in the high 40's low 50's at night and 65 to 80 during the day with no humidity.

Paul is describing Edmonton's typical June, July, and August, sometimes September, too. We had about two weeks of mosquitoes in May but I've hardly seen one since. STEALTHBOB, before you start packing, you should be fairly warned about our October-through-April winters...

Winter commuting in Edmonton. Of course we park in igloo garages.


Edited by Rob McDonald (see edit history)
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You have no understanding how that comment disgusts us nawtherner's

Up here we have 5 seasons:

1-nice temped weather where you can enjoy the outdoors. =1 week

2-Blazing hot humid and mosquito filled days and nights =1 month

3-Tollerable weather where its cold and you should not wear shorts but you do anyways cause you are wearing socks with your sandals and winter is comming and you want to push the season 1 month

4-Really cold weather where you dress up but still try to enjoy your patio, BBQ and driving with your windows down but the heat on full=1 month

5-The rest is waiting for options 1-2-3-4 to come back

We have 5 seasons in the South too plus we have to put up with Paula Deane !

1-Rainy, nasty blowing weather usually caused by a tropical storm. =1 week

2-Days where its around 100 degrees +- and you survive in A/C and go out in the early morning when it is only 80 =3 months

3-Damn hot wether where the thermometer is about 105 and the humidity is close behind. Your A/C cant keep up and you burn you butt on car seats even with cloth or leather.= 1 month

4-Tollerable weather where its not real hot and you should not wear jeans but your sick of shorts and sandals and winter is coming and you want to push the season=1 month

5-The rest is car driving season if it isn't raining which is scheduled for most winter weekends

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It just goes to show that no matter what...your neighbors weather is always greener...errrr better.

Bahh...at least if you don't like the weather around here all you have to do is wait 15 minutes.

This weekend coming I would say is a good one for all typically, lets all get out and enjoy it in our Buick's! Make sure to take pics and post em like wildcat did.good.gif

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Here in the Midwest, I planned to leave the car sit this summer because of the high heat and humidity (your skin gets really dry having to take 2 -3 showers per day) so you plan vacations and things to do with the family before school starts. Well, Mother Nature decides she has a sense of humor and makes you a present of tolerable weather all summer so at least the time spent with the family is bearable but because of the rains She sent this summer, you spend a couple of hours every third day mowing the lawn. No time for the car so it sits. Now that school has started and you're set to do the things to the car that you passed on for other reasons, good ol' Mother hits you with the 95+ days with humidity in the same range she usually throws at you months earler . The car still sits. So you sit at the computer and read all of the recently posted comments from others in the same boat.


Edited by RivNut (see edit history)
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