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New BCA Board member

Barney Eaton

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If you check the BCA web site, you will notice that Gene Sorensen has been replaced by Chuck Kerls on the BCA Board.

Gene ask to be relieved of his BCA duties for personal reasons. We will miss him and hope that he may run again in the near future.

The BCA board appointed Chuck Kerls (Wichita KS) to fill Gene's term which I believe would have expired June 2012.

Chuck is a former Director of the Reatta division and of course a Reatta owner.

At the same time Mark Lob the Boards newest member (before Chuck) just purchased a 1700 mile 1991 Reatta convertible. There is a post on the Reatta discussion with pictures... it is bright red with Flame red interior, one of 10 made in that combination in 1991.

With Chuck and Mark covered, I wanted to mention that Jerry Courson is also a Reatta owner, his is a 1990 white convertible.

With Chuck on the Board, and Mark buying a Reatta, that makes 3 of the 9 BCA Board members Reatta owners. I don't think Sweeney or Meyer will buy a Reatta but maybe we can get the rest of the Board into Buick's 2 seater.

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Why are we hearing this from a non board member and no information until Barney Eaton posts on the AACA forum.

I am sure Chuck is qualified, but will his term run until 2012 or will there be a vote sooner?

I guess Mr. Sorenson saw the writing on the wall.

2 BOD members from Iowa, now one from Kansas. None from Michigan, home of Buick. No geographical diversity. Although BOD nominating is voluntary, has there ever been a notion to seek diverse BOD directors, such as from Arizona, where there are a lot of older BCA members? How about the NW ? NE?

Didn't know this was an Iowa and Kansas club. Few members in those states.

With all due respect . . .

Chapter Directors received an email regarding the nomination of a BCA member to be appointed to the BOD to fill a recent vacancy on the BOD. The particular term to ONLY be that of the previously-elected BOD member. The email was from BCA BOD President Brian.

Later, we also received email notification that Mr. Kerls' nomination had been voted on and approved. From my vantage point, this was more about qualifications than geographic issues OR ownership of particular Buick vehicles. No more, no less. IF that turns out to not be the case, my prior orientation might change.

Geographic diversity on the BCA BOD is no different than geographic diversity in the location of BCA National Meets, which used to be determined by the BOD from the chapters which presented proposals to host such meets . . . no more, no less. If a particular region's BCA chapter(s) didn't submit a bid proposal, no proposals from that region could be considered, no matter how long it'd been since a chapter from that area had submitted such a bid. Now that such BCA National Meet geographic diversity is determined by the National Meet planning group, independent of regional/local BCA chapters submitting bids, I believe we'll now see BCA National Meets in many varied locales.

Currently, BCA BOD members can be from ANY location in the world. That NO members are from particular areas is related more to who desires to run than where they might live. Until I see signals otherwise, I consider it ill-advised to surmise, as ET has, that some areas of the USA are not represented on the BCA BOD for any other reason than that no nominees might have come from those locations. Until I see otherwise, I consider the BCA to be an international organization whose BOD members must consider ALL members in their actions rather than just the locales in which the particular BOD members might reside.

ET, how might you have felt if another person from Texas had been accepted (after being nominated) to fill this vacancy? Such a situation would have skewed the numbers of how many BCA BOD members were from one state significantly . . . a state which has historically seen Buick vehicle registrations significantly lower than states in the northeastern regions, but now claims a Buick-GMC dealership which has consistently placed in the Top Ten Buick-GMC dealerships (nation-wide!) for sales for well over one year now. IF we're going to consider such things as to where BCA BOD members MIGHT be nominated from, do we use 1955 sales or 2011 sales? IF more than two BCA BOD members are from one state or region, do we consider that a "Power Grab" to dominate the BCA BOD??? For what purposes or orientations?

Considering the transparency which BCA BOD Pres Brian has displayed (as to the activities of the BCA BOD), I fully suspect the recent BOD changes will be fully covered in a future issue of "THE BUGLE", but due to the various lead times in production of issues of the magazine, such information might not be published for a short while, just yet. ET, check with your chapter director for a copy of the particular notification email AND look at the number of people on the distribution list who also received the particular email. This is much different than in the past!

Whether Mr. Eaton might have erred in making his post OR bally-hooing the number of Reatta owners on the BCA BOD might be questioned by some, that's another discussion.

Let's NOT get into squabbles of who is or might not be the BOD because of where the particular BCA BOD member might live OR what sort of Buicks they might currently own or desire to own -- period! Personally and professionally, I expect all BCA BOD members to represent ALL BCA MEMBERS without any limitations or restraints of any kind -- period!


Willis Bell 20811

Director, North Texas Chapter BCA

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I guess Mr. Sorenson saw the writing on the wall.

No writing on the wall for Gene, he is like lots of others in the economy and he is trying to save his business. At that point, he felt like he did not have the time and effort to devote to the club. He was a good member of the BOD and we wish him well.

Willis says it better then I can but I will add we had 7 original nominees and a they got thinned to 3 members for the finals. I don't remember where they were all from but it was spread out. Board members vetted them and then we selected the one we thought would be best for the club.

We continually look for diversity and new opinions / thoughts on the BOD, its the only way we will continue to survive. Brian, our president, has plenty of good ideas and plans that you will see take shape in the next year.

Dont read conspiracy into everything. If you think you can do a better job or dont like the makeup or location of the BOD, run for the board. We welcome all.

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I check with Brian before posting this note. He said the BCA web page already reflects the change in board members and he had no problem with me posting the information.

This forum is NOT intended as a communication site for the BCA business, so there is no precident for the BCA to post the change in board members here. I did it because Chuck is a friend of mine and I wanted everyone to know he will be a good addition to the Board.

As far as my promoting the Buick Reatta, that is no secret to anyone that has known me for more that a few minutes. I hope that all BCA members get the message that the Reatta is a future Buick collectable and now is the time to pick up a good one.

There are many more BCA members today with older Buick that also drive a Reatta than there were 5 years ago.

Edited by Barney Eaton (see edit history)
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Don't tell everyone yetabout how good the Reatta is. I have not yet found one.

Also, as with many others, I am sure, I feel the decision by the departed board member was a personal decision and the selction was done after a careful review. And anone can be considered in the next election.



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Mr Eaton,

No jab, just a point of clarification

I feel compelled to comment on your statement which obviously refers to the Reattas: "maybe we can get the rest of the Board into Buick's 2 seater".

I remind you that Reattas are not the only 2 seater Buicks. Many PreWar Division Buick members already own two seater roadsters, coupes, & trucks.

Therefore, I expect that there may be many more former and current BOD members who own 2 seater Buicks.

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