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Off topic: Forum use


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Yes John,

I think there are a lot of viewers that do not make comments. I would say, I review a lot in the evenings, like now, and I say I should go back and respond. But then, I go look at somethings else, and never do respond.

Another bad habit with e-mails. I read them in the evening, when I may be tired (age has something to do with that) and I tell myself I will go back in the morning, but then I get busy then and never respond.

So I think others may do the same.


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OK, I'll post a comment-should I restore my rusty 52 super convertible, or should i go for that excellent '51 on e-bay that needs little work

QUIT IT! Restore the rusty 52.


I am the opposite. I post way too much. Time for a break. 3646 posts divided by almost exactly 6 years = 607 posts a year divided by 365 = 1.67 posts per day.

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Guest shadetree77

Weeeellll....you could "donate" that 52 to me and I could work on it to ease your troubled mind.:D Sure would look mighty fine sitting next to my 52 Special.:cool: Hey, maybe you could write it off on your taxes as a charitable donation?

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I did want to mention that is too bad more people don't post. 46 viewers, very few leaving comments.

When you think about the numbers in the BCA, AACA and even non members of either club that visit, it's a shame there isn't more knowledge, comments, advice, criticisms and topics on the forum.

Very few members of the BCA pipe in here. Many have left over the years. I often see subjects come up and wish some of the old BCA BOD's and knowledgeable folks chimed in.

Like wouldn't it be nice to have Gustin and Dunham share their knowledge of all things Buick? Obviously, it's their perogative to not be active on the forum but I am also a Kaiser Frazer Owners Club member and that club actually has a "club historian" Jack Mueller and he leaves probably 5-10 comments a week and I have learned a lot.

I appreciate Dave Corbin coming on the forum and many others, but there remains a "shadowland" of knowledge that just won't post or get involved.

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Can there really be 46 people viewing this forum right now, and no one is posting any comments?

Not necessarily.

There are also many web crawler programs that count as "viewers" when they link to a site, and often that "view" is in the site's cache for more than the milliseconds it took the crawler program to scan the site for new items.

If you google (or yahoo, or msn, or....) this thread and click on the "cached" version of the site it will tell you when it was last visited by that search engine's crawler. It's rarely more than a few hours.

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I did want to mention that is too bad more people don't post. 46 viewers, very few leaving comments.

When you think about the numbers in the BCA, AACA and even non members of either club that visit, it's a shame there isn't more knowledge, comments, advice, criticisms and topics on the forum.

Very few members of the BCA pipe in here. Many have left over the years. I often see subjects come up and wish some of the old BCA BOD's and knowledgeable folks chimed in.

Like wouldn't it be nice to have Gustin and Dunham share their knowledge of all things Buick? Obviously, it's their perogative to not be active on the forum but I am also a Kaiser Frazer Owners Club member and that club actually has a "club historian" Jack Mueller and he leaves probably 5-10 comments a week and I have learned a lot.

I appreciate Dave Corbin coming on the forum and many others, but there remains a "shadowland" of knowledge that just won't post or get involved.


Know what you mean and it seems to be true - especially over the last couple of years as it seems as though there is less posting than previously. Dave has hit one reason I think and it seems to me that there may be another as well. Intolerance. When someone has an idea that differs from some (even the majority) it triggers an all out assault from a few regular posters which may have the unintentional (I hope!) result of less participation by some (Dave Moon, Matt Harwood, Joe [in San Antonio I believe] and Skyking come to mind - and I know Dave no longer has his '60 Buick so a bit less interest seems understandable and he still weighs in -- just not, sadly, as often). Must say I enjoy a lively exchange even when it involves criticisms but there should be a level of exchange that remains respectful and sometimes think we collectively have fallen short of that and miss some of those that "stirred the pot" so to speak.

Still a very pleasant way to pass some time and I am never less than amazed at how helpful people are when a need is expressed.

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Guest Kingoftheroad

I'm posting:):eek::):eek::):eek::):cool:

But I can see now that I need to spend more time buying & building a car collection to catch up to some of the other members on here.

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I'm posting:):eek::):eek::):eek::):cool:

But I can see now that I need to spend more time buying & building a car collection to catch up to some of the other members on here.

Don't kid yourself. All you need is one old car that you really enjoy. Otherwize, most folks end up with a garage, barn, or field full of ones that are rusty and don't run for lack of time and money, and place their hopes on a winning lotto ticket. Dandy Dave!

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re: criticism

Criticism is not necessarily negative criticism. Being critical is an art I learned in college. To debate a subject is to ultimately become more informed and knowledgeable about the subject - for all parties.

But -- in our politically correct environment today, a lot of folks pass over subjects. They don't want to "get involved."

Whenever someone is critical of me I read their comments even closer and often apologize, retract or clarify my comments.

I recently learned a great deal from an old project car dealer posting in the PEERLESS section. I had some (unfortunately but accurate) unflattering comments about his prices.

Initially, he was not very pleasant in his response but ended up educating everyone on how he came to get cars and sell cars. I learned a lot and although I still beleive some or most old car dealers have exorbitant asking prices, I respect their position in the marketplace.

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LOL Unfortunately, didn't bid on the '51 due to a lot of personal stuff going on last week that is resolved now.Uncertain what i'll do w/ this one but I'll either restore it or buy another '50-'52 56c that is a better candidate QUOTE=shadetree77;935762]Weeeellll....you could "donate" that 52 to me and I could work on it to ease your troubled mind.:D Sure would look mighty fine sitting next to my 52 Special.:cool: Hey, maybe you could write it off on your taxes as a charitable donation?

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Guest shadetree77

Ahhhh, well. You can't blame a man for trying can ya'?:D If you ever change your mind I'm always open to accepting a charitable donation to my garage. Good luck in the search and/or restoration process!

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