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Antique Automobile - November/December Issue


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Just wondering if anyone has received their issue of Antique Automobile. We usually get it the beggining of the month.<P>Seems like National is falling down on the job in getting information out to its members. Are they all so involved in the "MUSEUM" that they are ingoring their regular job duties? It seems every issue has been coming out late, of course they blame everyone else.<P>Happy Holiday to all.

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I'm looking for Santa to bring mine on the 25th. grin.gif" border="0 Ruth may have something with her Museum thought. It does seem that "THE MUSEUM" has become the #1 occupation and pre-occupation of our Editor and Executive Director of Everything. frown.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>But of course that's just my opinion based on experience. ~ hvs

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C'mon folks cut some slack. Early December is when all the committees meet to pound out National Awards, Publications Awards, plan for the Annual Convention, on and on. I also think there has been a change in ownership by the printer. This means more coordination, probably breaking in some new people at the printer, again on and on. <P>The numbers of additional duties levied on Headquarters in the last 15 years, I would say, is staggering. Dues haven't been raised to hire more people, people are just working harder. And some of us volunteers have helped. For example a member of the Regions Committee did the follow-up letters on overdue Officer Reporting Forms and Rosters from the Regions and Chapters in 2001. Then I followed up on those over three years overdue two weeks ago.<P>That brings up another point. The 2002 Officer Reporting Forms (ORF) and letters to Presidents and Secretaries went out this past Tuesday. If you are a Region officer, or in a Region, please do whatever you can to get the ORF's in by March 1, and the Rosters in by May 1. That is the only requirement on Regions and Chapters. It's not really such a big deal. <BR>Thanks, VP Regions

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If you don't have sufficient personnel to do the job you are charged with performing, then you have two choices. Get more personnel or stay with what you have and watch things go to hell.<P>And please don't tell me AACA cannot afford one or more additional personnel in HQ without increasing the dues. I can read a financial report. One more person on the payroll at HQ will <B>NOT</B> result in the Club going into the red. Now funding a museum might. ~ hvs<p>[ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: hvs ]

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Hello, Ruth.<P>I live within 45 minutes of Headquarters and have the opportunity of stopping in, maybe, 4 times a year to say hello.<P>You should stop by sometime before making such sharp assumptions. <P>As for delivery? It is a November/December Issue. In my opinion, that means it could arrive anytime in November/December. With everything that is going on since the 9/11 attack, the war efforts of our troops, etc., I find it somewhat disturbing that the delivery of a magazine warrants such a priority. It will arrive soon...relax.<P>Have a nice Holiday.

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I talked to jeanie in Hershey and she said that they are having problems with the printer and getting a new one .Might get it between Christmas and New Years. eek.gif

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Thanks Al. smile.gif" border="0 Now why couldn't someone from HQ have come on here and told us that. By failing to communicate they have left us all wondering and speculating. But then keeping us informed is not too high on the list of priorities. frown.gif" border="0 <P><BR>As for it being a Nov-Dec issue, historically ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE has been received on or about the mid point of the two months. The problem with considering the end of the second month as being an acceptable receiving date is that there are frequently time sensitive advertisements and sign up sheets included, which when received a month late cause problems for the host groups of some activities. <P>I know for a fact that some groups hosting tours are requesting that their tour ads be placed in an earlier issue for fear that it will be received too late for folks to plan for a tour.<P>But that's just my opinion. ~ hvs

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Just a thought. Isn't there an AACA Director assigned (Chairman?) to the internet committee? If so, shouldn't he be following what is happening on the forum and what issues are being discussed?<P>With that in mind, it seems logical that when a issue is being batted back and forth by those of us that really don't know what is happening, he should be in contact with the appropriate Director, employee, volunteer, or whoever that would join the discussion and "clear" things up. I know that a few of the AACA directors do join in and usually we know whats happening because that is their assigned responsibility. (Thanks Earl,Terry, tourpersons/chairpersons [such as JanK]and others who respond on occasion.)<P>In this case, the VP of Publications could have started a thread, long before Ruth questioned the AA delivery, and indicated the problems being experienced, and that they may/will delay AA receipt to the members.<P>This forum is a wonderful comunication media that reaches many more AACA members than those who are "active", and should be a tool to update between AA, Rummage Box and other current comunication means. More offical information may bring more members to the web to see what the latest is regarding meets, tours and other member oriented interests. <P>Just a thought or two-- <P> wink.gif" border="0 <P>Chuck

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Chuck, you are absolutely correct in your statement that more of our National Directors should be using this for a communications tool. However, I will defend the current Chairman of the Internet Committee. He is a freshman director and is thus not yet in the loop on many subjects. You and I know the problem of getting the information during a first term. He's doing his best to learn, but is just not there yet.<P>Hopefully, this thread will educate some of the current Directors to make better use of this tool. Earl, Terry, et al - make this point during future Board Meetings. If we are having a problem with a contractor, such as the printer, and that is causing a delay, just communicate - that's not necessarily an embarassment. It happened years ago and Bill had to personally go to the printer to save our magazines the day before the printer went bankrupt.

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I'm all for communication, so I'm glad any time one of the directors or "persons in the know" posts anything of substance here on the DF. That said, I'm sure there is also a hesitancy on their part to over-communicate minor issues, for fear that we on the DF may blow it all out of proportion. (Who, us?) wink.gif" border="0 <P>I also suspect that many people associated with National underestimate the power of this DF as a communication tool, or they would rely on it more as a key resource. Few of our Wis Region members are connected, but I make sure that I share what I read and learn with the pertinent people within our region. News of the National Meeting change, for example, reached our membership long before any printed correction from National did.<P>Regarding the Antique Automobile concerns: I don't need a lot of details about the problems they may or may not be having with a given issue. IMHO, I'd like them to simply create a post with the date that they mail each issue, so that I know when to start watching for it in the mail.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region

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66 Mystery Chevelle, I wish my post would give us minimum service for First Class. That would be an improvement. When my Dad or I get the first copy of the AA it can be up to a week and a half before the other one of us gets ours. We live 5 blocks away from each other. Also, I recieved my city tax bill that was mailed in early Aug. in time for Thanksgiving.!!!!! mad.gif" border="0

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Ron -<BR>So N/D 2001 will probably arrive about mid Jan for most of us, right? Maybe slightly later. What about J/F 2002? Think that will arrive by the spring thaw? rolleyes.gif" border="0

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I still feel that this information should be given to us by either National HQ or one of our elected National Directors, preferably the one responsible for publications.<P>We appreciate and thank members of the DF for finding out what is going on with the magazine, and then coming on here and telling the rest of us.<P><B>BUT</B>, that isn't the way it should have to be done.<P>Just another of my opinions. ~ hvs

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Antique Automobile, where is it?<BR>Still no sign of it on Long Island.<BR>Went to the Greater New York Region meeting and many were asking. I gave the info I got here. Those who go to Philly were the most ticked off. Will registration be extended?<BR>Has anyone in power spoke to Bill?

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Guest BruceW

Never received the Nov/Dec Antique Automobile here. Talked to a fellow member last night that lives about 15 miles away..he never received his copy either. frown.gif" border="0<P>Sure do not want to miss the registration for the Annual Meeting!! shocked.gif" border="0confused.gif" border="0

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Hey gang, randjflo60, earlier in this thread; said they were told it was expected to mail right after the 1st of the year. That would be just about now, if they stuck to that schedule I'd expect they should start arriving next week. Of course that is assuming they were able to stick with the schedule. Guess we'll find out next week...<P>Rich

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Guest rcirilli

I haven't been on the DF much lately due to my work requirements but it's comforting to see the topics haven't changed. Isn't it amazing how little changes. I'm only kidding, I frankly find it very fustrating that some things never change.<P>To steal a qoute, But that's only my opinion!

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Guest BruceW

News!<P>I contacted Mike Jones (Annual Meeting Chairman) in regards to sending me a registration form because I never received the Nov/Dec Antique Automobile.<P>He stated that there had been a serious problem with the magazine printer that has since been resolved and the magazines are in the mail. Because it affects everyone, Mike does not have the resources to mail registration forms to everyone. But he said we should receive the magazine with the registration forms this coming week.<P>I talked with our president last night who received her President's registration in the mail and the due date for registration for the Annual Meeting is February 1.<P>I passed along the information because I figured Mike was plenty busy getting ready for Philly and wouldn't have the time.<BR>Looks like there is hope!

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I just hung up the phone from calling headquarters and they told me that they are in the mail NOW. I haven't received mine yet, but as soon as I do, I'll post it here. It seems like i got mine 1st last time so this might be a gauge as to how soon you all will receive yours. wink.gif" border="0

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It seems to me as previously stated in the section if National had bothered to post a notice on this site it would have saved the national work group a lot of phone calls from frustrated members.<P>Just my opinion of course.

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You know, the AA magazine has been delayed and sometimes very late (read more than a month) in the past. So why does everyone get their shorts all twisted over something that happens all too often. rolleyes.gif" border="0<P>Serving on the staff of several national events in the 90s, we always lobbied to get our free event ad in an earlier edition of the AA and always placed another ad at our expense because we knew that the publication dates tended to vary. It shouldn't be this way, but it is. frown.gif" border="0

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Ah - Hq really does have e-mail capability. <P>One of our DFers actually got an e-mail.<P>Now if only they could navigate their way to this site, they could inform all of us at one time instead of one at a time.<P>And gain a little respect, too. rolleyes.gif" border="0 ~ hvs

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

It would have been great if HQ posted through the Df or had PeterG do a mass email, then we could pass the word along. shocked.gif" border="0

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randjflo60~~ That starts the clock ticking...<P>My copy of last issue arrived 22 days after you announced you received yours. So I might get it during the last couple of days of this month... Or the first week of next month.<P>Gee, good thing I don't need to have a registration form in by the 1st of February.<p>[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: ply33 ]

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I've never seen anything in-writing to that effect. Has anyone else?<P>What makes you ask the question? Here in Reading, Pa, it normally arrives around the 13th of the second month. <P>Re-read the previous posts. Quite explanatory. (There was a problem with the printers. Just a hint where to start.)<P>Life goes on...<BR> rolleyes.gif" border="0<p>[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]

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Well, Nov/Dec arrived today, 1/11/02. Can't find anything about Philly registration. Bill Smith's coulmn says "the Annual Meeting Registration form was mailed to you in the plastic mailer containing your magazine." This issue? Not mine! Anybody else miss your's? frown.gif

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