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My Questions About Buick Nationals......


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Although I have been the proud owner of a 1939 Buick Model 48 for over 30 years, and a BCA memeber for 20, I plan on attending my first National this July in Ames. Because I'm new to the national I have a few questions.

1. I notice that registration opens on Tuesday, July 27th. I assume that a person can register at any time after that, in my case on Wednesday because that is the earliest that I can get there. Is this correct, and how late can I register, and still be part of the show?

2. This may be a silly question, but I've never shyed away from asking those kind: If you enter your car into one of the judged or display only categories is it "tied up", (that is can't be used), only on Friday, the day of judging, or are you expected to have it parked in the display area most of the week? I told you it might be a silly question.

3. My car is basically an original car and not restored, with the exception of making the car safe and road worthy; new brakes, shocks, battery, front end work, etc. However the paint, engine and interior are original and sound but with minar flaws, bumps and bruises that come with 70 years of use. I am trying to decide whether to enter the car in the class entitled "Archival Judged" or simply "Display only". I'm thinking "Archival", just for the fun of seeing how it is judged. What are the pros and cons between the two classes?

4. Finally, I see a "Driven Class" listed on the application form to be judged on Saturday, July 31, but I don't see this class listed on the upper portion of the form with the other classes. Why not?

Thanks for putting up with a newby to the Nationals. And thanks for any answers you might provide to my questions.

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Guest windjamer
:) All vary good questions,nothing silly there.I would like to add a question. I notice reading through the post there is a Nat. in Ames and also a Nat. meet for Buick GS and anouther for Wildcats. I take this to mean outher Buicks would not be welcome at the GS or Wildcat meet.:confused: Am I wrong??
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Guest Dans 77 Limited

I would go with archival instead of display only . Display only is just that. While people will admire your car on the field ther will be no "formal judging" of any kind. Archival is the way I would go if I hadnt painted my car when I first bought it.

To the question of using your car . Ive never been to a national but I have been to several regionals and I can pretty safely say that the format is the same . Your car is available to you at any time except the show hours. You will find in your packet that ther will be dedicated "show hours". In most cases it is during the saturday of the show. The hours vary by show size , availibility of judges etc. During that time period you really do not want to move your car. The judges roam the field and often times they themselves dont know in what order the classes are going to be judged until the judges meeting the morning of the show. The rest of the time is for participating in activities and enjoying your car.

Hope this helps


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:) All vary good questions,nothing silly there.I would like to add a question. I notice reading through the post there is a Nat. in Ames and also a Nat. meet for Buick GS and anouther for Wildcats. I take this to mean outher Buicks would not be welcome at the GS or Wildcat meet.:confused: Am I wrong??

DIck, The other National event is the Buick Performance Group(BPG) is open to everyone, the Wildcat "thing" is an event within the event, just as the "Stage 1" Reunion also.

The BPG has had their event, the first weekend in August for the last 3 years, since moving from Salem, OH to Columbus, OH in 2007. Both clubs were warned of the conflict and neither seemed to care? Oh Well.

You don't have to be a member of BPG but it will cost you more to attend if you are not but you can join at the gate!!!

(No guessing where, I will be that weekend.....but it won't be in IA, sorry folks!)

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You HAVE to register in advance of the BCA national meet, in order to have a car judged or displayed there. The registration hours listed are the hours you can pick up your registration packet at the meet, which is prepared several weeks prior to the meet. The reason for pre-registration is so the meet planners can properly lay out the show field, know about how many dash plaques & trophies to order, prepare your car's windshield I.D. card in advance, etc., etc. If you don't register until the days of the meet, you are out of luck.

Dan, judging is going to be on Friday this year, rather than the usual Saturday.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Sherman, TX

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DIck, The other National event is the Buick Performance Group(BPG) is open to everyone, the Wildcat "thing" is an event within the event, just as the "Stage 1" Reunion also.

The BPG has had their event, the first weekend in August for the last 3 years, since moving from Salem, OH to Columbus, OH in 2007. Both clubs were warned of the conflict and neither seemed to care? Oh Well.

You don't have to be a member of BPG but it will cost you more to attend if you are not but you can join at the gate!!!

(No guessing where, I will be that weekend.....but it won't be in IA, sorry folks!)

Hey 'Berta!!

No, I did check with Mike Book about dates and such. He and I had that conversation MONTHS before the BPG's August meet last year. He called me and asked when the BPG's meet would be so, as he put it, we didn't step on each others toes. I gave him our dates for 2010 and I am sure Mike passed that information along. I was very surprised, no, shocked, when I saw the BCA dates for 2010 while reading my Bugle at the BPG meet. We tried to change our dates, but the only thing, by that time, open was a September weekend and the same weekend you hold Norwalk, neither of which were satisfactory. We elected to keep our traditional dates and hope, no pray, that next year we would not be faced with the same situation.

When the directors of the BPG chose our dates it was with consideration of other events that many of our same members would want to attend. That is why end of July/first weekend in August was chosen.

So you see, I DID care and tried to play well in the sandbox. Information was passed. What was done with that information I do not know. I am sure the people putting together the Ames meet had problems with dates neither you or I know about. I understand. I really do. Stuff just sometimes happens.

Windjamer, you and your Buick are ALWAYS welcome to join us in Columbus for the BPG Nationals. If it better fits your schedule and travel arraignments in 2010 please come and have fun!

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I doubt the BCA BOD really checked the various off shoot groups National schedules when picking the time frame for the BCA National in Ames. That could be never ending trying to accomodate everyone.

Having said that, we should end all discussion about this aspect. There is a new member asking questions and here we are going down a he said she said pathe.

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I doubt the BCA BOD really checked the various off shoot groups National schedules when picking the time frame for the BCA National in Ames. That could be never ending trying to accomodate everyone.

Having said that, we should end all discussion about this aspect. There is a new member asking questions and here we are going down a he said she said pathe.

My last comment on the subject. They did. Ask Mike Book.

Good luck with all of this groups endeavors.

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Although I have been the proud owner of a 1939 Buick Model 48 for over 30 years, and a BCA memeber for 20, I plan on attending my first National this July in Ames. Because I'm new to the national I have a few questions.

1. ...how late can I register, and still be part of the show?

2. This may be a silly question, but I've never shyed away from asking those kind: If you enter your car into one of the judged or display only categories is it "tied up", (that is can't be used), only on Friday, the day of judging, or are you expected to have it parked in the display area most of the week? I told you it might be a silly question.

3. My car is basically an original car and not restored, with the exception of making the car safe and road worthy; new brakes, shocks, battery, front end work, etc. However the paint, engine and interior are original and sound but with minar flaws, bumps and bruises that come with 70 years of use. I am trying to decide whether to enter the car in the class entitled "Archival Judged" or simply "Display only". I'm thinking "Archival", just for the fun of seeing how it is judged. What are the pros and cons between the two classes?

4. Finally, I see a "Driven Class" listed on the application form to be judged on Saturday, July 31, but I don't see this class listed on the upper portion of the form with the other classes. Why not?

Thanks for putting up with a newby to the Nationals. And thanks for any answers you might provide to my questions.

To answer your questions (especially in light of what Pete has added) -

1. Register soon.

2. You can drive your car on and off the show field during the meet. Keep in mind - as you metioned - Judging requirements. These are spelled out when you need to have you r car in it's spot and during judging you may need to be available for the judges.

Also - most show fields if not all - the BCA has volunteers or hired guards in off hours so you may want to keep your car there overnight. I'm not sure how far away the lodging is from the show field. In Rochester, it was right there within walking distance.

Check with your desired hotel ahead of time to see if they offer shuttle services. Might as well get your money's worth out of the hotel services offered.

3. Go Archival and see what happens. Either way, the best part of a National is the sheer variety of Buicks all in one place.

4. Not sure how to answer that one - and keep in mind my other answers are anecdotal.

Edited by BJM (see edit history)
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"I doubt the BCA BOD really checked the various off shoot groups National schedules when picking the time frame for the BCA National in Ames. That could be never ending trying to accomodate everyone. "

We ran into scheduling difficulties so picked the best weekend we could. Yes, we saw that it was going to run into he BPG Nationals along with a Nascar event and a Bike race.

Why the driven class is is listed seperatly is so that you know that the driven class is being judged on Saturday and you can enter your car in both the Archival class or any other class and the driven class (if you drove it to the meet).

Saturday is a large car show that we are planning, we have invited all the car clubs in Iowa we can find and many have planned to come. We want to have a lare contingent of Buicks on the field which is why Saturday judging was chosen for the Driven Class.

The meet will be lots of fun and we look forward to seeing you.

Edited by Bill Stoneberg (see edit history)
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Welcome to your First National - I think you will find it very enjoyable ! I would also like to welcome you and yours to participate in being a Judge . It will add to the excitement and you will learn the Judging Program from the start . You need NO prior experience - you will need to attend a Judging Class prior to Show Day and attend the comp Judging Breakfest the day of the show. Hope to see you in Class -

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Guest my3buicks

While it is important for all to help judge and participate - I think your first year at a National you should enjoy the event and not get involved in the judging process. Between the judging meetings, and time judging it greatly reduces your free time - and that free time could be used for really getting a feel for the event. Then next year, jump in with both feet.

The first year at a national can be a little overwhelming, but it is a great experience!!!!!

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While it is important for all to help judge and participate - I think your first year at a National you should enjoy the event and not get involved in the judging process. Between the judging meetings, and time judging it greatly reduces your free time - and that free time could be used for really getting a feel for the event. Then next year, jump in with both feet.

I have found Nationals have plenty of time. Judging will take some time within class but there won't be too many in the late 30's class for you to participate in judging. 10 minutes per car x no more then 10 cars probably.

Since you will have your car in the Archival class or Driven or both, I would consider judging mainly because you have an original car and you have owned it so long -so you know right from wrong at least on 39 Buicks.

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I want to thank everone for responding to my questions. Your responses are really helpful.

I gather fron the responses that registering early is the most important item to take care of. I'm sending in my registration form I received with The Bugle today. I guess that is what you meanby registering early -right?.

I'm going to do the "Archival Judged" thing, but I'm not so sure I'm ready for judging. I'd like to get the flavor of a national first.

Thanks again to everyone for being so helpful!


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You HAVE to register in advance of the BCA national meet, in order to have a car judged or displayed there. The registration hours listed are the hours you can pick up your registration packet at the meet, which is prepared several weeks prior to the meet. The reason for pre-registration is so the meet planners can properly lay out the show field, know about how many dash plaques & trophies to order, prepare your car's windshield I.D. card in advance, etc., etc. If you don't register until the days of the meet, you are out of luck.

Dan, judging is going to be on Friday this year, rather than the usual Saturday.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Sherman, TX

Okay, one more clarification please. By registering in advance I think you mean that I need to get my registration form sent in soon - like now. I think I get that and will do that. But is it also imperative that I am there on Tuesday, July 27 between 4:00 and 8:00 PM which is when registration opens, or can I show up on Wednesday to register? What are the problems with showing up after Tuesday, i.e.: the next day?

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Guest my3buicks

You can show up anytime the week of the Nationals, the registration tables (area to pick up your information packets/tickets/etc from being pre-registered) are open Tuesday on at posted times. You need to register via mail for the National sometime before the posted cut off time on the registered cut-off time.

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Buick4547, All above have given you good advice, but let me add my opinions. Having been involved directly with many recent BCA Nationals, I think I can answer these questions properly. First of all, Pete is right about early registration. You need to send in your registration form as soon as you decide to come. This isn't a weekend Shine and Show. We have to prepare for the event as much as possible in advance. Anyone coming in on Friday will only be allowed to Display their car. You only need your car on the show field during the times of judging. The rest of the time you can park anywhere you want. But you will have a spot reserved for your class on the show field and it is common for show cars to park in the classes even during non-show hours so spectators can see cars lined up on the show field in order. I agree with the others that your car would be a good candidate for the Archival class. The class was designed for non-restored Buicks. The judges look for authenticity only, and ignore condition. As a matter of record, you will get points taken off for anything 'restored'. It sounds like your car would score well in the Archival class. And Bill is correct, the Driven class is listed on Saturday on the registration form. But, on order to be in the Driven class, you must drive it to the show the entire trip from your house. And, again, the Driven class is not judged on condition as much as authenticity. Hope this helps.

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Buick4547, All above have given you good advice, but let me add my opinions. Having been involved directly with many recent BCA Nationals, I think I can answer these questions properly. First of all, Pete is right about early registration. You need to send in your registration form as soon as you decide to come. This isn't a weekend Shine and Show. We have to prepare for the event as much as possible in advance. Anyone coming in on Friday will only be allowed to Display their car. You only need your car on the show field during the times of judging. The rest of the time you can park anywhere you want. But you will have a spot reserved for your class on the show field and it is common for show cars to park in the classes even during non-show hours so spectators can see cars lined up on the show field in order. I agree with the others that your car would be a good candidate for the Archival class. The class was designed for non-restored Buicks. The judges look for authenticity only, and ignore condition. As a matter of record, you will get points taken off for anything 'restored'. It sounds like your car would score well in the Archival class. And Bill is correct, the Driven class is listed on Saturday on the registration form. But, on order to be in the Driven class, you must drive it to the show the entire trip from your house. And, again, the Driven class is not judged on condition as much as authenticity. Hope this helps.

Sure does help! Thanks all for your help! I'm really looking forward to the meet.

Jim Cushman

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Mr. Riviera and I think you should judge but appears we got overruled. That's OK because smartin and Keith are correct too BUT don't be a fly on the wall.

I have been all but invisible at the 3 Nationals and one regional I have attended. I have no friends in the BCA except on-line.

In Dallas I reacquainted with Cecil Miles, a close friend from Houston who took me under wing into the BCA but other then that it was kind of lonely at the Nationals.

SO, glad hand a lot - I'll be on the look out for you. Meet, ask questions. Observe the judging. Plus, I know Ames and that area like the back of my hand - so I know the events will be fun.

Send me a PM with your mailing address and I will send you a Lincoln Highway packet!

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I'd just like to make a point of clarification regarding the judging. First of all, the Judging Manual is the authority. It is available as a PDF directly from the BCA web site. I have judged archival class the last two Nationals where there was judging. There are no points in archival (or class U). It is either pass or fail. There is a limit to how much of you car can have been repainted (one panel) and so forth. Check the judging manual and the archival class judging form to be sure your car will do OK. I'd hate for you to register for the class to find out that you have something that will keep you from an award.

The driven class is essentially just that - if you drive your Buick, you can get an award. You need to have a spare and fire extinguisher (all classes). There are some basic restrictions (like you need Buick wheels of a similar year).

If you have some small modifications that don't qualify your car for the driven award, there is a modified driven award. If I bring my '76 pace car down, it will be in this class because it has Centerline wheels on it. While they are period correct, they don't meet the stringent requirements of the driven class.

If you change your mind after the fact, once you get your registration information back in the mail, you will have contact information that you could use to change your registration.

I look forward to meeting you. For sure I'll have my '54 Century Estate Wagon on the field.

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