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New bern N.C.

Guest windjamer

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Guest windjamer

I know its early, I wondered if there is any info. on the New Bern meet in May. Where is the show field,what are some close attractions Has the host hotel been chosen,what outher hotels are there and most of all im hopeing for small town laid back country.:D I think I saw a post that New Bern hield a meet in 2002,any pictures Wayne??

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Dick, the host hotel was last listed as Sheraton Hotel Grand at 100 Middle Street in

New Bern, NC. As usual, last minute changes can be made to this.

The Meet itself will be downtown as it has previously been, I'm sure. It was a BIG hit for the town and the participants the last time.

Sorry about the requested pictures!:(

West sent me a bunch for the Philly slide show a couple years ago, but in our new house move, old pictures are in chaos!........again.. :(

Please take the above information with a grain of salt. Everything is subject to change, but I hope this helps!


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If you're going to New Bern, you had best try to book your room NOW!! If I'm not mistaken, Marshall VanWinkle stood up at Gettysburg last May (during Judging School) and told them that rooms will not be easy for that meet. If I'm not mistaken, I want to say that a large golf tournament will be coming to town that same weekend. As soon as Judging school ended in Gettysburg, I called the hotel and reserved my room that very same day.

I've never been to New Bern for any type of event ever, but I've always heard a lot of good things about it. I'm looking forward to going.

.....By the way, with any luck, our '42 Ford/American LaFrance will leave New Bern as a Senior AGNM winner. In either case, that will be the last long haul with that truck. After that, the truck won't be going more than a couple of hundred miles.

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Guest billybird

I have attended almost 40 National Meets at many different locations and New Bern is my all time favorite venue. I have attended 4 Nationals there. I urge you to come, you won't be sorry. The last 4 meets were held on the downtown streets; just great! Just another note; while there is excellent food in New Bern, I always take one night and go to The Channel Marker in Morehead City for the best seafood in the WORLD! About 45 min. from New Bern right on the Bogue Sound. I can't wait till May!

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I have the host hotel direct number as 252-638-3585.

If you can't get a room at the host hotel, (and I think that they may be sold out by now), send me a PM. I think I am going to have to cancel my reservation there. I can't be at two places at once. I am still trying to find out how to make it work out, but I really need to be in Washington DC for Police Week this year as one of the names being added to the wall this year was one of the officers under my command.

If I can make it to New Bern, I should be arriving early Saturday Morning from DC, instead of arriving on Thursday or Friday from home.

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Guest windjamer

Thanks all, special thanks Wayne. Now I just need to figure out do I drive or trl. both cars. Was planing to have my step-son pull one and I the outher but not sure he can get off. Time will tell

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Guest windjamer

:)Booked a room at the Bridge point hotel,supposed to be right in New Bern. $197. for two nights,room looked nice anyone know of any pitfalls??

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Guest billybird

It is in New Bern, but it's on the other side opposite all the activities. A pretty long walk across the bridge. If you stay at either the Sheraton or Comfort Suites it"s an easy 1-2 block walk to any activity. However, if this does't matter to you it's not an issue. I also understand that rooms in these two hotels are in short supply or gone altogether.

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Guest windjamer

Thanks Billybird, what can you tell me about trl. parking? I tryed the hotels you mentioned and they are full,Bridge point had rooms so I thought I had better grab one. Now Im hopeing someone local (club member,chair?) will chime in with lots of advice.

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Now Im hopeing someone local (club member,chair?) will chime in with lots of advice.

Dick, I too am hoping that the chair of the GN or a person on his staff will be answering questions about the event here soon.

Having never been to New Bern before, I too have questions about the when and where trailer parking is available, etc.

BTW, I checked out the site and downloaded the Meet brochure.

That is a good start information wise but MORE information is needed either on the club's web site or posted on here or both.

I know I sound like a broken record regarding information about meets but to some AACA members like me, information is

VERY IMPORTANT in the planning process we go through when attending a meet.

Based on past forum threads it does appear that others share my needs as well.

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Guest windjamer

:DCharlie, never forget the 5 Ps of life. Prior Planing Prevents Pi**poor performance. My wife is on oxigen and has a real hard time geting from point a to B, so I HAVE to plan ahead. I NEED to know where am I going how do I get there what will I find WHEN I get there and will the coffee be ready.:D I am going to call the show chair,but as busy as I know they must be I am just procastinateing at least till Im sure he has had supper.:D Meantime maby one of the locals will have a post.

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Now Im hopeing someone local (club member,chair?) will chime in with lots of advice.


Understand that this Meets & Tours portion of the Forum is new. Remember that this forum didn't exist until I put up a post in regards to the meet that I'm chairing that had received so much traffic that Peter Gariepy started this.

I started putting my information on the Forum due to the high volume of phone calls that I was getting (I still get them). I found that I was taking a lot of time answering the same questions, and it had gotten to the point where I wasn't able to get work done as it pertained to the meet.

To the defense of the other meet chairmen, do not expect to see the amount of information put out on this forum like I posted. They're not required to do put out this amount of information, this early out. Understand that I did it to get us much information out as soon as I could to reduce the volume of phone calls.

I put out a lot of information very early that I didn't have to do to everyone's benefit. Do not expect that standard from the other meet chairmen.

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Guest billybird

windjamer: All four meets I have been to at New Bern the trailer parking was a breeze. This group does a fine job. There was one trailer lot next to the hotel where you are staying; one across the bridge, a few more at a small park next to the Comfort Suites. The last time I was there was 2007 and I know things change but that was the trailer layout then.

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Guest windjamer

:)G/morning Pat.Not real sure what your trying to tell me in your post,but I am sure you know that getting the information to the TROOPS is vital to the success of the mission. You put out an excelent amount of information on your upcomeing show in order to reduce the amount of time spent ans. the same questions on the phone from many differaunt callers.Im pretty sure that the powers that be or someone in the reagon that has knowlage will jump in here in a timely manner if only to B.S with us and promote the meet. See you in New bern and Canandaiqua.:D

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All I'm saying is that prior to my region hosting a meet, that I haven't seen anyone put out a lot of information pertaining to any meets, nor would I expect them to.

As a meet chairman, I saw this as a fast, inexpensive way to get the word out, so I took it and ran with it, but to expect that as a standard from other regions hosting events most likely won't happen. The forum only represents a small group of AACA members, and hopefully it'll grow.

Usually when I get a phone call pertaining to the meet, the first thing I'll ask these people is if they have web access. A majority of them have said that they do, so after I answer their questions, I tell them about the forum, I tell them how to get on the forum, and explain to them that I have already answered almost every question imaginable on the forum. In order to save these people the dime of calling me, if they check the forum, they may already find the answer to their question and save them the cost of calling me. With any luck, it'll bring more attention to the AACA Forum.

With over 3,000 hits, I'd say that my thread on the spring meet has already raised awareness on the forum. If we haven't done that, than I may have to find more parking for car trailers.:eek::eek::eek:

The forum is a great tool for communicating, but the regions who are hosting national events are not required to post information. What I have done is a personal courtesy that I have extended to everyone on the forum, but that isn't something that should be expected.

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Having worked on the committee for the Gettysburg spring meet last year, more than likely not all the details have been worked out and are a work in progress. Planning a national meet is a unbelievable task with hundreds of logistic details and problems that need to be solved which leads to committee meetings on a regular basis. Add to the fact that the meet will be held on city streets and the town officials need to be involved makes organizing that much harder.

Posting information such as trailer parking, etc prior to all before being finalized will lead to a lot of angry members if things change and valuable time lost if information needs re-posted. I would think it is safe to assume that there will be adequate trailer parking and with over 4 months to go a little patience would be in order. Also rather than posting on a form requesting information and hoping a committee member sees the post (even though many don't use email or computers), why not pick up the phone and call the meet chairman, preferably when the date is a little closer and only if your don't have the answer to your inquiry.

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Having worked on the committee for the Gettysburg spring meet last year, more than likely not all the details have been worked out and are a work in progress. Planning a national meet is a unbelievable task with hundreds of logistic details and problems that need to be solved which leads to committee meetings on a regular basis. Add to the fact that the meet will be held on city streets and the town officials need to be involved makes organizing that much harder.

Posting information such as trailer parking, etc prior to all before being finalized will lead to a lot of angry members if things change and valuable time lost if information needs re-posted. I would think it is safe to assume that there will be adequate trailer parking and with over 4 months to go a little patience would be in order. Also rather than posting on a form requesting information and hoping a committee member sees the post (even though many don't use email or computers), why not pick up the phone and call the meet chairman, preferably when the date is a little closer and only if your don't have the answer to your inquiry.

Ron hit the nail on the head. Being that I work with a very tight schedule, I've been planning early to allow time for last minute changes. I will add that thanks to the dedicated efforts of Don Barlup and the members of the Gettysburg Region, they put the 2009 Eastern Division Spring Meet together in 9 short months. Hulon McCraw tried to get me to bump our meet up a year early, but being that I had never been on a logistical side of hosting a national meet, I wanted the time to make sure that things got done right. I still can't say that our meet will be perfect, but we've worked hard to do the best that we can do. It took me over a year to secure the amphitheater for hosting the Roundtable Discussion, Judging School, Friday night activity, and Saturday's Judge's Administration. It is a beautiful spot, but when these people are use to dealing with the likes of Kenny Chesney, Vince Gill, Kid Rock, etc. a local car club is a bump in the road for those folks, and they weren't in any hurry to nail things down.

One of the biggest questions to me has been host hotel. As mentioned in my thread, there really is no host hotel. I got a better deal at a banquet facility than I did with the hotel in the area, so I went to the banquet facility. The owner of the banquet facility is in the process of building a hotel onto the banquet facility, but due to politics, he hasn't been able to get the ball rolling. Two years ago the hotel was scheduled to be built and opened prior to the meet, but small town politics has prevented the project from getting started as this post is written. This will be different than many other meets, but I've yet to see anything other than the awards banquet ever take place at any hotel in Hershey.

Will things change with our meet?? YUP, but at least I've left a footprint where at least you have some idea what to expect. As I've already said, you can't expect the regions to put stuff on the forum.

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Guest Corvette Bill

Hi everyone, I booked a room a couple months ago at Spring Hill Suites on Hotel Drive, can anyone tell me how close this is to the downtown area where the show will be held? I am looking forward to this meet and warm weather(tired of snow and salt on roads already):)

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Due to the pending birth of our grandson that weekend, I will not be able to attend this show. I have just cancelled my reservation at the Hilton. The receptionist told me they were booked that weekend.If someone needs a room, call them quick at 252-638-3585.

For those that have never attended a show in New Bern, I feel it is the best location I have ever attended an AACA meet at. The downtown area is perfect for a show, and the host hotel is within walking distance of the show. I was there for the AGNM in 2002.

Maybe next time......

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As the webmaster for 1st Capital Chapter (New Bern) I will do my best to provide meet details as soon I get them. From your dialog, I see the need for a map locating trailer parking. I will get that posted to our site ( Welcome to the Frontpage ) as soon as possible.

I'm open to any suggestions that you may have for our website . I want to help make your visit to New Bern both easy and enjoyable.

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Real quick.

Long story short.

I have lived in New Bern for 54 years.

Want some pictures of down town and the different streets.??

Pictures of the hotel and Union Point.?? Waterfront and the Neuse River Bridge??

I'm a Realtor and pictures and selling a New Bern lifestyle is what I do.

They just finished a huge remodel on Broad Street, (no comment), for better or worse, and they will close off the down town streets for every one.

You'll love the town.

I'll do a simple photo shoot.

E-me your requests.

Bill Harmatuk

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As the webmaster for 1st Capital Chapter (New Bern) I will do my best to provide meet details as soon I get them. From your dialog, I see the need for a map locating trailer parking. I will get that posted to our site ( Welcome to the Frontpage ) as soon as possible.

I'm open to any suggestions that you may have for our website . I want to help make your visit to New Bern both easy and enjoyable.

Hi John!!

I hope I didn't force any additional work on you for posting my meet information on the forum. I only put information on the forum to get things out quickly and inexpensive. Now I see others following suit.

....If we keep doing this, people are going to expect this every time.:D:D:D

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Guest CT Mark

As the webmaster for 1st Capital Chapter (New Bern) I will do my best to provide meet details as soon I get them. From your dialog, I see the need for a map locating trailer parking. I will get that posted to our site ( Welcome to the Frontpage ) as soon as possible.

I'm open to any suggestions that you may have for our website . I want to help make your visit to New Bern both easy and enjoyable.

Good Job Jed! thumbsup.gif Let this site do some work for you.

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