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Brass Era tour I just finished...


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WOW!! Tom, great, great photo journalism! What a tour and you really captured a lot about brass era touring. Not sure if you meant that you did not know what the one cylinder car was but that was a 1904 Curved Dash Olds. Don't think he wanted to race the Locomobile but how about taking on a tour like that with one of these! He gave a bunch of Corvette guys rides in the rain a few days before here in this area including one who won't let me live it down (my car is not done yet). THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR A GREAT POST!:):):):):):):)

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Guest Xprefix28truck

WOW! NOW THAT'S THE WAY ALL TOURS NEED TO BE COVERED!!! I agree...... I felt like I was there... Great job!!! Beautiful pictures!!

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GREAT PHOTOS! I'd almost bet money your Hup is the same one that was on the Brass & Gass back in 1988-89. We were in a group of five cars, two Simplex Toy Tonneaus, our '12 T Touring a yellow Hup and a fifth car whos make I've forgotten. We raced back from Dartmouth, it was one of the highlights of the tour. New England landscape is nice, but don't sell Southern Utah short.:)

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Very nice job covering the B & G tour. I have gotten some reports from friend who attended but these are the first pictures I have seen.

BTW did anyone notice that the author is not a gazillion years old. There are lots of young folks that play with brass.


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Hi Tom- great pictures....I think you're going to find that the large bushing in the rear of the transmission housing on your Hupp is worn, allowing the main gear to move and hit the shifting mechanism. Just had the same problem on my 1910.

Really enjoyed the camera work, thanks for sharing!

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I need a brass car. Seeing your photos makes me want to participate on one of these tours. The only brass-era car I have available to me is my Dad's 1910 Sears. While it's very reliable, it's limited to 20mph and I worry that it would not be able to keep up. Maybe when my daughter is a few years older (she's 2-1/2 now) I'll try it.

Edited by Steve Braverman (see edit history)
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Steve, your Sears highwheeler probably is too slow for a major tour like the Brass and Gas, unless masochism is one of your traits. Our longest day was 109 miles and, yes, there were hills. The couple with the curved-dash Olds did well, but it can go 30 mph on a flat road, and the difference between 20 and 30 is huge. But both the HCCA and VMCCA sponsor multi-day 1-and 2-cylinder tours every year. The distances are specifically tailored to the lower capabilities of the slower and weaker cars. One of these would be a long tour for your Sears, but doable if it (and you!) are in good condition. There may be hills, but nothing you can't climb if you're patient. (Your passsenger might occasionally need sturdy legs!) This year the VMCCA tour will be in Berlin, Ohio, July 12-16 (hurry!) and the eastern HCCA tour will be in Andover, NJ August 17-21. You and your Sears would be very welcome on either. (I'll be on the NJ tour with my 2-cylinder Buick.) If you're nearer the west coast, there's an HCCA 1&2 on Whidbey Island, WA August 13-15.

Gil Fitzhugh, Morristown, NJ

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I'm excited to see the enthusiasm for my report and pics. :) It was a great time, no doubt about it. I can't wait for the next tour that I have the opportunity to go on...but before that haapens I'm going to have to figure out how to get that Hupp to UT so I can catch up on some long over due maintenance/rebuilding.

Hi Tom- great pictures....I think you're going to find that the large bushing in the rear of the transmission housing on your Hupp is worn, allowing the main gear to move and hit the shifting mechanism. Just had the same problem on my 1910.

Really enjoyed the camera work, thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the tip. I was hoping/figuring that the problem would become apparent when I got the trans apart, but this is nice info, as it can help get me looking in the right direction. Thank you.


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Just finished the New England Brass and Gas tour in Stowe Vt. For those who are interested, here are pics from our week in Vt.

WARNING: Pic and vid HEAVY; Dial-up users beware! :)

Utah Vettes - For the most hardcore, "car guys".

Hope you enjoy.

BTW, our car is the '10 Hupmobile. Kind of obvious, but... :)


Great job, Tom. Some very special pictures included. Thanks so much from all of us!


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