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BCA Board of Directors Election Results for 2009


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Thanks for all your votes. I will do my best to keep and make the BCA the best club in the world. I truly enjoyed my previous years on the board, and am looking forward to joining the current board in all future endeavors. Thanks again, Paul

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Previously posted election results:

Brian DePouli - 955

Bill Stoneberg - 851

Paul Meyer - 787

Jerry Courson - 587

A total of 848 Ballots were received.


Since only 848 ballots were received, you might want to explain how Brian & Bill received more votes than the total of ballots cast....

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We both stuffed the ballot boxes and bribed the poll workers... Chicago style voting at its finest.

Seriously, I think it works with spousal voting privledges. Both Dee and I can vote but I believe it counts for 2 votes and only 1 ballot. If ONLY I and not Dee belong, 1 vote = 1 ballot.

At least this is what I understand.

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Guest DaveCorbin

My addition of all the votes shows 3,180 total votes. Each ballot is allowed 3 (single) or 6 (spousal) votes. If there are 848 ballots returned and 210 are spousal and 638 are singles, you've arrived within 4 votes of the total shown. Allowing for a few incompletes and you're there. Given the above figures, the absolute upper limit for any candidate would be 1058 (638 + 210 + 210).

I lived in and was the chapter director in Chicago, so I know the "early and often" rule in Chicago politics. I'm quite sure our people are above that!

Regards, Dave Corbin

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Guest William_Darrow

Just a quick comment, if there are two names on your mailing address label, then you have two votes, one for the member and his or her spouse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chicago politics in Texas? Nah, down here, we claim they stole the idea from us!

Ever heard of "Landslide Lyndon" Johnson? Take a look:



By the way, Johnson was a huge Lincoln fan; the car, that is, not the president. His Lincoln Continental convertible, which he kept on his ranch outside of Austin, was recently auctioned off at a Kruse auction.


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