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Do you save your Bugles ?

Bill Stoneberg

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Do you save your Bugles for future reading and reference or do you get rid of them after while ?

I ask because I just cleaned up all my magazines and was wondering what others did. I gave most of my car magazines to the 13 year old across the street including the Bugles. Now I only have magazines from this year.

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Bill, I treasure every issue, and have kept every issue since my folks gave me a BCA membership for Christmas, 1975.

In about thirty years, it'll be time to begin liquidating my collection of Buick stuff, and I can assure you that the collection of Bugles will be among the final items I'll say good-bye to.

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If we are admitting things, I am an addict. It is rare that I throw out a car magazine. My workshop has a wall of shelves that was supposed to be large enough to accomidate my accumulation, but it has overflowed.

I have salesroom brochures going back to the early 50's, a fairly complete collection of Corvette brochures, most everything that was ever printed for Corvairs. Hot Rod & Motor Trend going back to late '50's. it goes on and on.

As my hair gets greyer, I often wonder where or who might take them and continue to use them for reference. Before that happens, I do have plans for my children to bring me a box a month at the old folkes home so they can be reread before they (and I) am gone.

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I get rid of mine unless its a national meet issue. I wish I had someone local interested enough in Buicks to give them to.

On a similar note I do keep the ROA magazines since they only pile up half as fast and.....there is an Index of Articles maintained which makes it easy to go back and find relative information from many years ago. This index makes them very valuable to me and I use it regularly.

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Guest DaveCorbin

Dear Bill & Brian:

I joined the BCA late in 1971 and have saved all of the Bugles since. I also purchased or traded for the ones from before my time, so I've got a complete collection from Vol. 1, No. 1 to today. Save? Addicted? Crazy? Who knows or cares when you're having fun?

Regards, Dave Corbin

PS: I am aware of at least 1 other complete collection of the Bugle.

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Guest my3buicks

I save all of mine, plus have accumulated most issues from the start of the BCA. I couldn't even count the number of times I have gone back years and years to dig up articles I needed info on. I keep each year in three ring binders using magazine hangers.

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I'm a newbie BCA & Minuteman chapter member (1+yr) and ROA member (2+yrs) but have saved and will continue to save all three organizations' magazines. My midnight blue '92 Riv has been in the Bugle and Riview. I just joined the Cadillac & LaSalle club and will save those also. And, I do have a pretty good inventory of "Collectible Automobile" and "Classic Cars" magazines.

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YES! They are invaluable, from the technical correctness shown in photos of restored cars, to reliving some of the glory years when Buick was a unique brand and GM didn't stand for Government Motors.

I value them about as much as back issues of Collectible Automobile.

If anyone wants to donate theirs, I'll pay the postage to ship them to my doorstep.....


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Guest my3buicks

that's one thing you can't count on is technical correctness from the pictures - some things are noted if they are not correct, but often incorrect items are pictured - you can use these pictures as a guide, but not a guarantee of what is correct.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

I keep all of mine and have acquired from some good folks all back to 1969. Here in case anyone has any to donate or sell is what I still need. Copies of the 66's would do since I doubt ANYONE will ever give up an original.

1969 - Jan, April, June, July, Aug, Sept

1968 - Jan, Nov, Dec

1967 Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug

1966 - all

I have always kept them under the bed and have fallen asleep many a night reading them. I guess that's why "I dream Buicks" sleep.gif

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Guest imported_Thriller

I have all the ones since I joined in 2003...well, at least the ones that haven't been misplaced.

Ewing also gave me some when he was in one of his week states of letting his BCA membership lapse...I also got a box from him that contains several years that came in a car he'd purchased. It's going to take me a long time to get through them all.

Maybe I should take a few years worth out to the farm...at least that way I'd have reading material for days I can't play on the Kubota or with a Buick.

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I keep them all!!!

As a restorer I couldn't throw great reference material like this away.

Just today I was looking at a 1936 Convertible coupe on ebay ( Australia )


and referred back to the April 2001 issue which contains good photos of the same model. Real helpful in deciding what may be original and what isn't.

So Bill, you had better mark me down as a Bugle keeper!!

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Reatta Man</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jason,

If you have one close to you and don't mind the drive, save up a stack of Bugles or other car magazines, and take them to ANY VA hospital or veteran's retirement home. You will be their hero!

Joe </div></div>


Thats a great idea! I am going to do that. I knew there had to be someone who could benefit from them.

Add Note: Did anyone ever consider maintaining an index of articles based on topic or subject for each Bugle? Might be a nice chapter project. With all you guys saving these things for so many years, an index would be very beneficial.

Thank You

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