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mooning in the car


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<span style="font-weight: bold"> </span> <span style="color: #3366FF"> </span> Heard a really funny song/story by Jeff Foxworthy about mooning with his friends in a car.Just curious,what have you done in car,let's say that was not "appropiate"?Personally,I've used my car in high school to go to a teacher's house and "rolled" her house.The next day got a call,from the teacher,which we then helped get the toliet paper out of the trees.....then the teacher served us some ice cream. smile.gif

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Yeah, we hoid of that outpost - but when you're from JOISEY,

well that says it all - Keiser31, I enjoy your comments.

apologies - that kind of stuff went on all over the US of A,

and sometimes even good kids found ways in and out of trouble -- mostly racing and late nights in "no parking" areas

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Dad was in the tire biz and advertised at the local Drive In Movie so he had a big stack of free passes and would usually let me borrow the '64 Caddy on Saturday nights, so you know where I was. One night it got so foggy you literally could not see the screen. The owner offered to refund everyone's money but curiously very few cars left.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: R W Burgess</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jeff, was this "fog" on the outside of the windows, or the inside? blush.gifcool.gif </div></div>

Okay now I'm really scared. I was thinking pretty much the same thing. wink.gif As in, "Why would they offer a refund because some couple fogged up the windows?" Guess they meant the fog rolled in and nobody could see the screen. grin.gif

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Back when I was 17, the girl I was madly in love with for that week and I were going to the local drive in. On the way we got behind a car that was going slow. Well, to slow for my taste. It was a very winding road with few areas to pass. The guy in front of me must have thought I was following to close (which I probably was) because he kept pumping his brake lights. When I got the chance to pass, I kicked the 63 Olds Super 88 (my mothers car) into passing gear and as we went by, the lovely angel sitting next to me droped her pants and mooned them! The look on the faces of the Mom, Dad and the 3 kids in the back seat was priceless!(what went on the rest of the night is another story not ment for a family site)

Many years later while sitting at a table with my wife of 6 months (31 years ago!) and her parents, they were telling me a story of the night when a big Old Oldsmobile passed them and they got MOONED! At the tender age of 13 (she's 4 years younger than me) my wife got to see her future husband in one of his finest moment's.(there were many! this is just one of the more memorable ones) I did tell my wife it was me and Becky and her responce was "Oh that tramp! Well that explains alot!" Becky was in my class. She hasn't been to any of my class reunion's We've been too, but Might be interesting if she dose! But after this many years she might tell Becky how lucky she was that she didn't end up with me!

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Speaking of mooning, back in high school my first car was a hand-me-down 68 Vista Cruiser. In commemoration of the Bicentennial in 1976, three of my friends hung out the back window of the wagon with "Spirit", "of", and "76" painted on, um, well, you know.

This was before seat belt laws. wink.gif

Unfortunately, it seems no one has a sense of humor today. In nearby Maryland, one response to nazi speed cameras has been to moon the cameras. The police have pressed charges....

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Guest windjamer

A drive in movie,my older brothers girl frend, she was a nurse,six years older than I and tought me not to be bashful. I told the whole story once befor and was soundly repremended. We wont go there.

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My friends and I used to jump the little bridge by the Cranbrook Institute north of Detroit, Michigan years ago in my 1968 Plymouth Roadrunner. We would hit it at about 30 to 40 MPH "Dukes of Hazzard" style. Sometimes we would zip through the back roads at night with the lights out on a full moon (real moon). I scared the doodoo out of a lot of riders in that car. We were young, daring, invincible and pretty much stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Siegfried

What a GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be 60ty this year and 2 years ago flashed a MOON at my wife through the front door of the house as she was coming home from work. Her comment: 'When will you ever grow the devil up?' My Response: I hope NEVER...... Thanks for the superb rememberance.....

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