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7" of new snow


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Thanks for reminding me. I have to mow my lawn. Maybe I'll wash my old Chevy today too. Kinda nice out today. Heck, I might even take the old car for a ride with the top down. grin.gif

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Well, if you really <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">want</span></span> to rake leaves, I have enough in my yard to satisfy anyones raking urges..... grin.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bhigdog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">KATRINA, KATRINA, KATRINA. Just kiding. I wouldn't really wish that on anyone. I used to get to Baton Rouge from time to time. Loved the gumbo.......Bob </div></div>

I don't see what this post relates to.

I wish they had never called it GW. frown.gif

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We fared better with Katrina and Rita then we did in the aftermath with all the "refugees". I'm about 50 miles from New Orleans. Our population doubled overnight and has remained so ever since. In the long run I think it's been good for the economy but it was a mess at first. There were people taking in total strangers and letting them sleep on floors just to give them a place to stay and to help them with young children. The out pouring of help was impressive to say the least. Contrary to all the rumors there was no rioting or roaming gangs either.

Hurricanes come and hurricanes go, but snow sticks. grin.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hurricanes come and hurricanes go, but snow sticks</div></div>You're right, but snow melts, and the damage from hurricanes doesn't go away, and the prized possessions lost in hurricanes aren't replaced on their own. Yes insurance companies can replace some things, but some things don't have a price on them and can't be replaced.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ex98thdrill</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hurricanes come and hurricanes go, but snow sticks</div></div>You're right, but snow melts, and the damage from hurricanes doesn't go away, and the prized possessions lost in hurricanes aren't replaced on their own. Yes insurance companies can replace some things, but some things don't have a price on them and can't be replaced. </div></div>

I can't disagree with any of that. One of the biggest problems we've had has been with insurance companies paying up. Some are offering pennies on the dollar. Others are looking for loopholes, such as saying the damage was caused by wind (which wouldn't be covered) and therefore any water damage wouldn't be covered. There are cases of people being tired of waiting for the insurance companies (two years after the fact people are still waiting just to get an insurance person to come take a look at the damage) to pay up so they take pictures and start doing their own repair work, or hiring somewone to do it. The insurance companies then refuse to pay claiming they didn't personally assess the damage or approve of the contractors prior to the work being done.

I no longer have a use for insurance companies. What insurance I have is required by law and I don't expect anything from them.

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Bill I hope I didn't touch a nerve, if I did, please accept my apology. All I'm saying is that the folks in your parts have had things far worse than any snow storm that I've ever seen. The beauty of our nasty winters, is that it gives up northerners more appreciation for nice weather and nice cars, and the snow goes away.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Barry Wolk</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bhigdog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">KATRINA, KATRINA, KATRINA. Just kiding. I wouldn't really wish that on anyone. I used to get to Baton Rouge from time to time. Loved the gumbo.......Bob </div></div>

I don't see what this post relates to.

I wish they had never called it GW. frown.gif </div></div>

Well, you see Barry it's called a thread. They call it that because it starts as a thought about a certain subject (in this case the car relationship was the snow in front of my garage/shop). The implication being that winter is affecting my/our hobby. The thread then weaves itself through the fabric of the resulting replies, often mutating into thoughts not related to the orginal post. In the instant case I was lightly joshed about the nice weather in Baton Rouge. My reply was to josh in return about the fact that Baton Rougeions have hurricanes to worry about. That permutation was then picked up by others who continued to weave a fabric of interest to some readers, but which was evidently found objectionable by others. Some forum readers find enjoyment in social intercourse, and others it seems just can't be sociable. And so it goes........Bob

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Lord no I wasn't offended. No way, shape, or form.

The bottom line, as far as weather and many other things go, is it's all what you're used to. To us a hurricane is nothing but another rain storm. Granted, a cat 5 is a rather bad rainstorm. It comes, it's gone in a day or so, and then we clean up. Snow on the other hand comes and sticks around. In some cases for months.

I've talked to people in California who don't understand how we deal with hurricanes while at the same time I don't understand living in a location that is prone to an earthquake.

I suspect my rambling on gave you pause to think I was offended. Again, I was not. Not at all.

In the past though I have been angered by some who go on about the people down here and what not all has happened (or not happened) post Katrina and Rita.

What we all have in common is an appreciation of old cars and the nice weather we enjoy while driving them.

My apologies for making you think I had been offended.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bhigdog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">7" of new snow on the ground here in Eastern PA. Slid off the metal shop/garage roof and is piled up to 2' in front of the doors. I haven't raked the leaves yet or put the chains on the tractor. Global Warming??????????????....Bob. </div></div>

Got a light snow covering (1-2") on the grass and cars this morning here in Eastern PA. where I live.

I have to rake the leaves too, once then actually fall off the trees!

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The NWS long-range forecast for here is a warmer-than-usual winter with less precipitation. I can live with that!

The downside is we need freezing temps and snow to kill off nematodes and other such critters in the ground, plus we need snow and rain to get the water table back up.

We're in a band here that 30 miles west will get snow, 30 miles east will get rain, and we get ice. If I never see another ice storm, I would be grateful. Their long-term damage is about as bad as hurricanes.

We haven't had much leaf fall yet either. Just in the last week or so the colors really erupted. Lot of intense reds here.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rbl2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...That and I like to tease yankees. grin.gif </div></div>

Me too. grin.gif If I want to see the hair stand up on the back of Bill's neck eek.gif I just refer to him as a "Yankee". whistle.gifgrin.gif

He was born in New Jersey but in his heart he feels that had to be an accident. The stork had to have been blown off course that day. He just knows he was supposed to be from Virginia. He lived there for several years and loved it.

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Guest 1956Packard

Rake leaves??

Do what I do. Leave them on the ground for the first snow. The kids will make a snow man and the leaves will be rolled up with the snow. When it melts they're in a pile.

If you're extra good, wou can get them to make snow women and put skirts on the (in the form of garbage bags). When it melts....


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The red oaks around my place still have greenish leaves. The rest of the snow slid off the shop/garage roof and now is about 3" deep. I was hoping to give my cars an excersize ride or two before the snow flew. Is it too late for a few days of "Indian Summer"?............Bob

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Yeah I think the party is over, warm weather wise. Time to get out the battery tenders, Sta-bil, and long johns. BTW, there is no charge for the white stuff we're sending up there, I'll be on the house (and garage) HAW HAW HAW...Bob

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Does this mean I have to shut my door? And here I was thinking it had finally cooled off enough for me to comfortable drice my roadster with the top down. grin.gif

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Tell you what. I used to kind of enjoy winters but it's kind of wearing thin. Today I spent the day slogging through slop to get to the shop, had to shovel to get the door to swing open, The fire wood is covered with slush so I got soaked carrying it in, Everytime I come in the house I have to get undressed and change shoes, had to kneel in the slop to put food out for the ducks because they can't forage now, the wet snow is sticking in the horses hooves so they had to be picked out, heating oil is near $3 a gallon & our electric is going up 30% in the next few years.

How's the housing market down there? Right now a hurricane or two sounds down right enjoyable. And of course you guys have the market cornered on GOOD gumbo.......Bob

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I don't know what the present temperature is but it's warm and muggy enough to want me to turn the AC on. A it is, I have the door open and ceiling fans on. I'll have to shut the door in a minute to stop the skeeters from comin in.

The housing market here is booming. It has been ever since Katrina and Rita. Our population doubled over night and has never gone done. I was told by someone who should know that within a few days of Katrina there were no rental properties avalable and that some landlords had offered their houses up to the highest bidders. I was also told that within a week all houses that had been for sale were sold. Right now I can't drive 5 miles without seeing a subdivision being built. This is the place to be if you make your living in residential construction. There are also quite a few new businesses going up. Drug stores, Lowes, Home Depots, office buildings, you name it. While you may have to shovel snow, my lawn needs to be cut. You have a heating bill, I have an AC bill. It balances out.

People are returning to New Orleans but at a slow pace. It's understandable when you realize that people won't move back unless there are ways to make a living and schools for their children. The businesses and schools can't open unless they have employees and children. It's a viscious circle. But it is getting better. Many businesses remained and the schools are slowly re-opening. It'll take time, perhaps a couple of decades, but New Orleans will make a come back.

Meanwhile, we have gumbo, ettoufee, mud bugs, and more.

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Guest windjamer

Bill its good to see that naorlins is coming back, we have a few of your former residents right here in Binghamton ny.They are customers at my shop so I hear the storys. Good luck to all, god bless.------ Thats the good side of me, now comes the ragin. I was stationed in your lovely city in 59, my first night in town I asked a caby to take me some place nice where I could have a quiet beer. He took me to a place called the talk of the town on burban street. I guess you know this 19 year old g.i. lost his inosence. Took all of ten min. Hell I still remember the name of the joint. I wonder if its still there. From there I started down canell st. I best not talk of it,this is a public forum, but I didnt know those things and places evan existed. I kept wondering when the cops would raid the place. You talk about your skeeters, Man they where big as enemy bombers, caried more stuff than a b29. Dont forget your public transportation, you called them water bugs. Step on one o dem babys and they cary you down the road. I was laying in bed and heard (come on guys put your back in it 1-2-3 and over she gos.) I turned the light on and here was 3 or 4 of those bugers on the bed post trying to tip me over. Well, thats enough razzing back to the good side I did enjoy my short stay would like to revisit. Call it a learning experance. Good luck Dick

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I guess you know this 19 year old g.i. lost his inosence. Took all of ten min. </div></div>

And your complaint is what?

You'll be glad to know Bourbon St survived just fine.

Be thankful the taxi driver didn't drop you off someplace filled with drag queens. lmao

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I always heard that snow was God's way of telling you that an area is uninhabitable</div></div>I'n not to sure about that MC. If my memory serves me correctly, in July 1996 you had a hurricane in your parts (Carolina Beach??) that was severe enough to where the ferris wheel from one of the local amusement parks was rolling down the street.

Us yankees have never had enough snow to do that!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

With that in mind, your point about snow and god could easily be cancelled out grin.gifgrin.gif

Now the only reason I remember that was due to my Aunt & Uncle coming up to New York for my wedding while the hurricane was raising he\_\_ with their neighborhood.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rbl2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lmao... don't tell those yankees that. There's already too many of them here. </div></div>

In the words of the late, great Lewis Grizzard from Moreland, Georgia . "We don't mind if you want to come and live here. We don't mind if you marry our women. Just don't tell us how you did things up north. If you like it better there, Delta's ready when you are." grin.gif

P.S. It was in the mid-seventies here today. And supposed to be there tomorrow too. Not bad after about two weeks of temps from the forties into the low thirties.

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We have had significant snow here about 3 times in my life.

We don't know how to deal with it. Hurricane's we know how to deal with. Even though we know how to deal with them...

Heck, we haven't had a hurricane of any consequence since 1999 or so. grin.gif

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A friend of ours had just moved from Biloxi not more than a week before Katrina hit. His dad was one of the founding members of our AACA region. His brother-in-law is Rodger Woodrum that comes to shows with us. He usually judges sports cars so some of you may know him.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ex98thdrill</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I always heard that snow was God's way of telling you that an area is uninhabitable</div></div>I'n not to sure about that MC. If my memory serves me correctly, in July 1996 you had a hurricane in your parts (Carolina Beach??) that was severe enough to where the ferris wheel from one of the local amusement parks was rolling down the street.

Us yankees have never had enough snow to do that!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

With that in mind, your point about snow and god could easily be cancelled out grin.gifgrin.gif

Now the only reason I remember that was due to my Aunt & Uncle coming up to New York for my wedding while the hurricane was raising he\_\_ with their neighborhood. </div></div>

Difference is that a lot of us rebs were <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">actually on</span></span> the ferris wheel going down the road. Hurricane party, don't ya know!! grin.gifcrazy.gif A lot more excitin' than skiing.

Can't blame your relatives for wanting to get away from the storm. Did they like Yankee-land enough to ever come back during good weather??

Oh yeah, almost forgot. No snow here, about 69 degrees. Nice day for Turkey. Hope y'all have a great turkey day!!

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