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Help an Aussie plan a Tour of USA in July 2008


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I'm starting the process of planning a tour through some of the most intersting parts of the US next year (June/July) incorporating the 2008 Nationals in Flint.

My wife and I and 2 Teens would fly into LA and hire a car. Obviously the kids (13yrs & 16yrs) will insist on going to Disneyland and we want to take in the Grand Canyon area but I'm asking for input from anyone on some suggested highlights we should aim to see and maybe an intersting Route through the US.

So here's a challenge..........put together a 2 to 3 week tour that will allow us to see some of your beautiful country and get us to Flint in time for the Nationals.

Of course, I would like to try to meet up with a few BCA members and maybe go to a function or two or on a run with some fellow Buick enthusiasts.

It would be good to see some ideas posted here but you can also email me at buickman@bigpond.net.au

The more suggestions the better. grin.gifgrin.gif

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#1 would be to use old US Route 66 to get from L.A. to Chicago (and on to Flint from there) instead of the interstates. See the Disney/Pixar movie <span style="font-style: italic">Cars</span> DVD for every reason why. Our interstate system will be the fastest way to go anywhere, but it's built for uniformity, not sight-seeing, and is boring as hell to drive.

Along Rte. 66 such places as Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, the Petrified Forest, Cadillac Ranch, the St. Louis arch, etc. are just a brief side trip.

#2 would be to take a different route back to L.A. through the northern part of the country. Much of our natural beauty is to be found in the north central and northwestern sections, especially Yellowstone, Redwood Natl. Park, Yosemitie, Mt. Rushmore, etc. (Be more mindful of the road conditions in these wilder places, however. On a cross country tour our family once decided to take an apparent "short cut" out of Sequoia National Forest and wound up driving back and forth on "switchback" mountain roads for <span style="font-style: italic">much</span> more than an hour to go about 10 miles. A great experience, <span style="text-decoration: underline">if</span> you've planned the time for it!)

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Guest imported_Thriller

I'm not that familiar with all the sites myself, but I would agree with Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Mt. Rushmore / Black Hills.

Of course, those are also the tourist trendy spots. One thing I enjoy is getting off the beaten path a bit and seeing some of the sights that aren't necessarily the big spots, but can be just as interesting and informative.

As the meet approaches (i.e. a couple of months after this year's meet), I would almost expect another tour to be planned from the Pacific Northwest, which would be a way of either getting there or back, and spending time with Buicks and BCAers.

Of course, this is all coming from a tourist, so take it for what it is worth wink.gif

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There will probably be disagreements with some of the sites to see but for your trip, here are mine.

(1) While in the LA area, see the Nehercutt automobile collection. It is north of LA between interstate 5 & 210 I think the town is called San Sylmar. You can tour one building without reservations or cost, the tall tower, takes a reservation (free) and there is a mechanical musical instrument collection on the top floor.

(2) Bryce Canyon National park, north of the Grand Canyon, I think it is much more colorful than the grand canyon and worth the side trip if you are in the area.

(3) I agree with the Arch in St. Louis, a side trip there might be the zoo.

Now it gets harder.......because of time.

(4) Maybe a trip south to Memphis, then to Nashville

(5) Most definately Indianapolis and the Speedway Museum

(6) Auburn Indiana and the ACD (Auburn, Cord, Dusenberg) Museum

(7) Chicago....lots to see there

(8) Detroit, Ford Museum & Deerfield Village

I realise there are lots a car related stuff, but I am sure you can find something for the wife and kids in each location.

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Thanks guys.

There are some great ideas there and I will be refering back to this thread when putting together the final arrangements. I'm sure I can squeeze in some of those car museums smile.gifsmile.gif

I was hoping there may be a group that we could catch up with somewhere on the way to Flint and maybe going back West again after the Nationals so look forward to hearing more of those plans as time get's nearer.

Sounds like the trip East to Flint would be best taking in the Gramd Canyon area and some of old Route 66 but the trip back west is probably the harder one to plan. So much to see.

Keep those ideas coming

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There will be several caravans planned to go to Flint. Our PreWar group will also have an AfterTour following the BCA meet. The details will be posted on the Prewar forum as we get closer to the meet.

Just keep in mind how big our country is when you plan your trip. Many underestimate the size of our most western states. Some states will take most of a day to cross, so there will be lots of windshield time. With teens in the car, it may get rather tedious....

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Comparative sizes of the countries are similar to yours If you take a map of OZ and lay it down on the US you will finf New York to LA is about the same as Sydney to Perth.

If I was heading from Flint West, the Northern Route through Montana is wonderful. Go as far as Seattle and drop down along the coast.

For a whole collection of "Legendary Drives" check out this website.


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You are a brave man! That is a lot of driving! As an eastener, I am not the best for ideas on the west but here are just a few minor suggestions for your planning:

Make sure that you capture sites and places of interest to the family as well. Driving east nor-east from Los Angeles pretty well locks in your line-of-march. America-west is BIG. Lots of open places before you see anything!

-Never been to LA but it is big car place. Bound to be some good museums and exhibits somewhere. I have been told that leaving LA is always a good experience but I don't know for sure....

-Don't be fooled by "Wall Drug Store" (SD) and drive out of your way to see it. If it is on the way, go for it, it's worth the rest stop.

-Mt. Rushmore is a great visit. Note that you can see the Crazy Horse monument from the opposite side pretty well.

-They don't call the "Badlands" "Bad" because it was a nifty title! Yes, Wounded Knee and the

reservation are in the middle of the Badlands.

Good luck and have a safe visit!

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If you would like to see small town America. Come to Jewell, Iowa ( www.jewelliowa.com )

the second Friday in June. Activities at "JEWELL JUBILEE" include.

* We close down Main Street for the following.

* Home cooked Barbecue Beef, Pork & Turkey

* Car Show, yes with some Buicks

* Local Bands with Teen Dance (your teens would be a hit here)

* Also Bands/Music for us older Guys and Dolls.

* Beer Tent

* Parade on Saturday, I could get your family in as Honoary Parade Marshall

or for the 3rd Saturday in July Try "WATERMELON DAY" in Stanhope, Iowa ( www.stanhopeia.com )

* Sponsored by the local Lion's Club ( affilate of Lion's Club International )

* Free Watermelon

* Kids rides

* Mens Softball games

* Homemade food/pie (you've not lived till you have had a "Lion Burger"

* Fresh Sweet Corn straight out of a Iowa Corn field is usually ready by then.

* Parade (with my Buick in it of course)

Your'e Welcome Here in Iowa............

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Guest John Chapman

I concur with Dave's recommendations, keeping in mind that Rt 66 approaches 2500 miles in length, I'd recommend picking specific sections to see: Santa Monica to Kingman, AZ is about as much LA/desert driving as you'll want, I'd think. Route is well marked and there are a lot of period structures left. The Colorado Blvd/Foothills Drive section transects much of the background themes of Beach Boys and Jan and Dean music. Pick it up again in OKC to St. Louis.

If you're doing Disney Land, logical additional stops in LA:

-- Santa Monica Pier (about 1/2 mile from the end of Rt 66/Will Rogers marker). Best in late afternoon/early evening. You've seen this icon a million times on TV.

-- Petersen Automobile Museum on Wilshire Blvd (need at least 1/2 day)

-- One day trip to see San Diego Zoo and USS Midway Museum (add half a half day if you drive the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) (CA 1/US 101)

-- One day car trip out PCH to Malibu, back Topanga Canyon/Mulholland Drive to Hollywood/Berverly Hills.

So much country, so little time!



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Boy there are some great suggestions here. I appreciate all the responses and feel free to keep them coming.

<span style="font-weight: bold">DRAGNRIK</span>...thanks for the info on some of the events in you area.I agree that those sort of activities would be a great experience for all of us.........Trust Ken to pick up on the "Beer Tent". laugh.gif

If anyone else has some similar events along the way around this time please post them here. Not just for me but for all to see.

I can see that we are going to have to do some serious planning to try to incorporate as many of these suggestions as possible.What we don't fit in this trip will be a great reason to come back again smile.gif

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I wasn't sure you knew what a Beer Tent was Brian so I've attached a photo of one. That's BEER in the plastic cups and those terrible Americans make you drink it. You can see what a terrible time we were having!!!!

The photo was taken at the Hospitality Tent ( Beer Tent ) at Flint in 2003, you may recognise some of the faces.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 50jetback</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I wasn't sure you knew what a Beer Tent was Brian so I've attached a photo of one. That's BEER in the plastic cups and those terrible Americans make you drink it. You can see what a terrible time we were having!!!!

The photo was taken at the Hospitality Tent ( Beer Tent ) at Flint in 2003, you may recognise some of the faces.



I really think you had better make the trip to Flint next year. I can see I need your wealth of experience with "Beer Tents". Wouldn't you love another "Road Trip"?

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Hi Brian: I lead a caravan to Flint in 2003 for the Buick Centenial. I can give you a lot of first hand info for a similar trip to you and your family if you wish. I live 15 minutes from Disneyland and can share with you a lot of info you can use for your trip. Send me an email (bruce@compactbuickclub.org) if you are interested. We can then make some plans for you and your family to visit me at my home in Tustin, CA. PS: I had 4 people from OZ with us on our caravan.

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Thanks Bruce, I will contact you to get some ideas.

I'm hoping that a few more Aussies will go next year as well.

As you would have seen in the latest Bugle, the Australian Nationals are on in Sept 2008 so it will be a busy year for everyone.

I would strongly recommend that if anyone was considering traveling to Australia in 2008 that this would be an excellent event to attend, great location, great weather and of course great people.

Make the effort and you won't regret it smile.gif

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