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Everything posted by 60FlatTop

  1. There is a psychological side to a crime. The fact that it happened leaves many feeling they have been personally violated. A few years ago my wife and I had our cars ransacked during the night. We are not car lockers and the neighborhood doesn't really warrant it. In the morning I found the contents of both cars strewn all over. It was mostly CD's and other personal items. We both checked and found nothing missing. That day I sat across the kitchen table from my wife and asked "Do you feel kind of rejected? They didn't want anything."
  2. Up in these parts we have two types of tractor mechanics. One, the proud ones, services equipment used on truck farms. Those are the farms that raise vegetables crops. Plowing, soil, harvesting work. The other type tends to be a little ill-natured and sometimes irritable. They work on equipment servicing livestock. When they are in the trenches the differences are noticeable. You can get a truck farmer and his mechanic pretty riled up inferring their bucket loader wasn't used for topsoil.
  3. A dog can be trained to attack and that can bring on some unanticipated consequences. I keep one car stored where they have a male guard Alpaca. They can't be trained so you are pretty safe on the legal side.
  4. What was the situation that caused this to be found? Whatever the reason for the teardown the goop appears to be hanging on well, no big chunks look to be missing. I know I never would have thought of it even in the most extreme situation but I have set in on some design meetings where similar ideas have been put forward and accepted. I wouldn't make any assumptions until I knew the full story. Now that I have seen it I might venture the question: how much material do you want to remove from Duesenberg rods to balance the engine? Again, why was the engine disassembled? Edit: Oh, and my thought was "Well, that's a flippant attitude toward engine balancing".
  5. My good friend and I just had our regular Tuesday morning coffee in my garage. Among other things we discussed the "barn find" LaSalle in the recent Hemmings Classic Car. It is a monumental task and expensive project to take on. I asked "How many similar projects have you seen come through here?" Then I pointed at my Riviera. "Ten years on that paint job so far." Who says they have to be completed? I enjoy them in my own way. Those major projects I kept for 3-5 years, worked on, and learned the intricacies of, I sold them. Didn't make a lot and usually made more on the worst ones. I am lucky on the health thing. Third generation of Atlantic islander in the US, origins in Ireland. Stroke and heart attack in '12. Five bypasses including "The Widowmaker". I am now in better shape that 30 years ago. I had a checkup with my doctor a week ago and told him I didn't expect much from him. His job is to verify "I" have been doing the right things. He says attitude has a lot to do with it. My problem as well as my coffee friend's is space. I would have two more projects in the back if I had the room. The biggest problem I have is that the collector car insurance is so cheap there is no deterrent to buying another car or two.
  6. It is not a question of where, but how to ask. To paraphrase an extended car warranty commercial. "Huh?" Just a word of caution. I would stay away from that building in the background with the sign "Chateau Ecoli"
  7. I am still imagining the deep bass tuning fork sound and slow motion action when she broke the lock. You can learn that watching TV.
  8. I looked at the pictures of the woman. Very familiar, even her clothes. Like someone who waits patiently as her husband stops every three paces to talk with someone. Then one day.... Don't let the smile fool you.
  9. I did not see new brake hardware and springs listed in the replacement parts. They are important. Two things I do not trust are new parts and old mechanics. Presented with this situation I would remove each new rubber brake hose. That car uses four as I remember. And run a piece of #10 electric wire through them just to be sure the inner lamination did not distort. All four. Those are still 1/4" hoses. That car has a touchy adjustment. Tighten the adjusters and back off 19 clicks or something like that. One really needs to have a mindset of following instructions. Sometimes that can be a problem. Actually the reason I do most of my own work is because I do find and follow instructions. I have been quite disappointed by those claimed to have "forgotten more than I will ever know". I have been intimate with two 1959 Cadillac's. There are not a car to be serviced by anyone who is easily frustrated.
  10. Judging from the short attention span topic title you should be fine trying your plan on one body panel to see how it works. If you are doing the work yourself you can get a lot from a little money and some sweat. I have been watching auto painters work for over 60 years. There are a lot of nice looking cars out there that have been painted three or four times to get them right. That includes some painter's cars. After the first paint job they sand as lightly as possible and lay on a coat to cover their mistake. I would say there is a precedent.
  11. It is rare for me to just do one thing and put stuff back together. I suffer from the "As long as I am in their" syndrome I can come up with a list that would have the car apart for a year. I have dropped the pan from my '64 Riviera with the engine in the car. Things to be aware of: Take the distributor cap off. Room is tight. The four pan bolts above the crossmember are not bad if you use a 1/4" drive socket set. Remove the fan shroud completely. I think I had to drop the steering linkage.
  12. The car was assembled in the US for export. Never think or say anything different if you are trying to license or title it in the US again. "Manufactured in US, exported, and returned. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  13. Still in that location on my '64 Buick Riviera. I never got a picture of it back in those chemical film picture taking days though. I saw it!
  14. Just reading that makes things sound kind of cryptic. If you ask for the name of the church and get a picture of part of the title that is the point where my interest wanes. Is this communication taking place through email or Messenger? You really need to pick up the phone and talk with them. A real conversation allows me to ask enough questions to verify who I am dealing with. There is always a risk but the risk can be minimized. I have bought quite a few cars online and sight unseen during this century. All met or exceeded the sellers description. A couple did turn out to be what I wanted. I sold them. It may be a combination of my questioning skills and willingness to take a calculated risk but I haven't seen the fraud that has been written in the news. And when I did see those articles there were quite large "DANGER" signs. One thing, if a seller mistrusts me I figure they look at untrustworthy in the mirror often.
  15. I don't know how I missed this topic. They are always so entertaining. Reading this on your computer browser would anyone like the take a guess at what voltage your computer is running on? With all my years in the hobby I do know one good reason for rewiring a car for 12V. The smaller wire would be cheaper. No kidding, I heard copper wire was invented by two Buick owners who got hold of a penny.
  16. Thank goodness for my short attention span. I could have had a trying day without it. Good meet. I like that heavy equipment.
  17. Put the VIN into a Google search. They come up frequently. I found a lot of history on the Avalanche I bought three years ago. A few years ago I remember watching one of those Most Wanted TV shows. When asked how they caught the desperado the agent said they found a phone number at his residence. The agent Googled it and a Craigslist ad for painting houses in Phoenix came up. They called, got him. Do the obvious things first.
  18. My first thought as well. Single spark plug on each cylinder and only one distributor on those car V12s.
  19. I just got back from dropping a load of trimmins at the village brush pile in the Silverado. Window down and the A/C blowing away. Seems the natural thing to do for me. Modern vehicles only the fronts down. I know about the booming that comes from a rear window open.
  20. Anyone with a little time around the dealer auctions is going to notice the "Big Tony just picked it up" seating adjustment. A true owner that big would have broken and worn the seat down. What was needed was done, lots of deferred maintenance on this type of car. If it was cared for by the person who replaced the upper radiator hose be ready for more than expected. Mandrel bent pipes could haunt someone.
  21. From the article California does not want to give up $200,000,000 to save the planet. Seems like a bargain to me.
  22. I never would have seen this in the towing section. Lots easier and cheaper to hire my towing needs. Although I might consider a permanently parked trailer to drive cars I have for sale onto. I see a lot of For Sale ads looking like fresh brought home on the trailer. Maybe they bring more money that way. How's that TV show start? "Clear all highways! Clear all highways! Get ready for the Big Score," Honey, make sure the camera is charged. I'm getting this sucker on Facebook tonight!
  23. I saw that tailgate fifth wheel and my immediate thought was "disc brake conversions".
  24. The guy that bought my Avanti knew there was only one way to haul it correctly.
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