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Larry Schramm

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Everything posted by Larry Schramm

  1. I am leery and do not use anything that has propane in it unless it is for my propane torch. It IS NOT on my purchase list. Too many things can happen if there is a leak in the system. Just IMO.
  2. Quote Originally Posted by Shakadula View Post I am tired of working on what should be simple issues and not getting anywhere. It took me years to fix the intermittent miss in my truck.
  3. This weekend is the Eyes on Design show at the Ford Mansion. It is a great show. Here is the website for the show. http://www.eyesondesign.org/carshow/ And a link to some pictures from the media preview. http://endorphin-photos.smugmug.com/Cars/EOD-2014-Press-Day I will be there with the truck.
  4. Look for us Friday night. We will bringing in the Corvette tonight. (silver)
  5. The rain in the morning put a damper on the attendance.... but the skies opened up about 1:00 and the day turned out great.
  6. I have seen the truck and have pictures of it. Nice original piece. The person in E. St. Louis had it for sale again a couple of years ago and was mighty proud of it.
  7. We had a great time, but we are going to be with Dandy Dave. He is coming in this Friday for the Eyes On Design show at the Edsel & Elanor Ford mansion in Grosse Point on this Sunday June 15th. Here is the Eyes on Design home page. I was at the media preview today and it should be a great time. I have been told that DD Brennen and us will be parked next to each other in the Flint Built category. Here is the Eyes on Design Facebook page. Will keep you posted. https://www.facebook.com/eodevents
  8. I am guessing about a 1924, but not absolutely sure. It has brakes on both axles. Appreciate your help.
  9. Might need to dismount the tires. Some wheels have ID marks on the inside
  10. I guess that I would do some basic investigation. First would be to do a compression check to see what the compression is. If it is good, besides a possible leak, you might just have bad valve stem seals which is not a real big expense to replace. Just look at the basics.
  11. First thing that I would do is buy one of these spark testers? Buy at least one and put it on the coil tower where the spark plug wire goes and the spark plug wire on the top of the tester. If the car will continue to run for five minutes and no misses, then the coil is good. If not, then it is not good. Need to replacement. You only need to do one coil tower/ coil. Not necessary to do the coil on both towers. Just move down the line and do the other two coils. Also, be sure to check the grounds especially the one below the coil. Might also be a bad ECM but generally not in your model year. Easy base line check for that is to LIGHTLY TAP on the ECM with the engine running and if the engine stalls, hesitates would be an ECM issue.
  12. Look forward to seeing you there. Just look for me and the Buick truck.
  13. Are there any openings in the trunk area that might be sucking exhaust fumes back in the car?
  14. What is on the wrenches between the ends? Just a first impression is they are Craftsman wrenches.
  15. I tried to see a couple of Corvair station wagons a while back complete for the price of scrap and could not get any buyers. .... so they went to the scrapper and actually got more for scrap than I had been asking.
  16. If you can find a place to insert them, this is probably the identical material in the original. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/2356915406212196441?rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&sclient=psy-ab&q=scrubbing+pad+copper&oq=scrubbing+pad+copper&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&biw=1355&bih=845&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.u4s5c7_Kv3Q.O&tch=1&ech=1ψ=kniGU7LDK8KGqgbG8oGQDg.1401321732642.3&ei=F3mGU8zPBc6RqgbrvYKIAQ&ved=0CIYBEKYrMAA https://www.google.com/search?q=chore+girl&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&ie=&oe=#q=scrubbing+pad+copper&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&tbm=shop&spd=0
  17. I do not remember the 92 Blazer having a BCM. That said, my first guess is it probably is a bad ignition switch. Two questions, 1. How many miles on the vehicle? 2. Did this car have an owner that put 5 pounds of junk on a key chain attached to the key that went into the ignition? That would lead to an ignition switch also. Also on putting in a different cluster with one partially working and the other not working many vehicles of that vintage had a number of clusters that looked the same but if you did not have the EXACT PART NUMBER that you exchanged it with it would not work. Look at the label on the clusters and see if they have the exact part numbers. For the tachometer, if you have a scanner look to see if you have a tach signal. That signal comes from the ECM and is then transferred to the cluster by a serial data line. I think I have all of this right from memory.
  18. Does that mean the party is up to 3 or 4?
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