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Everything posted by hddennis

  1. A Google image search of this photo turns up a discussion on ozrodders.com on December 2011. I signed up a few days ago but their moderators must be asleep. Maybe someone else will have better luck. Howard Dennis
  2. Thanks fellows for the kind words. Steve you can't believe how much better my thumb feels after seeing your pictures! I bet we look like two sad dogs staring out the windows. Does your wife give you heck every time you try to go out to the garage? Mine does, threatens to throw my power tools away. Howard Dennis
  3. Something some people may not be aware of is this was also a popular style of boat during this period having both dual and triple cowls. I don't know if the boats copied cars or the other way around but it was definitely a sign the purchaser had spent the extra bucks for the sports version. Howard Dennis
  4. Paul, here's what the factory serial number tag on the right side front seat riser looks like. Howard Dennis
  5. Sitting here wishing I could go out to the garage and get back to my Maxwell but will have to wait a few more weeks. Thought I would pass along my latest mistake in the hopes that I will cause someone to stop and rethink that decision to push yourself just a little longer instead of quitting and finishing up tomorrow. On January 5th I was working on my Maxwell and had lowered my seating position 4 inches and reassembled the wooden body and was pretty darn proud of myself as I am NOT a woodworker but not being able to find anyone had tackled it myself. After working all day I was tired but decided I would just make one floorboard before quitting. I don't know if it was fatigue, lost my balance or just plain stupidity but as I was running the board through the planer I took about 1/2 inch off the tip of my left thumb, down to the bone. Luckily I only ticked the bone and it should heal in time. Funny how I didn't have time to wait till tomorrow for this project but now I have WAY too much time! The pictures show my thumb 2 weeks after so I guess time really does heal all wounds. Remember tomorrow is another (SAFER) day. Howard Dennis
  6. Jeff, see if this thread helps you: http://forums.aaca.org/f145/chrysler-fedco-system-216751.html Howard Dennis
  7. Fellows at the Model T Forum found it for me. http://www.mtfca.com/discus/messages/506218/511684.html?1421844877 Howard Dennis
  8. This picture is for sale on Etsy. Anybody have a clue what it could be used for? It seems to be old car parts, electric powered and possibly 2 passenger. Bombsight trainer maybe? Howard Dennis
  9. There seems to be 2 WWI Cadillacs: http://www.ezhosting4you.com/LibertyCadillac/gallery1/gallery1.html Howard Dennis
  10. I could be wrong but I believe this is an early Buick starter. Just found this: http://forums.aaca.org/f170/delco-starter-generator-what-does-fit-296391.html Howard Dennis
  11. Thanks guys, just wanted to let everyone know eBay seems to have solved the problem. Howard Dennis
  12. Just found this homemade tool on the Model T Forum made from a 3/4 inch bolt, pretty neat! Howard Dennis
  13. Antiques working randomly 5 minutes ago but 1939 and earlier seems to be okay now. Hope the "fix" lasts! Howard Dennis
  14. I stumbled across this thread after posting a later version: http://forums.aaca.org/f169/ebay-collector-car-section-not-working-386198.html Howard Dennis
  15. I just found this earlier thread: http://forums.aaca.org/f169/ebay-search-386097.html Nobody is concerned enough to call eBay and complain?? It may not seem like a big deal to some but I've used these two searches for at least 14 years and if they no longer work I'm done with eBay. For you sellers that don't complain, good luck on buyers finding your auction! Howard Dennis
  16. Is anyone else having trouble finding antique cars on eBay Motors? I Click on my bookmark I've used for well over 10 years: Collector Cars. That has sections 1939 and earlier which now turns up a mix of modern junk. The other section Antiques 1925 and earlier is non functional as well. I called eBay and the tech swore up & down there was a way I could still do my old searches but he finally gave up trying and said he would call me back when he had found a way, I'm not holding my breath! If these sections are now dead I don't see any way eBay is viable for us pre-war folks?? Howard Dennis
  17. After seeing your pictures we now know a burnt out or improperly adjusted automatic choke isn't the problem. I'm not wild about seeing that big electric fuel pump so close to the carburetor and wonder if excessive fuel pressure might not be the major problem here? Howard Dennis
  18. Here's information on the correct choke but I bet it's not compatible with your butchered electrical system. Howard Dennis http://forums.aaca.org/f143/auto-choak-1936-dodge-330212.html
  19. Dave, after I responded I was trying to think out the mechanic's of my answer and if it were me I eliminate the radiator from this and try to get as much hot water into the empty block as soon as possible for maximum effect. Just wondering, is your hot water heater very near your garage? Mine is in the garage and would make it easy to tap as a source of a large quantity of hot water for multiple applications to get the block as hot as possible. Just thinking out loud, your mileage may vary, Howard Dennis
  20. Dave, I've never tried it but have heard of putting boiling water in the block can sometimes expand the cylinders just enough to let the Marvel Mystery Oil get past the rings and soak the walls. For gaskets try: http://www.olsonsgaskets.com/ Howard Dennis
  21. Thanks Ivan, don't bother, I'll figure it out myself. Howard Dennis
  22. It looks right in photos but I can just barely sit under the wheel and I'm sitting on bare wood with no cushion at all. Being a commercial vehicle I imagine it would not have a spring cushion but just a padded cushion like earlier horse drawn vehicles. You may be right and your measurements may be very close to what I already have and in that case I'm going to have to create something I can live with, a cross between original and something I can get in and out of. Howard Dennis
  23. Thanks Ivan, I'm installing a wooden light delivery body that someone designed for a Model T and the seating is too close to the steering wheel. I need to know how much to lower the seat platform by cutting it down to lower the cushion. I figure if I size it to the dimensions of your original seat I should be pretty close to what it originally was. Your measurement from the floorboards up to the top of the cushion and down from the bottom of the steering wheel to the top of the cushion should get me in the ballpark. Howard Dennis
  24. Dave, Thanks for the offer. I'm a little worried you might not come up with the same measurements I need as I know for a fact that the 1918 Maxwell had a different frame and longer wheelbase than my 1917. I'm located 11 miles south of Macon in Byron, right in the middle of the state. Howard Dennis
  25. Thanks, I have my body scattered around my garage now and hope to start reassembly in a few weeks so I will have to try for this information elsewhere. Howard Dennis
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