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Everything posted by hddennis

  1. Is the forum software is STILL indexing the site? Howard Dennis
  2. Just experimenting photo upload
  3. Internet Explorer Windows 7 Howard Dennis
  4. Bob, in my frustration in trying to get back to where I was before this "Improvement" I failed to thank you for trying to help me out. That is inexcusable and I humbly apologize, I appreciate that you were the only one who offered help. It didn't work for me as it refused to accept any size avatar I uploaded and just wanted to chop each version into a portion of what I uploaded. Cover photos I tried are GIGANTIC and only a small portion is visible on screen. Thanks for trying, Howard Dennis
  5. When all my past posts with pictures are lost, my avatar lost, picture gallery gone and I've done damage to my personal files trying to work with a mess not of my making, "patience" does me no good whatsoever! Howard Dennis
  6. So I've lost all the photos from the past posts which renders them useless as reference to new members AND my avatar I've had for years! Once again "New & Improved" isn't always as good as it's made out to be. Oh well, I'm getting too old to learn new tricks anyway so I guess I'll just fade away. Howard Dennis
  7. Just tried to upload a photo and somehow lost my original avatar! Tried to correct that and it won't accept the whole photo and somehow my one photo on site is a large piece of the original picture. Still totally useless to me! Is there any way to undo all my recent changes and get back my old avatar?? Howard Dennis
  8. Just logged on to the forum for the first time in 2 days and WTH??????????? I REALLY hate this, different, SLOW, and pretty much useless to me. Howard Dennis
  9. chstrlee, before you write that car off I'd pose this question on the Plymouth Owners site. Personally I've had nothing to do with a PB since the 1960's but as a teenager I rode in the rumble seat of a PB coupe that was freshly restored for 2 hours on the NJ turnpike and we had no trouble keeping up with traffic. My Own PB sedan at the time would run circles around any Model A Ford which to me sounds like what is being described above? Howard Dennis
  10. Anybody know what has happened to The MTFCA Forum? I haven't been able to connect for a few days. Howard Dennis
  11. 1925 Maxwell & Spare Parts For Sale A good friend from my time spent chasing Maxwell parts and information on this site has just emailed me this because he is having trouble posting and asked if I would help. "the time has come for my neighbor to part with his 1925 Maxwell and the parts he has accumulated, attached are pictures of a spare engine acquired somewhere along the line, a flywheel and a tranny case. This is a little of what he may have. If you know of someone that may have an interest in any of this feel free to pass on his contact info: Ed Fabian, 916-771-3017 he lives in Roseville, CA. He plans to list the Maxwell in Hemmings soon." I have shown a picture of the car while under restoration and believe it is finished now. Howard Dennis
  12. 1925 Maxwell & Spare Parts For Sale A good friend from my time spent chasing Maxwell parts and information on this site has just emailed me this because he is having trouble posting and asked if I would help. "the time has come for my neighbor to part with his 1925 Maxwell and the parts he has accumulated, attached are pictures of a spare engine acquired somewhere along the line, a flywheel and a tranny case. This is a little of what he may have. If you know of someone that may have an interest in any of this feel free to pass on his contact info: Ed Fabian, 916-771-3017 he lives in Roseville, CA. He plans to list the Maxwell in Hemmings soon." I have shown a picture of the car while under restoration and believe it is finished now. Howard Dennis
  13. I knew I had seen this years ago but wished I had taken photos as it was a totally new concept to me as to how to mount a drivetrain. I found these photos years later and kept them as I knew this car from my teenage years. It is the only surviving GJG built in White Plains, NY as the factory race car in 1911. Hope some small detail helps you. Howard Dennis
  14. Sorry but Pinterest doesn't give information just shows images. I Googled that image and found the source of that image. I can't read it so here, you figure it out. Howard Dennis http://www.massingnickel.se/orgpaige.html
  15. The first thing I noticed were the odd embossed hubcaps. Here's an image of a Paige Google turned up from Pinterest site. Howard Dennis
  16. "Incidentally if the army had that car back in WW1 and added lights or accessories I doubt they would have painted them. They would most likely have left them black." During my time in the Marines we painted everything that didn't move Olive Drab, over and over and over again! This is being restored as a civilian vehicle drafted into WWI service, something I never knew happened till I started to research it. With that in mind my scenario is it would have came with the lights and the lowly private assigned to prep it for his unit would painted it all just like every other vehicle in his unit. "IF" I was going for museum accuracy it wouldn't have any glass on it at all, windshield, headlights and all would have been removed. I choose to operate it this way for my own safety on today's roads. Howard Dennis
  17. I come here for the vast wealth of knowledge of many things pertaining to restorations in general and I hope some of you can help with my latest problem. To save time, money and effort I painted my 1917 Maxwell with Valspar interior latex. It saved a ton of money and worked perfectly. I'm now adding extra directional signals and lighting from the teens and twenties to make it safer and more drivable. My problem is the lights are in original black paint and stand out from my military Olive Drab and I'd like to paint them as well but hate to destroy the original black paint. I'm wondering if a coating could be put on the lights that would protect the original black but allow me to cover it with Olive Drab which would be removable later if need be? This sounds crazy but I would think movie studios must do this with vehicles they borrow for films and then return to the owners in original condition. Any ideas? Howard Dennis
  18. Just stumbled across this on HCCA Library site. Probably first announcement of this option. Howard Dennis
  19. Just wishful thinking on my part, Peter. The one I pictured is for sale on the internet and I thought it might help you out. Howard Dennis
  20. Peter, after reading this I wonder what your dash panel looks like. Do these pictures look like yours? Howard Dennis
  21. Peter, so glad that even after my tantrum I was of some help. Now the bad news. When I started this over a year ago I was getting the chassis to move on it's own for the first time in about 65 years. It moved but I wasn't happy with the clutch. After breaking it and repairing it again I got it to function but am still not happy with the adjustment. It has no freeplay and grabs at the very top of the pedal travel. I was disgusted and decided to leave well enough alone and finish the rest of the body and solve other problems not yet addressed. Now that it is almost finished I need to get back to the clutch and see if I can't get a better adjustment. I filled my clutch with 30W non-detergent oil and it seemed to work just fine. Since my car didn't have any provision for cotter pins on the clutch bolts I assembled them without any locking method as Maxwell didn't use any originally and with the spring pressure on each nut I doubt it will be a problem. Funny You should mention synthetic oil! I've been working on antique cars for over 50 years and have never used it. When I went to the parts store to get supplies to get the Maxwell running for the first time I bought 5 qts of 30W non-detergent and put it in my completely rebuilt engine. Long story short the next morning a good percentage was on the garage floor as if I had forgotten every single gasket in the engine. I later found out the oil was mislabeled synthetic oil. The internet is full of stories about how badly it makes an older engine leak. You'll also find people who say this is nonsense. All I can tell you is this is the only motor out of hundreds I've rebuilt that has leaked like a sieve! And after draining that crap and putting in the old school 30W non-detergent I have stopped most all of the leaking. Your mileage may vary. Howard Dennis
  22. hddennis


    That pedal sure looks like the starter pedal linkage on my 1932 Plymouth PB I had back in the 60's. The starter pedal rod was attached to the firewall and the part in the photo was attached to the bell housing and with floating power motor mounts the rod hit the flat plate and when the engine started the plate could move but not loose contact with the starter pedal rod. Howard Dennis
  23. Still looking for beehive lenses. Check your parts hoards please. Howard Dennis
  24. Peter, I apologize. After going to all that work I checked back and saw you had visited and I thought you couldn't be bothered to leave a comment and I just snapped. I was having a bad day and wasn't myself. Hope some little bit of this information helps, sorry I can't offer more. These Maxwell's can be trying projects. Howard Dennis
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