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Everything posted by hddennis

  1. Thanks John, I was beginning to feel like the Lone Wolf here. Howard Dennis
  2. You win, I give up!! I've tried every way possible to say I had nothing to do with this, viewing or otherwise! All three posts just showed up uninvited in my email inbox this morning. I was the very first viewer BECAUSE of the emails so I COULDN'T have possibly "ACCIDENTLY" have clicked on something before I visited the post at the request of these mysterious emails. Howard Dennis
  3. That exactly the reason I posted , I WASN'T following these at all, They just showed up in my email this morning. Howard Dennis
  4. The two earlier notifications were deleted after the link no longer worked.
  5. Here's what I was sent: Antique Automobile Club of America - Discussion Forums Hi hddennis, seokeys1 has posted a topic, SeoKeys Company | Search Enigine Optimization Services Posted in General Discussion Our SeoKeys Company is Passionate about Your Profit. If you want Top Rankings then you want us. Get Started with a Comprehensive analysis Today. Go to this Topic — Antique Automobile Club of America - Discussion Forums
  6. I received 2 email notifications of a post I was supposedly following, I wasn't as I hadn't signed up for the notifications nor was I aware of the posts existence. When I tried to respond to the post it wasn't there. Then I received another email from the forum saying I was following a post from a spammer. Howard Dennis
  7. Great, now I'm getting spam notifications! I thought that was why we had to change was to get rid of this??? Howard Dennis
  8. At 10:45 this morning I get 2 emails suggesting I'm following a post about someone wanting to identify a photo of Grandpa's car in Quebec in the early 1900's. I wasn't following a post and it was the very first post so I was probably the first viewer after this notification I didn't request. Curious, I was able to determine it was a Briscoe but this "wonderful" new version wouldn't allow me to up load any photos to prove it. Now it can't even locate the original post??? Howard Dennis
  9. While we are talking common sense fasteners, does anyone know the size wood screw normally used to hold these on bodies and/or top bows? I'd like to order a box in stainless steel as I'm afraid brass or modern made steel ones are too likely to shear off. Howard Dennis
  10. Just had to pass this along in case ,like me, someone was holding off purchasing these because they were so expensive. Here's a better source. Howard Dennis http://www.mtfca.com/discus/messages/599638/633581.html?1460641462
  11. Thirty years ago I restored a 1965 Shelby GT350 that had been abused for years on the drag strip. I bought a lot of N.O.S. FoMoCo parts and had a lot of trouble getting them to fit my car. A local body shop owner told me that when a car was first put into production that any parts that gave the slightest trouble on the assembly line were pulled and marked as replacement parts figuring the aftermarket had more time for "fitting" than the factory did. Considering all the trouble I had I believe it to be gospel! Howard Dennis
  12. One of my favorite parts of the old car hobby was always the beautiful hood ornaments. I've always noticed how much of the original beauty is lost in re-chroming. I think I have finally found the worst example. I can't believe they actually think this horrendous piece is actually New Old Stock!! Howard Dennis http://www.ebay.com/itm/401101343864?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  13. Thanks Guys, it sounds like the easiest thing would be to open the original guides to the oversize. Howard Dennis
  14. Got an unusual question for machinists or engine rebuilders. Found a set of N.O.S, valves for my Maxwell for sale online. I was just about to buy them as spares when I noticed the box is marked oversize stems. Normally a restorer would be happy to find this as it meant he could get a little more use out of worn guides before replacing them. My problem is my 2 motors are standard bore so I think they have low mileage and probably the only reason to replace the valves would be if badly burnt or pitted from rust. My question is would it be possible to cut the valve stems back to standard? Howard Dennis
  15. Just got wind of this and thought some would want to follow it. http://rtbassemir.com/1916-transcontinental-road-trip/ Howard Dennis
  16. Just got wind of this and thought Maxwell owners would enjoy reading about the original as well as the anniversary trip. http://rtbassemir.com/1916-transcontinental-road-trip/ Howard Dennis
  17. Stumbled across this site while looking for Lincoln information and thought some would appreciate it. http://www.customcarchronicle.com/custom-history/boat-tail-roadsters/ Howard Dennis
  18. If the greenhouse is indeed a Lincoln, then I think what is throwing everybody is the fact that at least to my eye the car appears to have been sectioned. This was a very tricky alteration that completely changed the cars height and appearance and took a talented bodyman to pull it off correctly. The blurry photos and odd angles make it hard to tell. Any chance to get clearer side and front pictures? Howard Dennis
  19. To me the operative word here is "known" Until somebody lists another he's stating the current facts as known to him and most others. It's really not a lie nor mis-information until proven otherwise. My 1917 Maxwell Light Delivery appears to be the only known survivor and until someone proves the existence of another I'm calling it just that. Howard Dennis
  20. I really can't understand what was wrong with "inbox" and "sent"? This might as well be in Japanese! I still can't find a PM message I just sent and WTH is "status"
  21. When I click on the envelope I get "inbox" Where do I find messages I have "Sent" ? Why would I have to look somewhere else? Howard Dennis
  22. Thanks Bob, I understand that part, what I can't seem to do is end up with a version of this picture that will fall within those lines and show the whole truck like I had for years on the old site.
  23. Didn't mean avatar but since you mentioned it, I tried vwlfan's Sunday suggestion of 250x250 and ended up with what is shown above. What setting do I need to get the whole truck? Howard Dennis
  24. I'm not understanding the cover photo? Every picture I upload it chops up. Is this designed to just show a part of a photo? Howard Dennis
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