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Everything posted by buick5563

  1. I might have some longer ones. I will check once I get back home in a few weeks.
  2. Willie is smart. BUT, I figu e like everything else, Buick used whatever parts they could pick up. Gotta figure it was less than an inch anyway. Slap it on!!! Upon further review. What if it was an early vs. late thing. 54's couldn't be two tone. Whatcha think?
  3. I assume it is supposed to say "NO more slipping, etc..." Yes? I know what you are saying re: glued on. That is a great way of putting it.
  4. The biggest problem I have seen is that there is no way to get pipes to the back of the car without cutting the frame. Next problem is avoiding the under seat brake booster.
  5. The later "56" version allegedly has a higher output which (with ethanol gas) keeps you from turning on your booster pump for ten minutes.
  6. I nominate Mudbone for not only doing great work, but documenting in video. Short and sweet. (Like Mudbone)
  7. Like. A LOT. Mudbone continues to document through video. Buickman in his future.
  8. One navigator and one driver last night. Ok, so I have a curfew now and they had already started, but I will take credit whenever anybody is turning green.
  9. Cool road to Meremac Caverns where Jesse James hid. Sorry, New software is bumming me out. I can't play this or erase the post. trim.5392B134-EEAE-4A63-A778-13230D679AB9.MOV
  10. As an aside to the ultimate "Take your kid to a car show / road trip" : Here is something I bet none of you ever really thought about. Kids grow up in air conditioned cars with windows that only roll part of the way down. A modern kid has never learned aerodynamics by sticking their hand out the window. Woody kept looking around as if we were doing something illegal. When he discovered this joy, he laughed so hard he almost cried. I was highly amused, myself. By the end of the day, he was acting like a puppy. (Somebody please rotate this, I can't do it on my phone)
  11. Once again I will be posting some info from the Great Race as part of the #99 1931 Buick Shaeffer 8 race team. Driven by Pat Brothers. Navigated by Pat Brothers. I will bring everybody up to speed if they haven't already been following some of my shenanigans. My son Woody and I have already been out for about ten days, leaving Austin in my 55 Century wagon. We hit the Buick Nationals in Springfield and then headed north to St. Louis. We had hoped to hit a few baseball games, but after one Cardinals game, we had to cancel heading to Chicago due to flooding. We met up with the Great Race crew in Kirkwood, Mo. the beginning city. The race goes down the length of Route 66 and ends in Santa Monica next Saturday. Woody and I will be driving the support truck with my wagon in the trailer. We will bring it out every night so that we can get pics along Route 66 and so we will have easy transportation every night. We are already over 1,000 miles in the Buick and will be driving home from Cali to Texas at the end just to maintain "non trailer-queen" status . In addition to the Buick Racecar, there is a 63 Wildcat, and a 56 Century convertible that I have seen so far. I took a pic of my wagon next to the Cat just to remind everybody why I am 5563... More pics and stories will be coming.
  12. Couldn't agree more. Congrats, Tony.
  13. He took video while I was driving. Hopefully he was more concerned with the car than any thinning hairs.
  14. Just a heads up. If you top off above the mark on the radiator, it will spit the excess fluid out when the pressure rises.
  15. Even Russ Martin admits that if the groove is deeper in the caps, the engine will leak. And he sells the things.
  16. Truly a pleasure Mud. It is always great to place a face with a name, especially somebody who is considered a friend.
  17. So that is two ignitions left on, a radio, and somebody stole something out of Larry's truck. Hate to think it...BUT, the ignitions being on is a Buick only feature implying member monkeying.
  18. I have Optimas in all of my cars even the modern ones. I feel like it is a necessity in Texas, where the heat just kills em all in less than three years. I have a big Delco for shows. The 12v Optima in my Special is probably seven years old.
  19. He is working on a Roady, Greg. That's a pretty good looking Century. Lots of life in that one.
  20. I'm glad you all made it home without incident. We went to Busch Stadium last night to see the Cardinals play. We were supposed to head to Chicago to see the Cubs play, but there was flooding to contend with. We stayed put today. Race starts this weekend.
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