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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Welcome Reijer. When the time comes, the safest thing to do may be to find a nice car in North America and ship it over there. Of course, I don't know how many may already be in your part of Europe - perhaps you will find something there that suits you. Good luck.
  2. The new shop is still but a concrete pad...at least it was on Sunday. So, with wet flurries predicted for the beginning of next week, no lottery win yet, and no place to protect it from the weather, it isn't going to happen. Of course, there's draws Friday and Saturday as well....
  3. 8 tracks used to be plentiful and cheap at the swap meets probably 5 or so years ago. Now they are approaching hen's teeth, but I did get some this spring...the deck in the Electra initially worked, but then stopped - I don't know if the tape in it died or if it is the deck itself...sigh. Now the 8 tracks sit in fear that the deck will ruin them all, assuming they are functional tapes. I thought I had my mother's collection...2/3 of which was Abba...but I can't locate it.
  4. Sharp eyes Kevin. That was a neat shot...Pete sent an e-mail shortly after the meet - we had 3 digital cameras with us and I burned the photos to DVD for him Saturday afternoon before the banquet. Anyway, he seemed quite impressed with the shot. I guess there is something to being 10 and having a shorter perspective on the world. There's one or two other photos in there with anonymous credit since the cameras were changing hands and all. There is one credited to me though that I think was Luke...since I'm pretty sure I'm in the photo. Add in the radio piece and it seems we're all over this issue. All y'all must really be getting sick of me.
  5. Speaking of TMI.... Sounds like a fun time, nice photos of nice Buicks, and Lamar has himself a new toy...and he didn't even hide it from Rita. The front bright work looks pretty nice too from the photo.
  6. Our "advance" copy arrived a couple days ago...man, is it heavy! With other stuff going on, I haven't been able to make my way entirely through it yet, but as usual, it is thoroughly enjoyed. I spent this morning scanning / photographing Teresa's article since her teachers like to see this sort of thing. Fourteen years old and three published articles...that makes for a proud poppa.
  7. Welcome aboard Brandon and Mike. Mike - I'm not surprised it spoke to you...those are fantastic looking cars.
  8. Sounds like the beginnings of a Motorama museum in NC....
  9. Now it all makes sense as to why he was looking to fill a trailer on that trip....
  10. Neat car...that's a pretty reasonable price for a Roadmaster. That's basically what I paid for my '41 Special a few years ago. I can't say that I can recall seeing chrome strips like on that car though.
  11. Now we have to wait and see if the lottery numbers come through tomorrow night...'cuz that is the only way I could make this happen right now. Sigh.
  12. We've only been married 16 years, but Suzanne is the financier of the Buick Orchard. She's made the call on a couple cars as well, as well as figuratively smacking me about the head when it didn't make sense.
  13. Some folks have had issues with Cars customer service, which often sparks a lively discussion. Others have never had any issues.
  14. Ah Herb...I think I've got some vinyl of him here...of course, that would mean looking. That would have been neat...maybe I should practice with the sax and before you know it we would have a BCA Parking Lot Band. I never was that good though....
  15. C'mon man...according to the forum software, it's been four hours! Sigh. So, did you find Breeze?
  16. Oh man...we gotta get this Rick guy up north so he can experience some real beer.... Greek fisherman...love it.
  17. Well, Mr. Stoneberg sends me a note every spring reminding me of the bluebonnet tour...I think I may fly down to that one sooner, but it is a bit early to tell. Of course, if you keep me bouncing around, I'm less likely to be able to buy more cars...there's more opportunity, but it's less practical if I'm on the road. One of these years I'm going to have to figure out how to maximize the Buick tour time and maybe spend a couple weeks hitting different weekend shows. I'm told Hershey has to happen at some point as well. Ben - you and your family have our condolences.
  18. Cool. My poor eyes couldn't make out what was written on the dirty windshield other than 2010. Anyone?
  19. Even if it means you have to hook up with your old buddy Jimmy? Sorry...I couldn't resist...I'm weak that way...kinda like Mike, but not skinny.
  20. Bob...don't hold your breath. Remember you live in Canuckistan. My regular edition usually arrives the last week of the month these days. I'm hoping there's an extra package with Teresa's name on it that I can peruse earlier though. You know, I've often wondered how it is that Brian can frequently be the first to comment on the Bugle way out on the left coast. The postal service is indeed a mystery....
  21. Welcome aboard Captain (any relation to Morgan? My buddy Dandy_Dave wants to know ) There's a lot of '41s around - they are one of the most popular cars in the BCA roster. If you are in a hurry, you may want to try contacting Doug Seybold in Westlake, OH - he restores these cars and would probably have a line on an engine. Good luck.
  22. Whimper...and relatively close too. Then again, I haven't checked my latest lotto tickets....
  23. If so Bill, you could put me down for one.
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