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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. My '62 Special conv. has bucket seats, so I wouldn't put a lot of weight on that particular point.
  2. Spamalot is playing here later this month...unfortunately, Suzanne is hard to convince about Python.
  3. I only count two near the cherry blossoms.... Neat photo...Suzanne has wanted a poodle skirt since we got the poodles. I got one of those calendars a couple years back...perhaps it is time again, but then I'd probably just lose it to Joseph...no word on the local LeSabre being for sale, which is good since The Boss has other plans for her money now that I almost have a new toy box.
  4. Best bet is probably SMS - Largest Selection of Cloth, Vinyl & Leather Automobile Upholstery - SMS Auto Fabrics
  5. Extending DST was supposed to be about energy savings...what a crock. Ultimately, in the winter my house gets heated, and cooled in the summer. Lights are on when it is dark out and we cook when we're hungry. Regardless of time of day relative to daylight, I need lights at one end of the day or the other and in the dead of winter, I need them at both times. Up here, peak energy use is on the coldest days in heating season. Down south, I understand it is on the hottest days where A/Cs get cranked up. There are measurable impacts on the body's circadian rhythm, which regulates sleep cycles. Messing with that makes for things like poorer than usual drivers. As for compasses, that probably has more to do with magnetic north not being due north and the magnetic pole moves over time as well.
  6. Hands? Time? I've got a friend who is only marginally younger than me who likes to point at his digital watch and ask what it is like to wind a watch. He's got a couple other similar lines, but I can't think of them right now.
  7. So, a single owner with a some day attitude perhaps? I really like the overall looks of the first generation Rivieras...I suspect I'll own one someday.
  8. Doesn't the '57 have more one year only parts, particularly the front suspension? Just something I'd look to consider if I were looking to choose between the two myself.
  9. Giggle. I didn't need to see the All Hallow's Eve photo though
  10. Wow...Mike has a skill...whoulda thunk it? :D:D:rolleyes::cool:
  11. "It's not that easy, being green" - Kermit
  12. Couldn't find a XXXX, could ya mate? Looks good.
  13. Boeing 377 Stratocruiser...but I'm not very good at aircraft identification. No, I don't read Playboy...can't even think how long it has been since I've seen one.... Maybe you should give the Playboy Mansion a call, drive Buttercup over, and have at it with the camera. ;)
  14. Wouldn't you like to know? Let's just say it is a secret code among members of the Commonwealth.... Instead of just looking at photos, you could always read the text of the ad too, ya know There's another photo or two with that car that fits the bill.
  15. British engineering on the first gen Riviera? I don't believe I've heard that claim before.
  16. Thanks for the information Henry. I was not aware of the Oakland connection. Now the challenge is to remember the history lesson. Welcome to the site.
  17. So, that means your taking yourself out of line should I ever decide to sell the wagon? ;) Congrats on the detective work. It looks like it worked out for everybody...the seller got rid of the car without having to deal with someone from afar, Pete collected a finder's fee, and you and Rita came home with a new toy...say, does that mean she's letting you out of the garden? :eek: Heck, the way customs are being done today, it doesn't look like you need to do much to the body, just find some primer to put on it.... Enjoy the new toy!
  18. Mike, I remember a saying from my days taking engineering in university - "good engineers are lazy" - the context was in the concept of not re-inventing the wheel. The down side to your approach is that if something happens to Mr. Budd that leads to the site becoming non-functional...not to scare you off or wish anything untoward, but stuff happens unfortunately. Just something to keep in mind....
  19. Interesting thoughts Jake. I'm not sure I've responded to this thread before...I know I can't take the poll because too many of the options apply to me...I'm not sure at this point what is most important. As for locations, there are two main factors as I see them presently in my wine-addled state. First is proximity to members. Second is proximity to members to help put it all together. I'm sure Bill would attest that it is difficult if not impossible to plan something like a National meet from a distance without local help / knowledge. If nothing else, this year's meet showed that it doesn't need to be an extravagant tourist location to have a positive meet...I'm not putting Iowa down at all, but when one thinks of vacation destinations, I suspect most folks wouldn't have Iowa at the top of their list. So, without looking at the roster to see if there are local members, nor taking chapter locations into consideration, something like Bozeman or Billings, MT could be interesting. Black Hills country would be nice, but is quite touristy in the first place...that does imply lots to do and plenty of assistance from tourism folks. Personally, I am willing to go almost anywhere, so long as I can make it work. That will always be a year to year decision based on timing, location, and whether or not there are other things in the wind for us. One thing I can nearly guarantee is that I could probably count on my hands the number of members who would be interested in a trip to Winnipeg...not the least of which is that you need a passport to get back into the USA. I set up a small tour here last year and am looking to do it again, but a National would be another thing altogether. I think it is important that it rotate around geographically. That allows different members to make it, and that results in different Buicks being available to see at the event, which is exciting in and of itself. Well, that's probably more blathering than anyone wants to read.....
  20. I remember going to look at a bright yellow one with a buddy of mine...his Firebird was beginning to fall apart...he nearly gagged when he saw the car. I kind of liked it, but wasn't in need at the time.
  21. Model 4409 should be a Special 4 door sedan, known as the Model 41. Paint code 147 is different than American cars. If nobody has Canadian books, you may need to spend the $50 to have GM of Canada Vintage Vehicle Services decode the numbers for you. So, in shape, it should look like mine - the four door Jetback or Tourback styling. Good luck getting the low-down on the car.
  22. I coulda sworn the man said he'd sold the goats. At least he's the right man if he needs to become a goat herder again.
  23. Welcome Jeff! I don't know the models well enough to know from sight - what model is your car? I have a model 20 that I bought to save from the crusher - it is basically a frame with complete drivetrain and such. Good luck with your car.
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