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Everything posted by Smartin

  1. What kind of shape are the vent windows in? Is the glass delaminating around the edges? Is the chrome pitted?
  2. Mark, great to see you again and meet your Dad...and thanks for the beverage Friday night. Your GS is stunning! Once again, it's not about the cars that keeps me around. It's all of the friends we see and new friends we meet during the meets that make it all worth it. After 12 years here on the forum, I finally met Lamar and his wife! There are so many familiar faces and names that I'm sure I would forget to list...but I'm happy to see so many of them made time to come to St. Louis and contribute to a great show. Time to get to work on Hobart. I still have to go pick him up from the show field this afternoon.
  3. My pleasure, Mike...great to see you again and shoot the sh*t. Yesterday was pretty hectic, but we managed to keep it running smoothly. There are a couple people who have continuously worked their a$$es off for this event. Without them, we wouldn't have an event. So, thanks to the members of the Gateway Chapter board for plowing through all of the messes we've encountered and making it a success!
  4. Thankfully, there was only wind in that storm. We had heard of 2" hail that hit west of us, and was coming our way. Several cars made a dash to the airport parking garages.
  5. It is nice and humid here, today! I've spent most of my time in the hospitality room drying off.
  6. It's still a 6 hour drive from St. Louis! It appears to be a very good deal, though...
  7. Thanks, guys! Yes, somewhere down the line I would love to do this for a living. Maybe sooner than later. Maybe.
  8. I remember when I was quoted a price for relining my drums from j and g... It was $265 each.
  9. The exhaust is still flopping around under the car, so it is clanging in the video...it's also only half installed. That's why it's as loud as it is. Once the pipes are full length, it will be much quieter. It will probably not make South Bend. I will see what I can do, though It will be at the Heartland regional this coming weekend though!
  10. I'm not sure the back doors have switches for the courtesy lights. None of my 4 doors ever have.
  11. I'm kind of secretly hoping she hates it there and comes back home:rolleyes: But we're going to see how she acclimates to the environment there and if she really finds out that this is what she wants to do. That's when the decision will be made whether to move there or have her come back here.
  12. Thanks, Brad...the feeling is amazing when you know you've found "the one." We aren't officially engaged yet, but it's as good as done. I won't be moving anywhere until she knows she is going to be there for a while. That is going to be a major step for me...will be very difficult to uproot.
  13. Still block sanding the doors! It's nearly impossible to get these things straight unless you start with completely rust free doors. There is so much warpage along the door edges that they'll never be perfect. Oh well. It's been a long few weeks here, lately. The car really hasn't been a priority. I'll be spending a lot more time in Cincinnati in the next 2 years, it appears. I'm also going ring shopping. My primary goal before the regional meet is to get the brakes bled and the steering column installed. I just want to be able to drive it into its spot on the show field in a couple weeks. Shouldn't be too hard, but I was really hoping I would have the doors done and the car jambed out in paint...possibly have the doors hung. Pipe dream at this point, now.
  14. RivNut is correct. These are the smaller bolt pattern.
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