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Everything posted by rocketraider

  1. Yes they were. The 1965 chassis manual shows a vague installation diagram, no dimensions or exact locations. The rears were installed by drilling a hole thru the floor, the securing them from the bottom side with a rubber washer, a reinforcement washer, and a nut. I've seen Service Guild articles on installing them, warning not to drill thru the brake line or position the nut and bolt where they'd rub against it.
  2. Hoo boy- this is a strange one. First- you HAVE checked the bulbs? If I remember right, the side marker ground backfeeds thru the park/turn lamp and if a sidemarker is blown can create some weird lighting problems. I doubt the H/L switch is at fault because the park and tail lights feed thru the same contact in the switch. Wiring diagram shows the underhood light feeds off this circuit too- check to see if you have power at that pigtail underhood. Brown wire near the brake booster if the car doesn't have the underhood light. Here's a long shot. There is a small ground wire from the (-) battery cable to the fender. Make sure it's connected and not broken, though if there is a grounding problem the turn signals shouldn't work either. If it isn't a ground issue, the problem is probably in the fuse block connector or could be in the battery ground cable itself- try cleaning the terminals. Recommend a factory shop manual with the color wiring diagram. I used to copy them for forum members until the copy places got really stupid about copyrights.
  3. If I'm lucky I'll be able to drive up Saturday afternoon just to look around. Gave up on entering a car because of the insane hours I've worked the last two months, and wasn't sure I'd even have this weekend off. Steve, hopefully we'll be able to visit if I can get there. All the cars need a road trip, but as usual I'll probably be on the wagon or Bravada. Ron- I have seen many things on Smith Mountain Lake, but never an Amphicar! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
  4. You have an earlier 394 block. Find a 59-62 timing cover and water pump. 58 and earlier may work also, but my interchange only goes back to 58. Blownolds is on here every so often and he will know for sure.
  5. Sounds right, though the flowpath is actually from the water valve to the core and then return to the w/p. Just curious- what car? as most Olds engines have the water valve screwed directly into the intake. Some 70s/80s Olds had them in the heater supply hose.
  6. My parts book goes back only to 1959 on the complete wheel cylinder, but it does give a p/n for the kit. 1937-58 8 cyl 5456700, and it shows it is for a 1-3/32" bore. Try www.usapartssupply.com in Manassas VA. They have a pretty comprehensive listing and are usually cheaper than Kanter if you have to order them. Having your originals sleeved is another option that can get rid of pitting and leaking problems long term.
  7. F85 is the base car. Usually kinda plain as Oldsmobiles go, but in Deluxe trim they are still pretty nicely appointed and are the lightest weight A-body cars. Cutlass is a trim and performance upgrade from F85 Deluxe, with V8 power and usually, not always, a hotter engine. Holiday is Olds-speak for a hardtop (no center post), so a Holiday Coupe is simply a 2-door hardtop. All 61-65 Cutlasses are V8 2-doors. F85-based 65 442 are rare. All were Sport Coupes (2-door post cars).
  8. It's no less frustrating to find a missing 50s-70s jack/trunk tools. Can't figure why they go missing other than owners' perversity- like the old coot from my childhood who immediately removed the hubcaps from any car he bought. Pretty much impossible to find one in a junkyard too since I'm told most yards remove them for liability reasons, trying to prevent people from using them to strip underbody parts. I keep a small floor jack or late model GM ratchet jack in the car when touring- those can jack the car up by the frame and I think are a little safer than a bumper jack. Still wouldn't go underneath a car supported by one. Back to the thread- great job id-ing and cataloging the jacks.
  9. Find a local Law Enforcement Explorer Scout Post. Bunch of teenagers did a fantastic job as security for our 1995 Olds National Meet. They'll work under supervision of their sponsoring officers, and will probably do it for a donation to their treasury. Not to mention teenage boys like cars and will jump at the chance to talk to owners about them. You may have to pay for one officer to supervise them. The OCA vice president went out in the 1995 showfield about 2 AM without any ID to get some stuff out of her car and those boys were on her in a minute. They woke me up to make sure she was legit. Got a lot of mileage out of that in the board meeting the next day. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
  10. Anymore I wouldn't know what it's like to be able to go. Plant maintenance shutdowns have done me out of Spring the last three years. ALL vacations are cancelled during that time. You know, we used to do these shutdowns without cancelling vacations. Some wonk with no life outside work decreed it would be done.
  11. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Also here in NC, it seems that everyone entered in the show HAS to take home a trophy or they go home mad. Personally, if they get that upset over not getting an award they need to find another hobby. This is suppose to be fun and if they can let something like no getting an award get them that bent out of shape, something is wrong. </div></div> Thought I was the only one who noticed that. I have actually seen people try to get hold of the scoresheets and alter them to get the first place trophy. In one local show I used to support with presence, planning and money, some of the judges got in on that mess and made sure the cars they wanted to win firsts, won them. I showed my arse over that once I found it out, and I no longer support that show. Shame too, because it was a good cause- local high school athletic booster club. Told 'em- they should have known better than to alter scores in the classes I had judged, because it is my habit to keep a copy of each car's total points. A story comes to mind- we had a guy from Kernersville with a 1987 442 that had always taken best of class in every local show it entered. Then along comes the 1995 Olds National Meet and the car got a low first place (>900 points) and did not win the best of class. The whole family pitched a fit at the awards banquet, never stopping to consider that a low first place National win trumped any local Best of Show award that car could possibly have received. All they saw was that they didn't get best of class. We haven't seen them since, and I'm told thru the grapevine that they sold the car soon after that show, because it was no longer a winner in their eyes and therefore not worth owning. Gawd, can't people go stupid over trivial stuff?
  12. Stick console is the same as A-body. Doesn't make them any easier to find or less expensive.
  13. 69-72 by the backrest and latch. Looks like a Buick pattern, Skylark or Riviera. Possibly Grand Prix SJ.
  14. After much nightshift and not knowing what day it is, I got to look in the parts book. It is a LH cornering lamp outer lens for 1969-70 Olds 88/98. Inner lens is p/n 5961025. RH outer/inner are 5961024/5961026. This lens cost all of $1.44 in 1974.
  15. Timely- saw a nice 53 88 Holiday Coupe w/stick at Charlotte Auto Fair last Saturday. I'm guessing a lot of those were built while they were getting the HydraMatic plant running again after the fire. I think I'd have rather had the stick than a DynaFlow.
  16. Dave, are the lights still burning, or is it just that the headlight pods don't go down? The pod malfunction could be either a vacuum leak or worn out headlight retractor springs. If the lamps themselves won't turn off, it's probably the switch. But I've gotta say, this is one I've never heard of. I don't think there's any kind of relay in the headlight circuit, but I'll have to check the wiring diagram to be sure. Until you can narrow down the problem, I think I'd disconnect the battery. If the h/l switch is shorted internally, there's the possibility of fire.
  17. Depends on the year, and the option was limited to 442 and Hurst/Olds. 1966-72 all had Outside Air Induction. 1966 was a 3x2 carbed 400 cid engine with forced air induction thru scoops in the bumper. 1967-69 were single 4-bbl OAI 400's; 67 had the scoops in the grille, 68-9 had scoops under the bumper. 1970-72 were 455-4bbl with scoops in the hood. 73-75 were 455-4bbl Hurst/Olds, 79 was 350-4bbl Hurst/Olds, and 1980 was 350-4bbl 442, all with later smog-style airscoops behind the grille except 73-74 which had dual snorkel aircleaners. Confused yet? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
  18. In 1980, W30 meant the car had a 350 Olds V8. The 1980 442 was the only GM intermediate car to get a 350 V8 that year- Chevy, Buick and Pontiac versions couldn't have them. The 1980 442 is a pretty rare piece. Worth grabbing if it's in good condition even if you are a Ford guy!
  19. Well- as you know 66-69 Toro used light metallic "slate blue" paint. 1970-74 455s used a darker metallic blue, and 1975-later 350 and 455 used a darker blue that had more turquoise than the 70-74. Fusick or some of the other Olds vendors will have the 70-74 blue you need. www.fusick.com Ha- just realised you're probably trying to match engine to car!
  20. Saw the car today. It is as Julian describes. Paint is a little dull but overall a very nice car for its age. Nice soft dashpad too...
  21. You'll probably get more response on www.oldspower.com as they're geared to G-bodies, and there's always someone on there wanting an engine. Site has been down for maintenance most of today but I think it's back up now.
  22. For the third year running, an overloaded work schedule is knocking me out of it. I sincerely believe that corporate outage planning schedules these big shutdowns around things I want to do, and then they cancel all vacations scheduled during that time. That's OK- they want to schedule me 84 hours a week, I will GLADLY take their money.
  23. From the last time we were there, about a year ago... My Pontiac bud says "What IS that?" Sez me, "It WAS a Buick." I hate that Jim Bingham closed up, and now all that's left in Asheboro area is Richard's. Even worse is that Richard's always saw Bingham as an interloper and wouldn't even make an offer on Bingham's stock. There was some choice stuff in there too- WAAAAY beter quality stuff than Richard Keller has. Richard has a whole yardful of gold-plated rust. 'Course, I would settle for a daytrip to Richard's, if I could ever get some meaningful time off to go. Lamar, next time y'all come up there, PM me. Tim and I might be able to swing a day off as we're just a little over an hour away.
  24. Offhand I'll say it is a 1969 fullsize Olds or Buick cornering lamp lens. I'll see if it's in the Olds parts books when I get home.
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