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Everything posted by rocketraider

  1. Add Madagascar too Padgett. There and Oz have some truly bizarre critters found nowhere else. A platypus is proof the Creators had a sense of humor. Imagine being the first Englishman to see one. I laugh at every Lunchables commercial I see. A platypus and a jackalope. But I'm glad we don't have such here. Druther have the meeces.
  2. I miss my weekly auctions badly, but as I told a friend a couple days ago over a plate of fine NC bobbacue, I have mo' money and less clutter since I haven't been able to go. I'm afraid what all this pent-up energy will do to my bid paddle hand once the sales do start back up.👋👋👋 😬
  3. Thanks for the ride! I really enjoy the 2nd gear whine while accelerating, you know your machinery is working. And you're right, it tracks well.
  4. That's like me trying to find a 2002-05 'Bird. I do not want red, black, gray or white and those colors were apparently all that shipped to VA/NC/SC. I did find one yellow one a couple years back but it had bumblebee interior which I didn't want either. Someday... I could probably find a 55-57 in a good color easier! I'm ornery now in the respect that if I'm gonna turn loose of the cash for a vehicle, it's gonna be a color I like. I am really past silver/charcoal/white vehicles with monotone uninspired interiors. Never intend to own another one.
  5. D-con is effective but if you're worried they'll stink up the place use Ramik Green pellets. It dehydrates them so they become little mouse mummies and don't smell. Most farm supply stores have it and some claim it works on squirrels too. And I know the little @#$%^&! like it, because they broke into an unopened bag and helped themselves. I couldn't smell it thru the plastic bag, but they could. God in his wisdom had a reason for every critter he put on earth, but why venomous snakes, stinging insects, mosquitos, ticks, and sharks? Add meeces to that list.🙄 I mean, honestly, what good is a rodent? What do they do besides mess up your stuff?
  6. Mmph. Don't give politicians seeking votes any ideas. They come up with enough cock-and-bull material without any suggestions, and I daresay one not versed in physics and science would think repealing those natural laws of order would be a great idea. Especially if it garnered votes from similarly unenlightened people. Ancient Rome had nothing on us moderns. When technology and infrastructure will allow me the same range in an EV as in an ICE vehicle, at an affordable price, then we have success. At 64, not sure I'll see that in my lifetime.
  7. That's as good or better! One of my last good auction finds before the pestilence was a toolbox that, when I finally got into it and looked close, had some 1918 patent date tools which I found were for Model T engine work. There were also a few ancient adjustable and monkey wrenches in it including a Diamond Duluth which I gave my Pontiac bud for his birthday. He has more old tools than I do.
  8. A good set of dental picks is worth its weight in gold, not only for old cars but for piddling in general. Sometimes they're all that will work!
  9. Hd45, are those dykes Kleins? Going by the red grips which IIRC were replaceable. Part of a powerplant Operator's gear was a pair of dykes to cut danger tags off tagged-out equipment when restoring it for service. For years I kept a pair of Kleins, Channel-Locks, Craftsman etc and they would invariably sprout legs on my time off. Bought a pair of no-names from some discount store and kept those for 11 years, brought 'em home when I retired! And with an occasional dressing and drop of oil they worked as well as the big-names. One of those young Operator punks ended up outing himself when he mentioned I no longer kept a good pair of cutters. Hmm... how did you know what brand of tools I had, grasshopper? Esp since you and I have never worked on a crew together?🤔 Busted!😼
  10. If those vises are USA made, great score. Even a Wilton is fabrique au Chine now. I have a 6" Columbia my dad bought used at an auction nearly 50 years ago. The screw is stripped. Wonder could I find a repair kit?
  11. You can always tell swap meet novices! They're the ones with nothing to haul their treasure in! I get a kick out of some of the swap meet haulers people have. My best free tool was a 100' 10/3 extension cord that was tossed in the contractors' dumpster at work. I had to put a male plug on it but it then functioned as new. Have you priced those cords lately?🤑
  12. That's the advantage of having a buddy who's in tune with you to walk Carlisle. One looks left, one looks right, and we stop when we find something interesting. Didn't make the 6 hour trip this year as we weren't sure what food and restaurant situation would be. There'll be next year! Though it figures the best weather in years, we didn't go.
  13. Is that NEC nationwide or a local thing, John? The question begs "who's paying at the charging station?" Will it be a complimentary service by the building owner/tenant? By the local electric provider? Metered as in x amount of charging time for x amount of money? It's gonna cost someone and my think is that the end user should pay for his fuel same as those of us buying our dino juice.
  14. Flyin' high in our Fitty-seben fo' do' Fode! Or... Take that Chevverlay! Wonder how that Town Victoria handled the landing?
  15. Mmm. Bobbacue on the hoof. Sooey, y'all.🐷
  16. The outright disregard for safety regulations in THIS country is frightening. My last 12 years at work was primarily lockout/tagout at a 2500 megawatt power station. There was stuff there that would kill you before you knew what you'd gotten into. The four guys in my office took our jobs seriously, and often butted heads with people who wanted to shortcut safety processes, but one point of honor was no one was ever hurt or god forbid killed due to a LOTO error at that plant. One of my favorite rebuttals was "would you rather go home late or dead?" That would usually settle the issue. After a 2013 merger with another big electric utility, we found the folks from that side did not have the same sensibilities re safety and LOTO. A system-wide event report came out every morning and some of the stuff they reported would make your hair stand on end. Bottom line is it was all preventable, had they only made some effort. But then we wouldn't have any neat fail compilations to watch!🤕
  17. I can watch that stuff all day. One thing about it, when these fail compilations appeared, it made finding a work safety meeting topic incredibly easy. Not saying we didn't contribute some of our own boneheaded mess.
  18. I usually catch a couple in the house every year and had successfully used Victor snap-traps for years. Heard the trap snap in the kitchen about 0430 one morning. Got up to check and sure enough, little brown and white mouse in it with the wire on its neck, eyes bugged out and blood on its mouth. I didn't feel like getting dressed to take it outside so I thought, I'll dispose of it in daylight. Got up at 0630 and when I went to the trap it was GONE! Mouse and all. I never did find that trap. That's when I started using glue traps. This summer I was having a time keeping tree rats off my bird feeders. There's too many buildings, neighbors etc close by to use my rifle, so I set a cage trap to get them and then let 'em hold the .22. Caught one that looked for all the world like Scrat in Ice Age movies. Around dusk so figured I'd do the dirty work next morning. Went out to get the paper 0700 and once again trap, squirrel and all had vanished. Haven't found it yet. I figure either the neighbor's idiot dog or coyotes dragged it off. And if 🐿 get into your attic or barns, they're worse than 🐀!
  19. David, I suggest PM'ing Steve Moskowitz thru the Forum. He's the most likely to have such information- if it exists.
  20. RenWal produced kits in mid 60s "updated" to what 1966 versions of classic cars might have looked like. I think Virgil Exner may have had input. I never built them, they were like $5 kits back then.
  21. I was bush hogging a couple years ago and something hit under the deck like it was coming apart. There was no heavy brush there, so I figured grass clumps had dropped off the deck as it was wet when I started that morning. Made another round and where all the commotion was, there laid a 5 foot black snake chopped in 3 pieces. I never saw it. Must have been old, sick or ready to molt because the rumble of a tractor usually sends serpents scurrying. I looked at it and said well, old boy, the Bush Hog won. Sent pics to some friends and one says man you killed your rat catcher! Had he seen all the field mice and chipmunks in that field he'd have realised Mr Serpent wasn't earning his keep in the first place. I'll usually leave a non-venomous snake alone long as it's not too close to the house and outbuildings, but a copperhead has to go. And if you keep vermin out, well, snakes stay away too.
  22. Pontiac bud just sent me pics of a 3 foot copperhead that his 16yo son killed in their basement just after midnight. It was right at the bottom of the steps and he nearly stepped on it. Even more reason to get the meeces out. Serpent won't stay where there's no food. Damn a snake especially if it's close to your living quarters.
  23. I have better luck with glue traps. Mouse gets on that, he's stuck. The ones in the garage catch meece, crickets and lizards. The blue-striped lizards are pretty much harmless but I've found lizard turds all over the car covers this summer. Ergo, glue traps. They also think my back porch is a grand place to live so there's glue traps there too. And there's always the green pellets, which poison them but also dehydrate them so they don't stink up the place... The cat eats too well to bother with catching mice and lizards. Maybe I should cut back the Meow Mix rations.🙀
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