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The Old Guy

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Everything posted by The Old Guy

  1. I used to have fun with cars like yours ,as the easiest way to make them run well was to run the wheels off them. I would fill the tank with premium and if I couldn't find a road to run REALLY fast, I would leave it in L2and wind it up to a decent RPM and let it run. That is the simplest way ,and it's FUN
  2. The parades for the 75th and the 85th anniversary were both wonderful ,but I think they will pale in comparison the the one in 2003. We are hoping it will be cool ,as there will be probably enough Buicks that your cooling system should be in good shape or you might become a steamer and Buick did not build any of them.
  3. I just worked on a friends truck that had the same problem ,and I replaced the plugs and it fired right up.If you want to check the timing, pull the number one plug ,put you finger over the hole and bump the starter. When compression blows your finger out of the hole,bring the timing mark up to the mark and pull the distributor cap. If the engine is in time,the rotor will be pointing at the wire to the number one <BR>plug
  4. With a V8 engine ,you don't need a split manifold as you did with an inline engine. You already have two manifolds ,one for each bank of cylinders. If you go to any GOOD muffler shop, they can remove the connecting Y pipe and replace it with a head pipe and muffler on both sides.
  5. You have spark from the coil, but do you have spark at the plug?? If the rotor or the cap is bad,you may find that is the problem. If you have a spare plug or a small long bladed screw driver ,put it in in place of one of the plugs on the engine. If it is a plug, ground it to someplace on the block and see if it fires. If it doesn't , check the rotor for a problem and the cap for carbon tracking. when using a screw driver ,place the blade close to a ground and see if a spark jumps.
  6. I am not sure about the 49 ,but a friends 50 and my 57 were bolt ons.
  7. Fisher body ran bodies down the line for years and never changed the line. You will be amazed to see that the body mounting brackets from year to year are the same. The only problem you will face (other than having to move the engine and trans a little) is the upper arms that hold the rear end will need some clearance behind the back seat. The panel behind the seat had to be notched to clear the arms.
  8. Even without the extra zero, it is expensive!!
  9. I forgot to address the brake question. The power booster for the 55 is under the floor on the drivers side ,and they are hard to find and not really good units. I would see if I couldn't rig a remote reservoir to the existing brake system.
  10. There is a small square plug in the cover on your rear shocks. if you remove this and put your shock fluid in an oil can with a flexible spout, you can refill them easily. I have an old oil can which I have bent the end on, and it works great!
  11. I have a friend that used the later(84-86) chassis from the GM big cars(The rear drive Buick Olds Chevy ) which gave him the OD trans ,but That gives you anOlds or Chevy engine ,and I like my Buick power. I average 17+ MPG with my 455 in my 57 ,so it isn't really that bad
  12. My 57 Special is on a 72 Electra Chassis and the wheel base had to be shortened a couple of inches, so i don't see why you couldn't add a little to the same chassis and put you roadmaster body on it.This way you don't have to worry about re-engineering the suspension. It also has the benefit of using easily found parts, and replaces the border line brakes on the 49. My 57 had brakes the stopped you ,but you had to be VERY careful!
  13. I just read the article today ,and was VERY impressed by it. He definitely calls a spade a spade. We need new blood in the design groups and maybe Lutz is man to make it happpen
  14. it is probably possible to use the torque tube but it would require extensive machining, and be cost prohibitive. If you are going to change engines, you are better off switching to an open drive rear end.The latest thing is using a complete later chassis and setting the early body on it. This way you have all the later technology for the stopping and handling as well as the <BR>convenience of finding parts at the local <BR>NAPA store instead of waiting three weeks <BR>and finding out you got the wrong part. <BR>
  15. Thew 322 is smaller than the 364 bell housing and they will not interchange. the 364and the 401 bell housings are the same.
  16. I have 455 engines in four cars and none of them tick. I did have a tick in one of them and it was the exhaust, which I repaired. by replacing the gaskets.
  17. Ther 350 TH will work just fine as long as you treat it with respect. i have had one in my son's 7 GS for 4 years and it is working just fine. it actually takes less HP to run and will help your mileage a little
  18. That is the sesnsible way to go. If you fab a bracket that will hold the throttle cable and the TV cable you will be in business. I used the convertor lock up kit from TCI also ,just to get everything I could.
  19. I am not sure about the width . I do know that the axles all have the same spline ,so you can put the cast iron center section into either one . you may have to use the rear cover from the same unit as someone said you need it for clearance.
  20. I have 275/60X15 tires on the rear of my 72 GS . They fit with only a slight massaging of the inner fender. The fronts are 235/70X15and that is all that will go without rubbing on a turn
  21. The bell housings can be changed,but you have to remove the convertor ,and that is a bigger job on a dynaflow that it is on the later trans. The 364 engine and trans will fit as long as you have the right trans. They have different tail shaft lengths, so you will have to make sure theay have the same overall length.
  22. Your RPM will drop by 1/3 when you are in overdrive( 1/3 is .666),consequently if you had been running 3000 at 70 ,you will now run 2000. I check my speedo against the mile markers on the interstate. I vary my speed every mile until I am running a mile a minute. I then run ten miles as close to that number as I can to be sure it is right. Then if I ran 70 to go a mile a minute I know how far off the speedo is and go to a speedo shop and get the gear needed
  23. The bell housing of the 322 is different than the one on the 364. the 364 is the same as the 401-425 . the only bell housing compatable with your 55 is the 53 -56 322
  24. Bruce, thank you for letting us know about Cecil. He has been an asset to the BCA and has worked hard to help the club
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