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neil morse

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Everything posted by neil morse

  1. Another example of the product placement relationship between Buick and Warner Bros. -- this time a picture called "Brother Orchid" featuring Edward G. Robinson. With Ralph Bellamy at the wheel and Eddie Robinson and Ann Sothern in back, we see this very nice '40 Buick convertible sedan with dual sidemounts.
  2. Great story! I love the Vega in the background -- classic image for 1971.
  3. Looks like a solid survivor with a very good original interior. The dash is particularly nice. I love the nautical motif! And, of course, those tail light lenses that ended up on a lot of customs in the mid-50's. My father used to refer to these cars as the "vanishing Clippers."
  4. Looks like a very nice car, but something doesn't seem right. I see Tom Laferriere's name on all the photos, but if you go to Tom's website, the car is not listed. Scam? Just saying.
  5. It's called the "free market." If you don't like the prices, don't buy the stuff.
  6. Is it just my imagination, or is it riding a little high in front? Otherwise, looks very clean.
  7. No wonder you married her! She looks adorable.
  8. I had a very good experience with https://www.billtheradioguy.com/. Also, I think you might want to reconsider the update question. I opted for the FM option with an AUX channel. I can listen to FM and also ran a patch chord from the AUX jack into the glove box so I can hook up my phone (out of sight) and listen to whatever I want. I have no objection to improvements as long as they're invisible! Neil
  9. I would love to know the back-story on that photo!
  10. Magnificent building as backgroudn to such a nice car. Agreed. The "driver" is very cute, too, but you have to look closely!
  11. 😄 Good one! Those "eyebrows" over the headlights also need to go -- I never understood the point of those.
  12. I was just going to say the same thing -- that '61-'62 Chrysler "Flash Gordon" bubble dash is one of the all time greats. As the former owner of a '62 Newport, I would say this car looks like a great bargain!
  13. Yes, going by the color of the wires, you are correct! Could the owner have used red for negative and black for positive, just to confuse people? MoPars of that era were definitely positive ground.
  14. @uscgjason I agree with Ben. Jason, if you post your specific questions, I'm sure you will get some help. All of these GM cars were similar and you have access to a lot of knowledgeable people here even if you can't find a Pontiac expert.
  15. That's the only Buick I could see. I love the elegant '57 Mercury Colony Park wagon with the little boy hanging out the window. Not something you would see today!
  16. Looking really good, Dan! It's great that you were able to get that seat and have a nice visit and see some nice cars as well. Ain't this a great hobby?
  17. Good eye, Marty. Some Internet research indicates that is indeed Jayne, although I did not recognize her (despite the distinctive features mentioned by RivNut). 😄
  18. For sure. A '41, with a trailer hitch bolted onto the rear bumper. I guess that was a typical way of doing it back in those days, but it seems a little sketchy to me!
  19. Well, like everything else these days, the answer to my questions can be found on YouTube.
  20. Sure sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, but I guess from what Matt says that at least his Dad survived. Did the heater get gasoline from the main tank or did it have a separate tank that you had to fill? Also, didn't it stink to high heaven?
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