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neil morse

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Everything posted by neil morse

  1. Yes, going by the color of the wires, you are correct! Could the owner have used red for negative and black for positive, just to confuse people? MoPars of that era were definitely positive ground.
  2. @uscgjason I agree with Ben. Jason, if you post your specific questions, I'm sure you will get some help. All of these GM cars were similar and you have access to a lot of knowledgeable people here even if you can't find a Pontiac expert.
  3. That's the only Buick I could see. I love the elegant '57 Mercury Colony Park wagon with the little boy hanging out the window. Not something you would see today!
  4. Looking really good, Dan! It's great that you were able to get that seat and have a nice visit and see some nice cars as well. Ain't this a great hobby?
  5. Good eye, Marty. Some Internet research indicates that is indeed Jayne, although I did not recognize her (despite the distinctive features mentioned by RivNut). 😄
  6. For sure. A '41, with a trailer hitch bolted onto the rear bumper. I guess that was a typical way of doing it back in those days, but it seems a little sketchy to me!
  7. Well, like everything else these days, the answer to my questions can be found on YouTube.
  8. Sure sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, but I guess from what Matt says that at least his Dad survived. Did the heater get gasoline from the main tank or did it have a separate tank that you had to fill? Also, didn't it stink to high heaven?
  9. I don't know the answer for sure, but I'm thinking that since they used the same "C" bodies for the Super in both '40 and '41, the heater options were probably the same for both years. If that's the case, they offered an under seat heater and an under dash defroster. That's what my '41 has.
  10. Spectacular original interior on this one! I don't know Packards well, and wonder if the price is a bit high for what I gather is a "junior" car. But this looks like a very handsome and practical entry-level collector car.
  11. I love this photo, but I can't find the Buick. Did that crazy "car/plane" have a spinning prop on it that powered it? Or were the front or rear wheels powered? If it had a prop -- Yikes, what could possibly go wrong?
  12. This great shot really shows the evolution of body design in just two short years. As the transition was made from the 30's to the 40's, the headlights are placed directly into the fenders instead of mounted in separate pods, and the hood begins to blend into the fenders. By the end of the 40's, the "slab-sided" design was established and the distinction between hood and fenders was almost eliminated. (Well-illustrated by the shot of the '49 convertible, just above.)
  13. No, I think the fact that you do it for a living just means that you can't understand how some of us can enjoy the process! 😄
  14. I thought the reference to "I led 3 Lives" on the sign was interesting, so I checked it out. Fascinating story! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Philbrick Philbrick was an FBI informant who infiltrated the American Communist Party in the '40's and whose autobiography became the basis for the TV series in the 50's. Toward the end of his life, he ran a variety store in Rye Beach, New Hampshire. That's what's in the photo.
  15. Yes. It's a little confusing since the Letter Series cars continued to be made until 1965. So for '62 through '65, there were both "non-letter series" 300's and "letter series" 300's. As stated above, the letter series cars had much lower production numbers.
  16. Not to be confused with the 300 "Letter Series" cars. Starting in '62, the "300" designation replaced the "Windsor" nameplate. They made thousands of these as opposed to the very limited production "Letter Series" cars.
  17. Make them an offer. You might be surprised at what they would take. I am also very tempted by the Century, but have no place to put it. Keep in mind that you'll get those new Firestones -- a $600 investment according to the seller, when you include the the new tubes and mounting cost.
  18. Wow, a big cigar for @critterpainter! You nailed it!
  19. I just downloaded it and rotated it. There's no tool on the forum as far as I know. Good luck with your project -- looks like a lot of fun.
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